Of strong alcohol and High School


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
and no, the kids are only back drop.....

As I have to get up early in the morning for a really long day, I can't really use a lot of the alcohol...but I am enjoying my beer in a minute.....

What can I say, I skirted any kind of High School Drama while I was in school, many moons ago, but I am sure getting a heaping helping now.

Well, you might remember my rant about the evil coach, right? Well, no, he is not involved, but maybe he might not be as evil as he was made out to be...

K, for those who missed it:
Kid is 1st year marching.
Band is good, but broke.
So, we do what we can to help the Booster club raise funds.

And here is where the excrement meets the fan.

The concession stand does not sell iced tea....heaven knows why, since it is the national beverage of the south. Last Thursday was a bit chilli so the projected trial run for teas was canceled...Game night was warm...tea would have sold.

It was homecoming, so they thought of a special burger. it was not bad...but a cluster**** to make. Not to mention that for each special burger one bun went in the trash...buns we lacked later on

We donated meat to make little skewers....they sold well.

Now here is the debrief of that game (as it blew up at today's away game):
Hubby and I are trying to dethrone the booster president and his wife - who happens to be the concession stand manager...don't ask, I have no idea...
We have a problem with authority (for not asking permission from them to donate the meat)
And crap, something else, I forgot.

When another mother brought up the idea of making calendars, he blocked the idea...
he micro manages every step, along with his wife.
I took a lot of pictures, now he is hopping around taking pictures (hey it is a free country...)

Oh, biggest kicker...we ran out of food even before the half time crowd. 3rd quarter when the band kids came I had to tell a bunch of them that neither 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice was left. Send them off with a 2$ slice of cold pizza....booster pres said we didn't have to turn people away, basically calling me a liar.

They got into the argument tonight during the game...I am proud of my man: Booster Pres is still in pone piece, living and breathing...he certainly didn't leave anything untried to complain...

So ins short:
He wants to look good, can't accept any ideas not coming from him and is deathly afraid that he will lose his position as booster president...
all while not doing his job really well, alienating volunteers.

Oh, he got upset because my husband talked to the Principal of our school...no, really dude?!

Our goal was to make as much money as possible for our band: They have been invited - on a regular basis - to go to places like the Rosebowl Parade or Disney land....

Oh well, we find a different way to support the band, we will enjoy the game from the home stands and buy our next stadium meal from <GASPETH> the football concession stand.


band booster participation is the leading cause of alcoholism.

(hell, I might have enough pictures the make the calendar myself....)

Thanks for reading my rantish vent/ventish rant.
I am so mad I can't see straight.
I can see you are not happy, but why don't you tell us how you really feel? :uhyeah:

Unfortunately, the world abounds with jerks. It seems you have two there. Just don't let those two ruin your son's experience (and the other kids). Find gentle ways to get things done if possible. Mostly, if possible, appear to work with them, letting them own ideas, until you can get them replaced with someone with better people and business skills.

I sure wish you luck!!
I have a similar situation at work with my brother in-law as my boss. The worst bosses are the ones that bring their short comings and insecurities along with them, while being in a position of authority. The advice given by oftheherd1 is good, tell them what they want to hear. In doing this I keep my sanity, integrity, and job intact until I can get from square 1 to square 2, at which time he can blow it out his you know what. This I call a win win situation...............
Sadly these people are parents, and their youngest has about 4 or 5 more years of marching ahead of her.

It is pretty bad when the other parents consider themselves lucky that their kids are juniors....

I am about to take the gloves off. I really did not want to go all all in, I am having limitations on my energy pool to get me around as it is...but I'll be damned: If dethroning his ignorant behind means the kids get to go to Orlando or Pasadena, guess what!

I hope I have the energy on Monday to drag my butt to the doctor's office...I think I need a B12 shot...

In regard to my 'awaken the warrior within' thread in TKD....this guy is certainly messing with my snooze button!
That is so not like school volunteers/council is where my daughter goes. No chiefs but a whole lot of Indians. Crickets chirp while we wait for someone to take the lead. Eventually someone relents and things get done. Maybe it's different by HS.
That is so not like school volunteers/council is where my daughter goes. No chiefs but a whole lot of Indians. Crickets chirp while we wait for someone to take the lead. Eventually someone relents and things get done. Maybe it's different by HS.

We just got lucky to get a president with a Napoleon complex.....

Praise your maker that you don't have one like that.

he is driving volunteers away left and right....
We just got lucky to get a president with a Napoleon complex.....

Praise your maker that you don't have one like that.

he is driving volunteers away left and right....

I have to admit, it gets a tad uncomfortable staring at a floor tile like it's become the most unusual tile I've come across, while they look for someone to lead. The Principle is probably expecting one of us to ask to bring one of these tiles home for further evaluation.
LOL, I have been in that situation...after extensive examination of the floor tiles I just decided to take charge.

