poll for black belts..

how long do you wear your black belt.

  • I keep the original and add stripes for each (rank/degree) dan i go up

  • I get a new one for each dan (rank/degree).

  • I get a new one ever month or when it gets dirty, wich ever comes first

  • I have worn out too many to count

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Green Belt
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Rhode Island
this is a poll for black belts...

i was woundering how long you keep your belts.. do you still wear the original one you got for 1st degree and just add on stripes?

do you get a new one for each rank you earn?

do you wear them out till you need a new one?
I had the same color belt all the way through and just dyed it. I have a new Black belt and am just adding stripes. Red electric tape to be exact.:ultracool
The first black belt that I was given was a narrow Centrury belt. I then bought a 2" belt which was stollen out of my truck after about a year. I replaced it with another 2" belt from Century that I had for roughly three years before someone pointed out to me that it was turning green. I can't remember who makes it but the belt I have now, I have kept for six years. I was a third degree when I bought it and have since added a stripe when I was promoted to fourth. My stripes are embroidered on.
I still have my original and the one I wear now I just added the stripes to it, my favorite belt is one that has no stripes and it had white electris tape on it,it does have the tape anymore but I still wear the belt.
I have my original one, and since I haven't tested and have no intention of testing again, I'll just keep wearing it until it falls apart.
The belt I wear now I purchased at Shureido when I was in Okinawa. Hopefully this year if all goes as planned I will be returning to Okinawa and will purchase another belt. Kind of like a memory marker for me. It is just a plain black belt with no kanji or stripes. But when I look at it the memories are always there.

In the spirit of bushido!

I don't still wear my original BB (It's more than 20 years old). When I test next week, I will get another stripe added to my current belt. My favorite belt doesn't have stripes on it. I'll wear that much more often after my 4th Dan test in a few years.
i receive a new belt for each rank. but i have one i wear to teach in (which was a gift received between ranks). of the other three, one i keep in my office and the other were given as gifts. one to my parents and one to my first black belt.
I just use the same old one. If it wears out, I can always use my green belt. :p

Most of the time, I don't wear a belt.
I've worn out a bunch of 'em, but the origonal I kept after it was no longer usable and put it in a display case with my first two gold medals and an officers Kukri I recieved as a gift.
Hello, In our system, testing for Black Belts is twice a year. The Professor and his top Instructors are present and helps with the testing.

If you pass ,the Professor gives you a NEW Black belt, (from 1st to 3rd degree, has chinese lettering and stripes added)

For 4th Degrees -7th Degrees. Black belts have a thin red borders,chinese lettering. ( a new belt with each promotions).

Our 8th degrees ( A very special made belts, is red and white bands,chinese lettering.)

Our Professor wears a Gold Belt with red borders. (He has been using this belt for a very long time and looks very worn out.)

Colors of belts only means you reach a certain level in your own system.
Each system will have there own requirements.

Colors and (Black Belts)....Use to be..you were an awesome fighter..to day? ..who knows......Aloha

ps: Like a College degree...you met the requirements...but not neccessay a knowledgeable or very skill person in your school. (many times just met the minumun requirements is all you need to get a college degree)..
I still have and wear on ocassion the belt my Sensei gave me in 1991. Has Yudansha written in kanji, no stripes.

I have another BB that I wear most of the time. Nothing on it, no writing, no stripes.
We wear the same belt for 1st through 3rd dan, and then receive a new one at 4th dan (master) and wear that until.... I don't know when I guess!! Probably until it is too worn out to wear.

This is assuming you don't out grow your belt of course.
I test for 1st degree when I was 10.
At 15 I was a second, but got a new belt that fit a little better.
I have worn that belt for the last 9 years (2nd and 3rd dan)
and if all goes well, I'll be receiving a new belt in April after my fourth dan test. :)

I also have a plain black belt I wear at times, but I generally wear my kukkiwan belt, as that is the belt my master tied on me. The plain ones don't have any emotional meaning in it for me, so I'll wear and stop wearing those without any concern.
No, don't have the original black belt from my being promoted to 1st Dan.

No, I don't get a new one when I get promoted.

I have no stripes on my belt, I get new ones when the old ones look old or as happens more often than not I get to fat to wear the old ones. Uh, did I say that out loud?
I know I'm not a black belt but I'll answer for our club, for each Dan rank the belts are embroidered with the rank on the end in gold thread, and they get a new belt presented at each rank.
Normally in class I wear my oldest,(still in 1 piece), non ranked belt. At formal events I will wear the "pretty" belt.
I'm not a BB either, but I've had my red belt for so dang long that I think I can answer the belt part of the question. I was a 2nd gup for a year. When I tested for 1st gup, I didn't get a new belt, just a thick black stripe on the right side of my belt. That was a little over a year ago. It's starting to fade (it's starting to look orange instead of red), so I'm thinking of buying a new one.

As far as the BB's, they get a new belt with every new rank.
I still have and wear my original BB, but not all of the time. Once I hit Go-dan I was awarded a "Masters" belt and I often sometimes it. I like it, but I don't consider it an everyday wear. I also have a BB with my rank stripes on it. It is the one I wear the most.
I've got my original BB from the first system, I've since B Belted in 3 other systems and still have all of them...., somewhere. I haven't worn a belt for training in over 15 years, don't have any stripes or anything embroidered on any of them. I don't train with a gi so I don't need a belt to hold the top closed and the belts don't mean anything to me. The training and experiences do but the belts only get in the way. I don't need nor want the display for myself or for others.

So yes I do still have my original BB... somewhere!

Danny T