Posture & Power

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Now , i have to go Canada for couple of minutes chi sao? Really? You are putting others in front of you , why? Are you afraid ? you aren't afraid for them? Aren't they your students or friends? How come, if you consider me as threat , do not care about the safety of your students but deliberately directing me to them? This clearly shows what kind of person you are .Like i said , i don't follow sergio , nor other people on FB , just my friends and family , but i will check


Read your post number 15 in this thread. You ask for Sergio.
Stop playing with words, Sergio is in Taiwan and i have tell you for days.

Any of my student can handle you with ease. That is the bottom line
Navin even volumtee for it.
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Since post 15 this person is direct and indirectly challenge me, even though I try my best to avoid confrontation with him so you guys don't accuse of me or give me warning when I response to challenge. But you guys never step in when others challenge me.

Now , i have to go Canada for couple of minutes chi sao? Really? You are putting others in front of you , why? Are you afraid ?

you aren't afraid for them? Aren't they your students or friends? How come, if you consider me as threat , do not care about the safety of your students but deliberately directing me to them?

This clearly shows what kind of person you are .Like i said , i don't follow sergio , nor other people on FB , just my friends and family , but i will check
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copied from Zuti's post #15: " Is it possible to meet you or sergio or robert ...and touch hands ? "

Hendrik, how else is he supposed to phrase it so you are not feeling threatened????????? His post #15 seems pretty calm and nonthreatening if you ask me.
Was he supposed to use words like "pretty please", "may I", or "I'd be honored to meet/touch hands with..." ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Oh, and "touch hands" is pretty standard terminology in the wide wing chun community.

My advise for you is to not comment before you know what is what

My gosh. Where do I begin My comments are not directed at Navin as a person who I met once in Toronto( we did not chi sao). I did share briefly with him a wing chun defense against some one coming in low.. First I am glad that Navin thinks that his wing chun has improved and that he has learned something from Hendrik.

Of course Navin did not train with Ip Man.Navin's first teacher learned from a Moy Yat student who built a chain of schools in Canada. Further to the best of my knowledge Moy Yat did not do regular chi sao with Ip Man. Even his knowledge of the kwan it seems was based on Ip Man using chop sticks at a dim sum joint.I think that Navin's comment on Ip Man and his wing chun is based on very incomplete information.

Six core elements? They are variously stated and restated under different labels a s harmonies or equivalents in neijia arts. Videos list them often.
Again- ok to learn whatever from whoever-but it is silly to hold Ip Man responsible for ones own shortcomings.Good night folks

One of the problems is that since Ip Man died all kinds of claims to authority has grown like mushrooms specially via Youtube. Success has thousand fathers.
Kwan sau,

Read all his posts.

And I would appreciate if you stay out of this.

copied from Zuti's post #15: " Is it possible to meet you or sergio or robert ...and touch hands ? "

Hendrik, how else is he supposed to phrase it so you are not feeling threatened????????? His post #15 seems pretty calm and nonthreatening if you ask me.
Was he supposed to use words like "pretty please", "may I", or "I'd be honored to meet/touch hands with..." ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Oh, and "touch hands" is pretty standard terminology in the wide wing chun community.
Kwan sau, And I would appreciate if you stay out of this.

Careful with that tone...I might feel threatened and send posts to an Admin. :nailbiting:
Hendrik, this is AMERICA, and this is a public forum...I wasn't being rude...just stating some obvious observations. nuff said dude.

Please keep this thread civil.

Further uncivil behavior will result in the issuance of penalty points that can lead to the suspension, or banning, of your account.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Administrator
My comments are not directed at Navin as a person who I met once in Toronto( we did not chi sao). I did share briefly with him a wing chun defense against some one coming in low..
I appreciate that Joy, and I do remember you sharing a wing chun defense against some one coming in low. I can honestly say I enjoyed the conversations we had over coffee with my sihing Roy, however you are inaccurate about a few things in your post.

