Nope, no media bias here...........

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
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Nacogdoches, Tx
ABC news gets caught red handed slanting the news to favor Obama.

in short:

Katelyn and her Captain stood directly behind Raddatz as she queried GI’s walking past. They kept count of the GI’s and you should remember these numbers. She asked 60 GI’s who they planned to vote for in November.

54 said John McCain, 4 for Obama, and 2 for Hillary.
.......After a dissertation on McCain’s trip and speech, ABC showed 5 GI’s being asked by Raddatz how they were going to vote in November; 3 for Obama and 2 for Clinton .. No mention of the 54 for McCain.
Interesting catch.

People need to realize all news is slanted and take the time to think for themselves though.
The core lesson is don't follow the crowd, no matter what the media tells you. Vote for who least badly diverges from what you believe.

Cynically I don't think it makes a ha'poth of difference (which is why I refuse to vote and if forced to do so would spoil my ballot) but if you have faith in the system then that is your only option.
Another comment though is, that's pretty bad reporting. Ignore what you don't want, and focus on just what makes your point, silent or otherwise.

Then again, that is a common happening this year. Ron Paul was ahead of several other RP nominees, yet was regularly not listed, put in as a footnote, or flat out ignored.
54 said John McCain, 4 for Obama, and 2 for Hillary........After a dissertation on McCain’s trip and speech, ABC showed 5 GI’s being asked by Raddatz how they were going to vote in November; 3 for Obama and 2 for Clinton .. No mention of the 54 for McCain.
Um, I forgot my tinfoil hat today... Maybe they showed the coverage of the other candidates because they had just spent a bunch of time talking about McCain.
Um, I forgot my tinfoil hat today... Maybe they showed the coverage of the other candidates because they had just spent a bunch of time talking about McCain.

I think you may have misread. or Im misreading you. Hes saying the media edited out all the (majority opinion) soldiers saying they would vote McCain and showed the others. Giving the impression that the majority of soldiers want Obama or Clinton.
I think you may have misread. or Im misreading you. Hes saying the media edited out all the (majority opinion) soldiers saying they would vote McCain and showed the others. Giving the impression that the majority of soldiers want Obama or Clinton.
I got the impression from the OP that just before that they were covering McCain's dissertation... :idunno:
Interesting catch.

People need to realize all news is slanted and take the time to think for themselves though.

I do my best at our local paper to present only the facts without any personal bias.

I agree that MOST (nearly all?) national television news coverage is slanted, if that's what you meant :)
I do my best at our local paper to present only the facts without any personal bias.

I agree that MOST (nearly all?) national television news coverage is slanted, if that's what you meant :)

When you get past local, it's almost impossible to avoid bias at some point or another (even at the local, there will be some bias at some point). National (and International) news are basicly all slanted one way or another. Thats why people who read National news should use two sources. One with 'Liberal' Bias, and one with Conservative Bias.
I used to get real riled up about the media. Was it liberal? Was it conservative? And then I realized that I was asking the wrong questions.

When was it liberal? When was it conservative? Because the media really is biased both ways...depending on whatever corporate agenda needs to be served.

We can argue this until the cows come home. Dems can produce lots of valid material and Reps can produce lots of valid material and the astounding thing is that BOTH are correct! The media has a bias!

It's just not easily pigeonholed into the catagories that are fed to us...which is why most people can't seem to see the bigger picture.

We live in a managed society and there are those with power that can control the information that we see using the two party smoke screen to blind us.

Both McCain and Obama are big government authoritarian fabians. They know what's best for you, just listen to the radio as it sings their sweet praises.

The Obama voice is especially sanguine and sactimonious. My heart hurts for all of these well meaning people who will be so disappointed by what is to come. That's a lot of good intentions flushed down the drain of cynicism.

And after that...

The media will have a conservative bias again. We'll see another demiurge trotted out before us and then the other "side" gets their turn at the ideologic whipping post.

This is what happens when you consolidate the media in the hands of the few...


ps - Bob, I agree about your point with Ron Paul. He got hosed by the media despite having so much popularity. I really was hoping that the internet would be the deciding factor in breaking the control of infomation by the MSM, but it didn't pan out this time. Maybe by 2012 we'll see more growth in this area...or maybe we'll see government extending its corrupt tendrils into this medium as well. It's bound to happen sometime...but lets hope that its a to little to late scenario.
It has been a LONG time since reporters did what they are suppose to do...that being Report on the news with objectivity and without voicing their own opinion. Leave the opinion to the OP/ED section and the TV commentary.

That being is quite sad when much of the nation has a 'follow the herd' mentality and rely on others to think for them.
ABC news gets caught red handed slanting the news to favor Obama.

in short:

Katelyn and her Captain stood directly behind Raddatz as she queried GI’s walking past. They kept count of the GI’s and you should remember these numbers. She asked 60 GI’s who they planned to vote for in November.

54 said John McCain, 4 for Obama, and 2 for Hillary.
.......After a dissertation on McCain’s trip and speech, ABC showed 5 GI’s being asked by Raddatz how they were going to vote in November; 3 for Obama and 2 for Clinton .. No mention of the 54 for McCain.

Ok, not trying to be a pain here, but is there any citation to this besides the original story here:

It may very well be true, but when the story is one bias, and it is coming from a openly biased source, and that source even states:

[FONT=&quot]"I can’t vouch for the truthfulness but sounds about right! In any case it is food for thought about the slanted news we all know that we receive on TV and in papers!"[/FONT]

How much faith can you really put in that source?

We'd also need to actually see the segment in question, where they claiming it too be a general question, or where they specifically looking at what Democratic soldiers where going to vote? Repulican nomination was likely closed at the time in question, that race is not news. The Democratic race may very well still have been something that could have gone either way, that is news.

When a openly biased blog alleges bias against someone else using incomplete information I really can't put much in their claim, regardless of what side they are coming at it from.
yeah, i am sure it just never happened..............

Well, no, apparently it didn't.

First off, the reporter in question was in Iraq with Dick Cheney, not McCain. here's her original report from that trip where she questioned "a few" soldiers about their choices.

Secondly, here's what she has to say about the email that's circulating, as well as that trip and her report:

The story that was supposedly told by Katelyn is simply not true.

I don't trust any media, of course, and it surely sounds like something they could have done, but it looks an awful lot like they didn't to me....some people, of course, will just believe what suits them.

Nope, no bias here. :rolleyes:
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hmmm, who do i trust more, military officers or reporters................

maybe urban legend, maybe not

seels like it cant be narrowed down either way.

Still, given the highly partisan support the mainstream media has given Mr Obama, this surprises no one

that is the REAL shame

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