Pre-fight jitters


White Belt
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Does anyone else get ridiculously stressed/nervous before a fight or comp?

If so, how do you deal with it/overcome it?

I'm not talking about an actual fear of being harmed or anything girly like that, but more 'performance anxiety', fear of failure that sort of thing.

I used to throw up before rugby matches and it's that sort of thing - basically a massive adrenaline spike that seems to sap most of my cardio.
After al these year I still have them the jitters that is, for me I try to just not think about it I play gentle smoothing music strecth and sometime just do some drawing on a napkin. It works for me.
I tend to get really stressed before a match. How I deal with it is warming up properly, breathing (I know that sounds dumb, but it is really important), and making sure all the little details are taken care of so when it comes time to go, I'm ready without being flustered.

If I run through a few basic drills before competing it reassures me and spend a little time pummeling with someone I trust, it makes me feel confident and ready. If you warm up too hard or not at all you run the risk of peaking too early or massive adrenaline dump in the midst of your first match.

Just remember, it isn't life or death, it is just a competition. Relax, learn and enjoy.
Hello, The butterflies we get in our stomach is NORMAL feelings. Just about everyone gets them, especially if you care about how you will do.

The last time I was in a Tournment, All the other Black Belts near me was standing close to each other...I just mention I feel nervious (butterflies)...they all said the same thing too!

No matter how many times you go up...the butterflies will enjoy flying...but once you are on the floor....focus on what you need to do...things will work out.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------Somethings you can do first:
Stretch and think about what techniques you want to set-up...focus on what you want to accomplish.

Hit/Slap your self..shoulders, chest,thighs,arms...this help prepare you for battles. (football player do this before starting a game)...THIS WORKS!!!

Wear something red on you (because of our coming from Caveman days-seeing blood...the color red will make you more aggressive.

Breath deeply, inhaleing the good air...exhaling the bad air...SLOWLY..several times...

As you get more experience's going on the stage/ will get a little more easy...........enjoy and have fun.........Aloha
I listen to my ipod, and get myself pumped up. Any music with a good beat will do.

Basically I try not to think about being nervous and think about what I'm gonna do in my fight.

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