Navin's first teacher learned from a Moy Yat student who built a chain of schools in Canada.
My first wing chun teacher was a senior student of Moy Yat's from Hong Kong, his name is Sunny Tang (Dunn wah), he did not learned from a Moy Yat student. In fact He was Yip Man's Nabour. He drove Yip Man to the Teahouse on a nightly basis where various members of the wing chun clan gathered and hang out including Moy Yat, WSL, TST, Tang Sang and others. Sifu had a good relationship with Yip Man, but due to tradition he could only call one person in the same wing chun linage sifu, that person was Moy Yat. although he had many opportunies to interact with Yip Man directly, Yip Man gave my sifu the nick name "The Rock" due to his reputation as a fighter. In fact other senior students of Moy Yat's switched over to learn directly from Yip Man such as Sam Lau, but sifu remained loyal to Moy Yat due to his respect for him as a great teacher whom had profound understanding of Yip Man's art. If you ask any of Yip Man's senior students, they would tell you Yip did not like to repeat things, if you got great, if you didn't he would move on. Yip Man liked Moy Yat due to the fact that Moy Yat was a very intelligent guy who could pick up right away what Yip Man was trying to impart to him right. Moy Yat would often say " wing chun is not for stupid people", he was not trying to insult anyone, but was trying to point out how simple the system is, which is very profound.

Further to the best of my knowledge Moy Yat did not do regular chi sao with Ip Man. Even his knowledge of the kwan it seems was based on Ip Man using chop sticks at a dim sum joint.I think that Navin's comment on Ip Man and his wing chun is based on very incomplete information.
Perhaps Moy Yat didn't do chi sao in public with Yip Man, but he had plenty of opportunities behind closed doors as a deciple of Yip Man's. Moy Yat was Yip Ching's direct training partner so I am sure he would have have plenty of opportunities when Yip Man was correcting his son. Moy Yat's Kwan is the exact same sequence as Yip Ching's, he must have been a genius to pick that up using chop sticks at a dim sum. lol

Six core elements? They are variously stated and restated under different labels a s harmonies or equivalents in neijia arts. Videos list them often.
6 harmonies and 6 core elements are different things:

Six harmonies

Deals with the 3 pairings of joints:
1) The hands harmonize with the feet.
2) The hips harmonize with the shoulders.
3) The elbows harmonize with the knees.

6 Core Elements

1. Physical Body (Joints, Muscle) Biomechanics
2. Mind (Thinking, Intention, Visualizations, Awareness)
3. Breathing (Lower Abdominal Breathing)
4. Qi (Grow, Flow, Bio-Mechanical Bio-Electrical)
5. Jin (Force Flow, Force Path, Action-Reaction Force)
6. Momentum (Movement Handling, Tendency of Movement)

it is silly to hold Ip Man responsible for ones own shortcomings.

Joy, My comment about what Yip Man passed on is not solely based upon Moy Yat's linage, I spent 10 years exploring what Yip Man taught to his various senior students including WSL, TST, Duncan Leung, Allan Lee, William cheung, as well as your wck God Ho Kam Ming and some of his last match of deciples in Toronto etc., None of them have force flow or the wealth of knowledge that Hendrik has. Why do you think even Robert Chu and others are now learning from him after their spending decades investment into Yip Man wck. Robert has met and trained with the who's who in yip man wing chun including those i mentioned above.
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My gosh. Where do I begin My comments are not directed at Navin as a person who I met once in Toronto( we did not chi sao). I did share briefly with him a wing chun defense against some one coming in low.. First I am glad that Navin thinks that his wing chun has improved and that he has learned something from Hendrik.

Of course Navin did not train with Ip Man.Navin's first teacher learned from a Moy Yat student who built a chain of schools in Canada. Further to the best of my knowledge Moy Yat did not do regular chi sao with Ip Man. Even his knowledge of the kwan it seems was based on Ip Man using chop sticks at a dim sum joint.I think that Navin's comment on Ip Man and his wing chun is based on very incomplete information.

Six core elements? They are variously stated and restated under different labels a s harmonies or equivalents in neijia arts. Videos list them often.
Again- ok to learn whatever from whoever-but it is silly to hold Ip Man responsible for ones own shortcomings.Good night folks

One of the problems is that since Ip Man died all kinds of claims to authority has grown like mushrooms specially via Youtube. Success has thousand fathers.
I appreciate that Joy, and I do remember you sharing a wing chun defense against some one coming in low. I can honestly say I enjoyed the conversations we had over coffee with my sihing Roy, however you are inaccurate about a few things in your post.

