Positve Psychology


Master of Arts
May 19, 2010
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Under an Oaktree
Hi I am taking a course in what is called Positve Psychology.


Do you think this is a fad in Psychology like the book The secret? Do you think it is a great way to examine Psychology and progress towards therapy?

I personally find Positve Psychology to have some great ideas and some things I disagree with. I wanted to present it maybe someone finds it interesting or like to share their thoughts about it.
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Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
Hi I am taking a course in what is called Positve Psychology.


Do you think this is a fad in Psychology like the book The secret? Do you think it is a great way to examine Psychology and progress towards therapy?

I personally find Positve Psychology to have some great ideas and some things I disagree with. I wanted to present it maybe someone finds it interesting or like to share their thoughts about it.

I kind of backed into this today via an old Psychology book talking about Learned Helplessness and researching that I came across positive Psychology. I do not think it is a fad it is a graduate degree at the College of Liberal and Professional Studies at The University of Pennsylvania.

I am way to early in my looking into this to really say much but it appears to be an interesting approach that may actually do some good, but beyond that I can't say much at this time but I'm still reading about it so I will get back to you


And then I found this.. just a few minutes ago actually

I have to say I had a thought this morning, after reading about Learned Helplessness and before I read anything about Positive Psychology, that I am hesitant to even mention because even I think it borders on Conspiracy Theory stuff… the above link kind of supports it but then it could just be another conspiracy theory
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Master of Arts
May 19, 2010
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Under an Oaktree
Thank you for the article Xue.
These are some key things that I had problems with Positive Psychology
The belief that by thinking about things, by visualizing them, by wanting them, we can make them happen is magical thinking. The purpose, structure and goals of the corporation can never be questioned. To question, to engage in criticism of the corporate collective, is to be obstructive and negative

It argues that we attract those things in life, whether it is money, relationships or employment, which we focus on. Suddenly, abused and battered wives or children, the unemployed, the depressed and mentally ill, the illiterate, the lonely, those grieving for lost loved ones, those crushed by poverty, the terminally ill, those fighting with addictions, those suffering from trauma, those trapped in menial and poorly paid jobs, those whose homes are in foreclosure or who are filing for bankruptcy because they cannot pay their medical bills, are to blame for their negativity

Another problem I had with Positve Psychology was the idea of a Realist is considered a Pessimist which is no where near the defination of a Pessimist:
re·al·ist (r
n. 1. One who is inclined to literal truth and pragmatism.
2. A practitioner of artistic or philosophic realism.

/ Show Spelled[pes-uh-mist] Show IPA
–noun 1. a person who habitually sees or anticipates the worst or is disposed to be gloomy.

It is interesting to compare Brain washing techniques and Positve Psychology
Any idealogy taken to the extreme and refuses to listen to criticism is a form of brain washing:

I think Positve Psychology does have some useful input just as previous Psychology even Freud's theory has some useful input the problem is when dealing with absolutes because only Sith's deal with Absolutes and Extremes.
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Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
I have done more reading and I am at the point where I am starting to think this is basically old rehashed “The power of positive thinking” Stuff. And to be honest at this point I am more incline to go with Mindfulness or making one’s self aware of the reality of the situation and going from there than believing that If I am happy things will get better…. No, no they won’t… however being able to maintain some level of happiness (whatever happiness is) or calmness during bad times will help IMO.

I to believe Positive Psychology can have its merits but at this point I am also beginning to feel that it would be REAL easy to change it to something not so good and teach people that they are helpless “Learned Helplessness” and then they are real easy to control. That right there is where I begin to ½ believe I am edging on conspiracy theory… but that leave ½ that is not so sure it is not what is going on these days.

And I have to say that Realist does not equal Pessimist but you have to admit it is a great way to undermine someone’s position if you are arguing for Positive Psychology… just label them as Pessimist and move on.


OOPS… I forgot to add this link

Learned helplessness
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Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
OK I will admit I may be missing something here but it sounds as if in Positive Psychology that it is ok to blame others for your problems. Is that correct?

It is also discussing Learned Helplessness and saying that it is ok to say it is not all my fault and in saying that you will feel better. Is that correct?

If so that goes against what I am reading in Health Psychology as a way to recover from learned helplessness. They are saying that taking responsibility for your situation helps you find ways out and thereby giving you better ways to cope and since you are now in some small way in control you are no lno9ger helpless.

But then I could have it all wrong here, I am not a psychologist and I could be interpreting things incorrectly

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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I have a better psychological outlook. I call it "Get Over It." Life sucks. Things are unfair. People are cruel and mean. Nobody cares about your pain, your interests, your goals, your loves and your fears. Yeah, all true. Now get over it.

It's been working for me for nearly 50 years. Life sucks, wear a helmet. Get over it.

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
I have a better psychological outlook. I call it "Get Over It." Life sucks. Things are unfair. People are cruel and mean. Nobody cares about your pain, your interests, your goals, your loves and your fears. Yeah, all true. Now get over it.

It's been working for me for nearly 50 years. Life sucks, wear a helmet. Get over it.

Been there done that...still doing it..... However I am not of the belief that life sucks...I am of the belief that people want to be strapped in and protected all the time though.

But we are talking about the new stuff called "Positive Psychology" as compared to what I have recently been reading about learned helplessness. I'm not really looking for a cure for any psychological issue this is just curiosity, comparison and looking at the validity of "Positive Psychology"

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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Been there done that...still doing it..... However I am not of the belief that life sucks...I am of the belief that people want to be strapped in and protected all the time though.

But we are talking about the new stuff called "Positive Psychology" as compared to what I have recently been reading about learned helplessness. I'm not really looking for a cure for any psychological issue this is just curiosity, comparison and looking at the validity of "Positive Psychology"

Well, I looked at the first link - to Wikipedia. I have to say - it dissolves into what I would refer to as psychobabble. I get the concept; more or less; but I find myself shaking my head fairly quickly. I think it takes a certain point of view to find any of that stuff meaningful. I mean:

"We believe that a psychology of positive human functioning will arise that achieves a scientific understanding and effective interventions to build thriving in individuals, families, and communities."[1] Positive psychologists seek "to find and nurture genius and talent", and "to make normal life more fulfilling",[2] not simply to treat mental illness. The emerging field of Positive Psychology is intended to complement, not to replace traditional psychology.

Make normal life more fulfilling? Ah, yeah. I call it 'get over it'. Life is what you make it. How hard is that? I find that very hard to wrap my head around.


Master of Arts
May 19, 2010
Reaction score
Under an Oaktree
There is some truth to Positive Psychology even those who are critics of it in the Psychology world. The concept is not new just the methods of putting it together in Psychology is new.

It does have some value but time will tell how good it really works.
Also Positve psychology is not for everyone it is just another tool that may be
something that could help people.

For me there are things I like and things I disagree with.

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