Race cars, patches, and karate uniforms.

How many patches do you prefer to wear on your uniform?

  • None at all... I don't need no stinkin' patches!

  • One, my association patch... and dat's all folks!

  • The number of patches required by my instructor, no more... no less.

  • As many as I can... Hell you can drive my Gi at the Daytona 500!!!

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I have washed my belts in the past also. Sometimes it was just to break in the stiffness of the belts or in case they smelled a little funny.:D
If it were my world, I would dump the American flag because America is signified already by the Red, White and Blue on the our crest. Also I would dump the "Ed Parker's Kenpo" patch...again, it's mentioned by our crest what we study. The Crest, Universal, WLA rocker and UKS rocker seems fine.


I sniffed my belt tonight.. (ok anyone who laughs at me.. gets to meet 'The Queen of Pain' first hand :) And nada ~! Not one odiferous smell.. I then passed it around and nobody's belt smelled.. *shrugs* we sweat .. but guess not enough to go through our heavyweights or middleweight gi's to reach the belt..
I dunno..
Well, I'm not passing any judgement on your workouts or anything, but... ;)

I manage to soak through a double weave judogi each and every time I workout, so much so that my belt is about 50% soaked as well, front to back.

But then again, fat guys like me sweat easy...

And Tess, did anybody actually see you sniffing your belt? That'd be something I wouldn't do in public... :rofl:

:asian: :tank: :asian:
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
Well, I'm not passing any judgement on your workouts or anything, but... ;)

I manage to soak through a double weave judogi each and every time I workout, so much so that my belt is about 50% soaked as well, front to back.

But then again, fat guys like me sweat easy...

And Tess, did anybody actually see you sniffing your belt? That'd be something I wouldn't do in public... :rofl:

:asian: :tank: :asian:
We all sweat heavily. No we do not wash the belts, we wear them until they either wear out, or we get promoted. I was a first and second degree for so long that my belt turned grey. I got a new one when I made third. I was given an embrodiered one by my sister for my birthday, so I wear it. When it wears out or I get promoted, which should be neck and neck, I will get a new one, and I won't wash it either. I'm not really sure where the tradition started, but about 20 years ago, I had an instructor chew me out for washing my belt. His chewing outs usually involved a lot of sweat and a lot of pain....never again....
Originally posted by Seig
We all sweat heavily. No we do not wash the belts, we wear them until they either wear out, or we get promoted. I was a first and second degree for so long that my belt turned grey. I got a new one when I made third. I was given an embrodiered one by my sister for my birthday, so I wear it. When it wears out or I get promoted, which should be neck and neck, I will get a new one, and I won't wash it either. I'm not really sure where the tradition started, but about 20 years ago, I had an instructor chew me out for washing my belt. His chewing outs usually involved a lot of sweat and a lot of pain....never again....

Ew! :p
Is it weird to to just Dye your belt for each new rank color?

I know... this sounds odd... But we only use four colors... and I dyed my white belt green, and I was planning on dying it brown after the green...

It never seemed all that weird to me, but listening to all this talk about belts and washing them...
Originally posted by Technopunk
Is it weird to to just Dye your belt for each new rank color?

I know... this sounds odd... But we only use four colors... and I dyed my white belt green, and I was planning on dying it brown after the green...

It never seemed all that weird to me, but listening to all this talk about belts and washing them...

Most people I've met that have been in MA in the late 60's (in the
U.S.) had no choice but to dye theirs. I was told they'd wash it
first in light bleach, and then dye it to the new color.
Originally posted by Kirk
Most people I've met that have been in MA in the late 60's (in the
U.S.) had no choice but to dye theirs. I was told they'd wash it
first in light bleach, and then dye it to the new color.

Huh, very interesting. I've never heard that before.
Originally posted by Kirk
Most people I've met that have been in MA in the late 60's (in the
U.S.) had no choice but to dye theirs. I was told they'd wash it
first in light bleach, and then dye it to the new color.

I've never heard that one before either. :confused:
I know someone who does the belt dyeing thing. I never got the impresion it was uncommon but not unheard of.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
It takes all kinds to make the world go round.

I guess that includes you... Get out and push!:D
Originally posted by Seig
Hold on Speedo boy, you should be the one pushing! Or if not pushing, at least running really fast in that snazzy swimwear!

:ladysman: You just wanna check me out. :kiss: *Boot to the groin*