New to EPAK


White Belt
May 14, 2006
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I am currently a white belt in Ed Parker's American Kenpo. I am studying under Lee Wedlake and am new to these forums. How goes it?
Welcome to Martial Talk! Enjoy the forum!:ultracool

Thanks! I've heard some pretty good things about Mr. Wedlake.
Aloha and welcome to MT and EPAK. I hop eyou enjoy your Journey. Stop to smell the roses every once in a while. Take advantage of working with Mr. Wedlake. Not all of us have direct lines to Seniors like that.


Thank you all for the welcome. Before taking Kenpo I researched Lee Wedlake and found out he has ben at Kenpo for a long time. What are your thoughts on him?
My thoughts are that you are lucky to have such an instructor in class all the time. He's a man with a lot of kenpo knowledge and quite respectable. I look forward to seeing him next month.
Nutbar said:
I am currently a white belt in Ed Parker's American Kenpo. I am studying under Lee Wedlake and am new to these forums. How goes it?

Welcome to the forum. Tell Mr. Wedlake, Zoran says hello!
Welcome to MT and I think you made a good choice for an instructor. Just curious, did you have others to choose from?

Welcome to MT and you begining your journey in Kenpo
Yes, I did have others to choose from. A man in Bonita Springs, Fl. His name is Barry P something, I can't remember the last name too well. I researched Lee Wedlake and made my decision, choosing him.
In 1984 we moved from Anchorage, Alaska to Ojai, California. When we got here I purchased a studio in Ventura and settled into teaching, and getting to know, our new students. Some were experienced and some were not, but they all had a story to tell of their training in Kenpo.

As I got to know the student's one of them says to me that he studied Kenpo once a long time ago, but didn't stick with it. He liked his teacher, but at the time he just didn't have the time or the interest to keep going.

So I asked him who he teacher was, in the chance I may have heard of him, and he says "Ed Parker". You could have knocked me over with a feather.

You find yourself in a similar situation, although there will never be another "Ed Parker" Lee Wedlake is a teacher of the highest caliber and you're fortunate to have come across him.

Congratulations, you are well on your way.

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