New Toy


Senior Master
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
Just picked up a used heavy bag (70lbs...$70) and hung it in my garage...lot of fun. Different kind of resistance than the wavemasters at class.

My kids are loving it...I hope it encourages them to practice more
Good for you feerless your kids will enjoy hitting and kicking it.
Oh, they already are...they were out there all afternoon kicking it and punching it...and actually working on forms or speed pad* drills while they waited for their turn.

I like it a lot too...I can work on some nice punch/kick combinations with it and really lay into it with as much speed and power as I can get, and it's nice where I can just wander out there for a few minutes when I'm bored or trying to solve a programming problem.

*or whatever those little hand held pads that look like a letter 'P' are called

The heavy bag is great for building power as it offers much more resistance...also you can kick it for a better observation of the amount of power delivered!

Those "things" are generally refered to as kicking paddles...speed bags are the things that boxers use (they are teardrop shaped) which hang over head at about face height!


Those "things" are generally refered to as kicking paddles...speed bags are the things that boxers use

Thanks for the name clarification
Heavy bags are great. You can work on about every technique with one and it can really up the conditioning level. It helps alot to set up a workout that involves working on the HB.
I have heavy bag at my house, every time when I get a sec I kick it.
Congrats Jay!

You can also do some neat timing drills-swing the bag and try to kick it or hit it as it is moving toward you.

punching bags are especially fun when you hang them in the living room!:uhyeah: :uhyeah:

Well, I just hung it in my garage :)

Yeah, the timing has been nice. Especially with some spinning kicks, getting the bag moving and then spinning into it to get the proper distance.

It's also really helped me realize the difference betweem 'placeing' a kick and 'driving' a kick. It's one thing to go through the motions and end up with your foot out there, another to really drive the foot into/through the target. I've been working a lot on that with sidekicks. Also it helps with aim. On on target strike will move the bag back from the direction of the strike, an off target strike tends to spin the bag.
Heavy bags can be your best training partner. They are never late and no matter how hard you hit they never complain.
We need a hanging bag for our dojang. There is nowhere to support such a thing or else it is too difficult to find the beam in the high ceiling that we have. One of the steel corner hangers would take up too much space. Or we could just get rid of the parents watching. :)

We get donated equipment all the time. I donated a spin heel thingy and a standup bag that shows the hitting pressure (didn't always work). But lately, we got a adductor machine. Well, that is what it's set up for right now. Body by Jake, I think. And a stretching for a high kick machine that was made and marketed by someone in Minnesota but I can't get it to go high enough to do any good so don't know about that one. And I'm average height. We also have one of the stretching machines for the abductors but that was not good for the knees. But I'm all for exploring new ways to stretch and workout. TW
TigerWoman said:
We need a hanging bag for our dojang. There is nowhere to support such a thing or else it is too difficult to find the beam in the high ceiling that we have. One of the steel corner hangers would take up too much space. Or we could just get rid of the parents watching. :)
There are triangular bag hangers that attach to the wall. If that is a place you can hang one.

The idea of getting rid of the parents watching is a great. If I were you I would go for that one.
I love the idea about hanging a bag in the living room. My wife is not so keen on the idea though.....She didn't jump at the "it will never need dusting" sales pitch.....

My wife's not thrilled I keep rearranging the furniture to have room for forms practice...I don't think I'm brave enough to ask her about putting a heavy bag in there
i like using the kicking targets that use suction cups to stick to shiny surfaces. i keep them on this metal door in the basement and practice my kicks on it

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