My first wing chun teacher was a senior student of Moy Yat's from Hong Kong, his name is Sunny Tang (Dunn wah), he did not learned from a Moy Yat student. In fact He was Yip Man's Nabour. He drove Yip Man to the Teahouse on a nightly basis where various members of the wing chun clan gathered and hang out including Moy Yat, WSL, TST, Tang Sang and others. Sifu had a good relationship with Yip Man, but due to tradition he could only call one person in the same wing chun linage sifu, that person was Moy Yat. although he had many opportunies to interact with Yip Man directly, Yip Man gave my sifu the nick name "The Rock" due to his reputation as a fighter. In fact other senior students of Moy Yat's switched over to learn directly from Yip Man such as Sam Lau, but sifu remained loyal to Moy Yat due to his respect for him as a great teacher whom had profound understanding of Yip Man's art. If you ask any of Yip Man's senior students, they would tell you Yip did not like to repeat things, if you got great, if you didn't he would move on. Yip Man liked Moy Yat due to the fact that Moy Yat was a very intelligent guy who could pick up right away what Yip Man was trying to impart to him right. Moy Yat would often say " wing chun is not for stupid people", he was not trying to insult anyone, but was trying to point out how simple the system is, which is very profound.

Perhaps Moy Yat didn't do chi sao in public with Yip Man, but he had plenty of opportunities behind closed doors as a deciple of Yip Man's. Moy Yat was Yip Ching's direct training partner so I am sure he would have have plenty of opportunities when Yip Man was correcting his son. Moy Yat's Kwan is the exact same sequence as Yip Ching's, he must have been a genius to pick that up using chop sticks at a dim sum. lol

6 harmonies and 6 core elements are different things:

Six harmonies

Deals with the 3 pairings of joints:
1) The hands harmonize with the feet.
2) The hips harmonize with the shoulders.
3) The elbows harmonize with the knees.

6 Core Elements

1. Physical Body (Joints, Muscle) Biomechanics
2. Mind (Thinking, Intention, Visualizations, Awareness)
3. Breathing (Lower Abdominal Breathing)
4. Qi (Grow, Flow, Bio-Mechanical Bio-Electrical)
5. Jin (Force Flow, Force Path, Action-Reaction Force)
6. Momentum (Movement Handling, Tendency of Movement)

Joy, My comment about what Yip Man passed on is not solely based upon Moy Yat's linage, I spent 10 years exploring what Yip Man taught to his various senior students including WSL, TST, Duncan Leung, Allan Lee, William cheung, as well as your wck God Ho Kam Ming and some of his last match of deciples in Toronto etc., None of them have force flow or the wealth of knowledge that Hendrik has. Why do you think even Robert Chu and others are now learning from him after their spending decades investment into Yip Man wck. Robert has met and trained with the who's who in yip man wing chun including those i mentioned above.
FWIW- see Mike Sigman's essay on "internal strength" where he talks among other things of 3 internal harmonies as part of 6 in internal work.
Lotsof lifting without crediting is unfortunately part of the media driven world.Seriously, Robert and I used to argue years ago but we gave that up-a good idea. You can believe what you want to and name drop all you want to..
FWIW- see Mike Sigman's essay on "internal strength" where he talks among other things of 3 internal harmonies as part of 6 in internal work.
Lotsof lifting without crediting is unfortunately part of the media driven world.Seriously, Robert and I used to argue years ago but we gave that up-a good idea. You can believe what you want to and name drop all you want to..

Many years ago, I bought Mike Sigman's How to do internal strength DVD's, What he discusses on the DVD's is Tai chi's Peng jing which he refers to as ground reaction force, So I am very familar with his work, this is very different to wck snake engine force flow.
Many years ago, I bought Mike Sigman's How to do internal strength DVD's, What he discusses on the DVD's is Tai chi's Peng jing which he refers to as ground reaction force, So I am very familar with his work, this is very different to wck snake engine force flow.

ah no, peng jing is not ground reaction force. I have never read anything from Mike Sigman but if that is what he said he is incorrect. However Chen Xiaowang is not incorrect

The best peng jin is the energy which circulates to every portion of the body. It is not too much and not too little. It is just the right amount. Then that person has very good peng jin. - Chen Xiaowang

It can also be referred to as expanding energy or inflatable energy but it is not ground reaction force.
FWIW- see Mike Sigman's essay on "internal strength" where he talks among other things of 3 internal harmonies as part of 6 in internal work.
Please provide the link!

