Not THAT Button!


Have the courage to speak softly
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England

Is there any news on what on earth this was all about?

Accidental sub-launch perhaps?

Or maybe the Alien Overlords Lady that Bill posted about in the Comedy forum has a point after all :D?

I shouldn't joke I suppose, missile launches are something that we European 'Cold War Babies' are still a bit twitchy about.
I heard about it on the radio on the way into work. I kept hearing about airplane contrails.

Somehow, I think not...
I heard about it on the radio on the way into work. I kept hearing about airplane contrails.

Somehow, I think not...

I saw pics yesterday. IMO They were NOT contrails from a Plane.
Aye, I heard that 'explanation' on the Sky News site too - didn't convince me I have to say. Doesn't mean it couldn't be so of course but the footage I saw didn't look much like a jet's contrail to me.
Regarding the possibility that this was nothing more than a conrail people misidentified, wouldn't the FAA have information that could confirm there was a flight at that area at that time? I'd think they would be publisizing that information all over the place if they had it. Haven't seen anything like that anywhere (although I could just be missing it).

While the U.S. military has said that they have no information about a missile launch Ambassador Robert Ellsworth, who was a former Deputey Secretary of Defense, has said it appears it could have been the firing of an ICBM from a submarine of the coast of California, "to demonstrate mainly to Asia, that we can do that."

The only problems with that explanation are: 1) All of Asia, and pretty much the entire world, knows the U.S. can fire ICBM's so why bother?

2) Why would we show that ability to Asia when the President has just disembarked on a tour of Asia?

3) The "launch" (if it was one) occured 35 miles off the California coast. What does that prove to people across the Pacific?


Some physicists said the trail was left by an aeroplane, and that on a clear day the vapour created an illusion making it appear to rise vertically.

Physicist Michio Kaku of the City University of New York said a frame-by-frame analysis of the video revealed the trail was created by an aeroplane.

The science is in!

Michio Kaku is indeed a most cool scientist, with excellent on-screen presentation skills.

From the video I watched tho', I remain unconvinced as yet that the 'optical illusion' theory is 'proven'.

It was shot from the air, which of course gives a different perspective but it looks precisely the same profile as I have seen for quite a few submarine launched missiles i.e. verticle phase followed by the guidance package taking over as the missile heads for the skies.

I look forward to hearing more on this.
Ooh, conspiracy nerve twitch - the BBC have removed the video from the on-line article ... :)

EDIT - my mistake; it was just my browser having a fit of laziness.
Q: Is that a missile launch?
A: We don't know, but no matter what it is, it's not dangerous.
Q: How do you know that?
A: Shut up, kid. We're the government, that's how.

China flexed its military muscle Monday evening in the skies west of Los Angeles when a Chinese Navy Jin class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, deployed secretly from its underground home base on the south coast of Hainan island, launched an intercontinental ballistic missile from international waters off the southern California coast. WMR’s intelligence sources in Asia, including Japan, say the belief by the military commands in Asia and the intelligence services is that the Chinese decided to demonstrate to the United States its capabilities on the eve of the G-20 Summit in Seoul and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Tokyo, where President Obama is scheduled to attend during his ten-day trip to Asia.

"infowars"?? Really???

The same contrail the next day on the same flight seals it for me.

There seems to be enough evidence that it was indeed US airways flight 808

Of course, not as interesting as unfounded conspiracy theories. The idea of the Chinese risking instant nuclear retaliation is completely insane. Especially since they seem to be succesful in their attempt to dominate the world's economy and buying up all your debt in order to literally own you, a couple years down the road.

But even if common sense and the absence of benefit for the Chinese cannot persuade you, how about numbers? The US is about the only country in the world with a functioning nuclear arsenal that allows them to completely obliterate any adversary, and then have enough left to turn the rest of the world in a glass plate.

The Chinese don't.
They have enough nukes to keep everyone from attacking them because they can take out enough cities as retaliation. They do not have the strength to overpower the US, even if they would not care about turned into a glass plate or destroying their entier, export based economy.
I particularly like the "don't believe your's obviously what you see" dichotomy conspiracy nuts practice at times.
Aye, Angel that does look like good repeatable evidence that it really was a case of angle and air quality causing that odd looking trail. Mind you I have to say that it (the first video I saw on the BBC) still looks like a missile trace rather than an aircraft contrail to me.

Has there been any coverage of this at all in the mainstream news media? The BBC has had nothing to say since the first report :shrugs:.
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Other than a couple of news spots i haven't seen much. Why should they waste the airtime on a odd aircraft contrail anyway?

I think the same thing regarding the issue of why the military didn't pull out all stops to figure out what air flight this was. Why should they? Im sure they checked all the normal sources they had available...decided that it wasnt a missile and that was that. I imagine they felt (as did the FAA) that this was contrail that was sensationalized by the news and internet and was not worth the effort.
Another point is that most of our "experience" with seeing stuff like this is via entertainment, news reels and video clips. Very few people have ACTUALLY seen stuff that they are so quick to classify.
A case of being damned whichever way they acted I suspect :nods:.

I am just surprised that the mainstream media didn't follow it up given that it was 'their' story that got tongues wagging in the first place :lol:.
Other than a couple of news spots i haven't seen much. Why should they waste the airtime on a odd aircraft contrail anyway?

I think the same thing regarding the issue of why the military didn't pull out all stops to figure out what air flight this was. Why should they? Im sure they checked all the normal sources they had available...decided that it wasnt a missile and that was that. I imagine they felt (as did the FAA) that this was contrail that was sensationalized by the news and internet and was not worth the effort.
The reality is that any actual missile launch would have been multiply detected, not only by our satellites and monitoring systems, but by others around the world. Could it conceivably have been covered up? Sure. But realistically? Unlikely.

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