Passed My Test!


Orange Belt
Nov 18, 2007
Reaction score
I passed my orange belt test very excited! Have some of it on video from my cell phone...sure is funny to watch myself!
Congrats! Those can be some of the most difficult tests since you are not sure what to expect...

Keep us posted on your progress and I will look forward to hearing the results of your next belt test!

Congrats again-

good job! ur getting there. many people ive talked to who hav tried martial arts have quit when they reached yellow belt. congratulations.!
Congrat's on the passing of your test. Increasted ability comes with any promotion.
Good luck with your martial arts training.
Thanks all...I put the video on my myspace

Jamz...Good luck on your test!
Passed mine too, Saturday, not to totally hijack your thread, but it feels good for us n00bs, doesn't it? :D
Congrats! Those can be some of the most difficult tests since you are not sure what to expect...

Keep us posted on your progress and I will look forward to hearing the results of your next belt test!

Congrats again-


James said it best...CONGRATS!!!!
Passed mine too, Saturday, not to totally hijack your thread, but it feels good for us n00bs, doesn't it? :D

I work and play nicely with others....feel free to hijack! Congratulations on passing your test! And yes it does feel good to us n00bs to pass the test! Just one question, at what rank or after what time frame does one stop becoming a n00b?!?
Congratulations to both of you!! The early tests truly are the hardest, since it's all new. Please do as others have said and keep us posted. The people here really do care. :)

I work and play nicely with others
Well, we'll beat that out of you. :boxing: Kidding. :D

Just one question, at what rank or after what time frame does one stop becoming a n00b?!?
I'd say about right now, since most people quit before making it as far as you just did. :asian:
I'd say about right now, since most people quit before making it as far as you just did. :asian:

Unless it be an act of God, I have no intentions of quitting...I enjoy it way too much!

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