ah no, peng jing is not ground reaction force. I have never read anything from Mike Sigman but if that is what he said he is incorrect. However Chen Xiaowang is not incorrect
It can also be referred to as expanding energy or inflatable energy but it is not ground reaction force.
Here are the two complete Mike Sigman DVD's that i have:
[EDIT: Links removed due to copyright violation - Dirty Dog]
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ah no, peng jing is not ground reaction force. I have never read anything from Mike Sigman but if that is what he said he is incorrect. However Chen Xiaowang is not incorrect

It can also be referred to as expanding energy or inflatable energy but it is not ground reaction force.
Agree! You can have Peng Jing while you are sitting on a chair without feet touching the ground.
FWIW- see Mike Sigman's essay on "internal strength" where he talks among other things of 3 internal harmonies as part of 6 in internal work.
Lotsof lifting without crediting is unfortunately part of the media driven world.Seriously, Robert and I used to argue years ago but we gave that up-a good idea. You can believe what you want to and name drop all you want to..
Agree! You can have Peng Jing while you are sitting on a chair without feet touching the ground.
True! but that's because the legs of the chair is still connected to the ground and transmitting GRF to and from the ground lol
if i wanted to challenge you i would ...
IMO, a challenge can be in many different format. For example, if you can hit me in the 1st 20 punches, you win that round, otherwise, you lose that round. test this for 15 rounds and whoever wins more than 7 rounds will be the winner. Since you are testing your offense skill and I'm testing my defense skill, the challenge can be friendly and will never be out of control. If you know that I'm not going to hit you back, you are not trying to kill me with your punches.
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True! but that's because the legs of the chair is still connected to the ground and transmitting GRF to and from the ground lol
By applying your definition, any body movement can be called as Peng Jing since we all have our body connected to the ground either directly or indirectly. The Lu, Ji, and An all have feet on the ground too.

Read your post number 15 in this thread. You ask for Sergio.
Stop playing with words, Sergio is in Taiwan and i have tell you for days.

Any of my student can handle you with ease. That is the bottom line
Navin even volumtee for it.
Now this is threat , will moderation do something about this ?. It is interesting , you personally are afraid to even meet people for a friendly practice but you have no problem to create confrontation between me and him put your student in a situation which can be very uncomfortable situation .You behavior is very interesting and I am surprised that people who follow you fail to see that .You can send your student here to handle me with ease , because I really can't come easy to Canada or USA .
ah no, peng jing is not ground reaction force. I have never read anything from Mike Sigman but if that is what he said he is incorrect. However Chen Xiaowang is not incorrect

It can also be referred to as expanding energy or inflatable energy but it is not ground reaction force.

I am having trouble accessing this site with my old computer. Don't know how to use the new one yet.
But enough of this thread for me.
Hendrik, what I showed is EXACTLY what you described on more than one video as the difference between the "mechanical" and the "hydraulic" models. You clearly indicated in your videos that the difference was up close and short range with short power compared to further out with more extended punches and "long arm" power. You've said that more than once. That is what I showed in my video. Is that "snake engine"? I don't know. I said only that it is what YOU described as the "hydraulic" model. Look, I've been trying to help you out and support you, but you seem to be your own worse enemy when it comes to these things. You could have easily said..."yes! Keith has a good grasp of the hydraulic model! But this is only the surface level. There is more to it than can be easily seen in a video." But you didn't. Instead you say "what you post is not what I shared"......"you can't grasp it because your body is not develop for it." At every turn you seem to work against yourself, and I don't think you can even see that. It's a shame, because I truly believe there is something in what you are saying. But it suffers from your presentation.
It's different because you are not on his level and never will be. So just give up. Jk!

Your video I found way more interesting than any video I've ever seen him post. I'm a subscriber and his videos are usually long over drawn out lectures about the same thing just packaged slightly different each time. At least you are actually doing something in your video and demonstrating some sort of applicable use to this snake head engine.

My only criticism is your boxing sucks. No offense... But I train with good boxers that don't over commit and use boxing in a tight packaged forward intent, centerline kinda way. Sort of like Wing Chun. I wish one day people will realize good fighting is good fighting regardless of style. Oh yeah and I wish for world piece too!
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