But in this case you study the floor tile, came to the conclusion as what to make of it only to be told you should have looked at a ceiling tile instead...

Ah, well...
the lady i said I was gonna do concession stand with next Friday said she wasn't gonna do it anymore anyhow. So we will have a party in the stands. :)
Desperate times call for desperate measures, but if I suspect there's someone better suited for the job, I'll hold out a long time. :uhyeah:
Desperate times call for desperate measures, but if I suspect there's someone better suited for the job, I'll hold out a long time. :uhyeah:
Among the blind the one eyed is kind! :lol:

Nah, I don't need to have the lead, but I can't stand disorganization.

But I have to tell you, this was the very first time I got rimed for volunteering! :lfao:
Among the blind the one eyed is kind! :lol:

Nah, I don't need to have the lead, but I can't stand disorganization.

But I have to tell you, this was the very first time I got rimed for volunteering! :lfao:

You certainly don't see that every day.
It will seem even more unfair when it comes time to pay for college, unfortunately. Wait for the admissions department smile and nod at the band participation, then fall all over themselves extending cushy scholarships to the ball players. I had to piece together my own ride by spending hours in the library seeking out the onesie twosie scholarships to go while athletes with substantially lower grades were going all expenses paid. Considering college athletics is even bigger money now than it was then, I doubt the situation has improved :(
LOL, yeah, football trumps nerd/geek stuff.

But I have seen a side of our esteemed booster club president, it made me question his sanity and motives!

They made it look like there is an ongoing all out war between the fundraising clubs for band, cheer leading and football....non of that is true! (but somebody from the football side stole out car magnet :lol:)

Last night we had a big marching band competition. I overheard the president's wife talking to some stranger (after I gave his kid a box of Skittels to combat travel fatigue ;) the little fellow was at a football game the previous night that was about 3 hours away!) pointing out that she was the Manager of the concession stand.
Ok, I am slow. Some insults don't reach me until years later - literally - but that one made me wonder if it was not meant for my ears only. I mean, i have not ever heard of school concession stands having a dedicated manager...

But the way they are guarding access to the levers of 'power' (yeah, being booster club member or BOD is taking your straight to the top.) the crazy idea came up that there is something fishy going on...hmm dunno, skimming?
I can't find the most important piece of information. What "strong alcohol" beer did you enjoy?

LOL, it was not a strong alcohol beer. I think I would have to make that batch myself (note to self: find brewing equipment)

I settled for beer, but really I was in dire need of something strong during the events. One mom and the instrument hauler were talking about Tequila. Would have certainly hit the spot! :D
(damn US laws! for a German school function i could have packed a flask!)
LOL, it was not a strong alcohol beer. I think I would have to make that batch myself (note to self: find brewing equipment)

I settled for beer, but really I was in dire need of something strong during the events. One mom and the instrument hauler were talking about Tequila. Would have certainly hit the spot! :D
(damn US laws! for a German school function i could have packed a flask!)

Well, there are beers over 10% ABV, and I have had one that was 21%. I think the highest (without using distilliation methods or "icing") is about 27%. I think the Boston Beer Company put those yeasty beasties on steroids to get that! :)
LOL, it was not a strong alcohol beer. I think I would have to make that batch myself (note to self: find brewing equipment)

I settled for beer, but really I was in dire need of something strong during the events. One mom and the instrument hauler were talking about Tequila. Would have certainly hit the spot! :D
(damn US laws! for a German school function i could have packed a flask!)
Might I suggest a flask and Jack Dainels.
Sounds like my Boss deffinate insecurities (somesort of little mans syndrome). Kppe your head down, do your thing and keep the flask full :) :tink:
Might I suggest a flask and Jack Dainels.
Sounds like my Boss deffinate insecurities (somesort of little mans syndrome). Kppe your head down, do your thing and keep the flask full :) :tink:

LOL, thank goodness I don't work for them.

However, keeping the head down is counter productive, since our goal is to raise money to get the band to a big venue: Pasadena, Macy's Parade or Disney....a lot of money is needed, and the community is small, so we will step on his toes, and maybe he'll pop a major blood vessel. Casualties of war! :D

After basically having been called a liar, Miss Congeniality is no longer an option.
We are just weighing our options, since we do not wish to steep down to their level.
(though I might have to ask him - in public - how come his girl who was supposed to be a section leader was not on the field at the competition to accept the awards! Yes I am mean, since I know she a a 'tude' with the band director after the first away game :D)
Well, there are beers over 10% ABV, and I have had one that was 21%. I think the highest (without using distilliation methods or "icing") is about 27%. I think the Boston Beer Company put those yeasty beasties on steroids to get that! :)
Nah, we just put Notre Dame caps on them and put them on the train to Boston College. Toughens 'em up real quick ;)

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