planned attack on a recruiting station

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx

SEATTLE (AP) — Two men have been arrested in a plot to use machine guns and grenades in an attack on a military recruiting station in Seattle that also houses a daycare, the U.S. Justice Department said Thursday.

Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, also known as Joseph Anthony Davis, of Seattle, and Walli Mujahidh, also known as Frederick Domingue Jr., of Los Angeles, were arrested Wednesday night.

I am sure those names are a total coincidence.....
I appologize for interupting the ongoing hate fest, but has there been any more news on the two guys who were planning the attack on the recruiting station?
David43515 wrote:
"I appologize for interupting the ongoing hate fest, but has there been any more news on the two guys who were planning the attack on the recruiting station?"

I must say, how rude to ask a non-related question on a thread dealing with Christian hate and violence thru the centuries. LOL

There have been interviews with one's wife. "He loves America and is a proud American" This same guy also had his online Muslim dating profile in the news regarding his search for wife number two, there have been interviews with neighbors in their gated community (shocked, he seemed so normal) and one of them had a bunch of youtube clips that have been making the rounds on the news. Interesting stuff that details his feeling and thoughts, interviews from fellow mosque attendee's ...shock, a quite person that stayed to themselves. This is all from memory...and mine is often faulty...if anyone in this thread is truly interested google is your friend.

Not much in the news about the third person that turned them in who was reported also an ex-con. Not sure if they were turned in out of patriotic/religious duty, or as often is the case a deal for some lesser caught criminal activity...that is pure speculation on my part and trying to read between the lines of what has and has not been disclosed.

I know some Christians that I view as toxic. They are quick to judge others without first looking deep in themselves, they are sharp tongued and bitter, their understanding of theology is shallow, they often feel that they must rescue others by pointing out 'sins', they take their role as moral martyrs and righteous judges personally and feel they have the right to comment on others practices or lack of, with zeal and gusto putting their opinions into most every conversation. I see the very same traits in so many of the anti Christian postings in this and other threads. Not sure if the blind eagerness to battle with what some see as wrong has turned them into that which they say they despise or if it is a lack of moral courage that has to be disguised and camouflaged in their own self-righteous attacks. Regardless, I find the many threads on Martial Talk like this one fascinating even if fruitless. Please carry on.

Brian King
I copied the 4 posts in the thread here that looked to deal directly with the subjects of the OP for a focused, limited to them, discussion.


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