Possible to fight with bad knee?


White Belt
Nov 15, 2007
Reaction score
I have a bad knee that seems to go out on me rather easily, usually when I pivot in one place too much on that leg or twist it. Anyways, is it still possible to fight with such a knee? I went to doctor on multiple occasions and all they said was maybe it will heal maybe it won't and indeed it has not. They said maybe I need to do physio therapy, does that actually help? I have not tried that yet. Also are there any good knee braces that are usable in a competative fight?
Just be real careful...Jacked up my knee on duty and going through therapy now...Those braces real don't do all that much good according to the LPT..I'm having problem just walking...This post is not much help..
I would say no.

You have to pivot at the knee a lot in thaiboxing...not to mention the fact that you will be taking leg kicks to that area.

Give it some time to heel bro.....you only get one body after all.

I broke my right a bone in my right hand this time last year and have continued to train with it...it still hasnt heal properly and I know if i had take the correct amount of time off instead of being stubborn it would not be hurting me now.
What exactly is wrong with your knee? Ligament and/or cartilage tear? Knee cap problem?
I have a real bad knee and have been doing PT on it for about 3 months. It's stronger now but one leg kick and I would be back to zero.

Without any real information its hard to give advice but my personal instincts say to give it time to heal. My knee is as bad as it is today because I was a stubborn kid who wouldn't wait for it to heal (27yrs ago).

Good luck on you recovery.
Just be real careful...Jacked up my knee on duty and going through therapy now...Those braces real don't do all that much good according to the LPT..I'm having problem just walking...This post is not much help..
I actually do use a compression brace when my knee is bothering me. It probably provides very little direct physical support -- but it does remind me not to be too stupid!