Not even Bill Clinton wants to see that



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No, no, wait, it might help win the war on terrorism... threaten Iraq, Iran and all the other terrorist countries that we'll drop millions of photographic leafets of the pictures on their cities if they don't turn over Osama Bin Laden and other wanted terrorists... even they know that they'll have to kill themselves if they see just ONE of them... the terror, oh the humanity!
Just might be enough to end the war and get our troops back home! Problem solved dude!
No, no, wait, it might help win the war on terrorism... threaten Iraq, Iran and all the other terrorist countries that we'll drop millions of photographic leafets of the pictures on their cities if they don't turn over Osama Bin Laden and other wanted terrorists... even they know that they'll have to kill themselves if they see just ONE of them... the terror, oh the humanity!
Just might be enough to end the war and get our troops back home! Problem solved dude!
And how, exactly do you propose we protect our troops and allies from this? Deploy the 199th Blind Mofo brigade?
Send a picture of that to the middle east and they'll just point at the picture and say, "See? This is why our women wear burqas!"
Before we keep going down this path on this non-story, ask yourselves if you would respond the same way if it was about McCain or Kucinich.

It would be nice if we could evaluate our female politicians on their political abilities instead of how *****able they are or how they look naked.
Before we keep going down this path on this non-story, ask yourselves if you would respond the same way if it was about McCain or Kucinich.

It would be nice if we could evaluate our female politicians on their political abilities instead of how *****able they are or how they look naked.

Double EWWWWWW!!!

Even worse! You did catch the spirit of the thread and took it to a new level! ;)
Reminds me of that guy in "Good Morning Vietnam" who was looking for nude photos of Ernest Borgnine. Not to suggest for a moment that Hillary Clinton looks like Ernest Borgnine. So please don't hurt me, Mr. Borgnine.
It would be nice if we could evaluate our female politicians on their political abilities instead of how *****able they are or how they look naked.
All joking aside, I completely and wholeheartedly concur. I think strong women are still looked upon subconsciously as the equivalent of that term used to describe the female canine, serious penis-envy candidates, or just flat-out threatening. I wonder why it is we look with such disdain upon a strong, intelligent woman? The other candidates either have less experience than she, are nearly as corrupt as she (perhaps with the exception of Nader) ... why do we hate Hillary SO MUCH? More, say, than any other candidate and why indeed do we need to evaluate her bangability factor?

How bangable *IS* Kucinich? McCain? Nader? (shudder)
Have to disagree here.

My wife is a tenured Professor and an Assistant Dean. She was raising 2 kids on her own when we met, with spotty and infrequent support payments from the dog she used to be married to. She's chaired a department outside her career field and is widely published. She is energetic and athletic, and I find her mazing in both intellectual and looks departments.

In short, I am married to the epitome of "a strong and intelligent woman", and I couldn't be happier. She's gotten ahead on merit and I hope she goes further.

By contrast, I cannot abide corruption, shameless opportunism, total lack of values, cynical exploitation and pathological dishonesty.... in either gender. I despise Bill as much or more as I do Hill, and for much the same reasons. They're grifters of the worse ilk.

I don't expect or care if the next president is top model or pin up material. I couldn't care less what color or gender they are. Give me a Maggie Thatcher any day.
I think McCain looks like a turtle who lost his shell.

McCain posed naked? How scandalous! We probably haven't heard about it from the MSM because nobody wants to hear about that.

BTW, Does the turtle thing mean he was cold or something?


How bangable *IS* Kucinich? McCain? Nader? (shudder)

I think he might have been referring to Mrs Kucinich and Mrs McCain:

Both of which are much younger then there husbands, Dennis in particular gets a fair bit of attention from his wifes appearance. I think the most common thing known about her is that she is much taller and better looking then Dennis. Her political views are generally ignored, as is most other things about her except her looks.

At least I think that's what he meant, given the two names mentioned. For a real fright, how about Huckabee in his "larger" years :eek:
Both of which are much younger then there husbands, Dennis in particular gets a fair bit of attention from his wifes appearance. I think the most common thing known about her is that she is much taller and better looking then Dennis. Her political views are generally ignored, as is most other things about her except her looks.

Well, there's one thing they have in common. ;)
I think he might have been referring to Mrs Kucinich and Mrs McCain
Ah, and that's the point, isn't it? Why is it the female candidate is being asked to pose nude but the males aren't?
Ah, and that's the point, isn't it? Why is it the female candidate is being asked to pose nude but the males aren't?

Got nothing to do with politicians, that's pretty much across the board for anyone in a position of power / celebrity. males will get judged on their looks, but not to the extent that females do.

Different sexual interests, males are visual. We like picture books. Females have a equivalent though, Romance Novels, which can be just as trashy as any photo based magazine aimed at men.

If I had to guess, I'd say it probably wouldn't be too hard to find some "porn" fiction involving male politicians that are considered "attractive", even by a fairly small group.

Of course one is fiction, and the other requires the person to pose, which does change things a little.
Got nothing to do with politicians, that's pretty much across the board for anyone in a position of power / celebrity. males will get judged on their looks, but not to the extent that females do.

Different sexual interests, males are visual. We like picture books. Females have a equivalent though, Romance Novels, which can be just as trashy as any photo based magazine aimed at men.

If I had to guess, I'd say it probably wouldn't be too hard to find some "porn" fiction involving male politicians that are considered "attractive", even by a fairly small group.

Of course one is fiction, and the other requires the person to pose, which does change things a little.
Young pup, ain'tcha? ;)

FYI - females are visual too, just not quite to the extent that men are. And I know MANY women who have never picked up a romance novel in their lives unless they wanted to purge an indulgent lunch.

I think there may be an underlying, morbid curiosity among men to see The Hillary nekked just because ... it means they'd get to see another woman nekked. Whereas Good Taste will prevail among women and command us to reject the curious notion of a shelless turtle ... et al.

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