Race cars, patches, and karate uniforms.

How many patches do you prefer to wear on your uniform?

  • None at all... I don't need no stinkin' patches!

  • One, my association patch... and dat's all folks!

  • The number of patches required by my instructor, no more... no less.

  • As many as I can... Hell you can drive my Gi at the Daytona 500!!!

Results are only viewable after voting.

Billy Lear

What do you think of wearing patches on your uniform? I've seen some people wear so many patches that they look like their gunna take a corner at the Daytona 500. But, I've also encountered martial artsits that refuse to wear any patches. What are your thoughts? How many patches are enough?
What logo's would you wear and which one's would you avoid?

"I ain't wearing no twinky logo on my Gi!" :cool:
You'd wear depends and viagra patches, but no playtex logos? What kind of man are you? :eek:
Would you wear patces provided by the highest bidder, or patches that you feel are more in key with you on a personal level (i.e. moral, religious, or ethical views)? :confused:
Originally posted by Billy Lear
Would you wear patces provided by the highest bidder, or patches that you feel are more in key with you on a personal level (i.e. moral, religious, or ethical views)? :confused:
Why be either or? I would take the ones that are more in key with me on a highest bid basis. Of course, the higher the bid, the more in key with me they are.
Originally posted by Seig
Why be either or? I would take the ones that are more in key with me on a highest bid basis. Of course, the higher the bid, the more in key with me they are.

Spoken like a true business man.

Are there any areas on your Gi that would be off limits or would you have them stitched on anywhere? Does the price rise on certain spots of the Gi?

Curious... :confused:
No patches, but I wear the ones my dojo has as a must.
Right now it's just one patch one the left shoulder(and it's the dojo emblem)

That's OK, and enough for me.

I hate the x-mas tree look... (or as you called it daytona look).

Originally posted by Billy Lear
Spoken like a true business man.

Are there any areas on your Gi that would be off limits or would you have them stitched on anywhere? Does the price rise on certain spots of the Gi?

Curious... :confused:
Well, as the belly is the biggest area, it goes the cheapest. But off limit areas, I would probably have to defer to Tess. I doubt she would approve of me wearing the Enzyte or Viagra patch on the area that would be most appropriate.
I actually prefer no patches on my uniform, but the BJJ "NASCAR" look is pretty darned colorful!
we don't wear an American flag patch on our gis .. I wouldn't mind
being able to add it. But other than that, I just put on what my
instructor wants.
Originally posted by Kirk
we don't wear an American flag patch on our gis .. I wouldn't mind
being able to add it. But other than that, I just put on what my
instructor wants.

Does Mr. Abernathy prohibit the flag from being worn on your gi?
Originally posted by Billy Lear
Does Mr. Abernathy prohibit the flag from being worn on your gi?

No, not at all. He doesn't sell them though. I wouldn't know what
an appropriate size would be.
I have plain white uniforms (aka Sigung) and then the Blacks with all the bells and whistles - as per my association. I am the same way with belts. I wear the striped one so it gets broken in, but always preferred the plain jane.

Originally posted by Michael Billings
I have plain white uniforms (aka Sigung) and then the Blacks with all the bells and whistles - as per my association. I am the same way with belts. I wear the striped one so it gets broken in, but always preferred the plain jane.


I know that the idea of wearing stripes on the belt is not very popular in some circles these days. Do you dislike the stripes because you think people are rank happy these days, or do you just like the way the plain one looks?

Billy :asian:
There was one person I met a while back whose "uniform" (if you could refer to it as that) was something right out of The Last Dragon... Sho' Nuff would have been proud.

In one version, he wore a turtleneck shirt under a black judogi top festooned with a patch on each chest area, and several on each sleeve. This, combined with the black hakama (in a traditionally non-hakama wearing art) and the earring really looked... impressive. :rolleyes:

In a version worn for demonstrations, he wore the same black turtleneck shirt under a red satin vest cut in a Japanese style, with patches on both chest areas. Black karate pants with patches on the legs and Century fingerless gloves completed that ensemble.

I wear my black judogi with plain black belt and our association patch... at least I would wear my association patch if I ever got off my dead a$$ and got it sewn on...

:asian: :tank: :asian:
I have no patches on my GI. I could wear a Bujinkan Kyu patch, but I choose not to...

I do have some of my martial arts patches on my Leather Jacket, however... ;)