New Game: "Make Rich Parsons Famous!"

I didnt read the whole thread, so I STILL dont get this one;

rich parsons said:
Women like Flowers, and I have been told that I am scary in person.
I win...I reworked the idea I stole from Andrew and turned it into a Rich Parson random quote generator! Click refresh to see more...
Sam said:
I didnt read the whole thread, so I STILL dont get this one;

lol. If you met him personally, you'd completely understand. When we all hang out, we get the benefit of getting awesome random quotes all the time, which we all find ourselves repeating later. :)
Jonathan Randall said:
I like mine more better.

I like yours more better too...:) I am just trying to find other ones that are funny. Two more and I am going to bed...

Rich Parsons said:
As for protecting the Villiage, I just wish I could protect it from the Local Idiot.

Rich Parsons said:
Topless would or could be an affront to some people, and is a public display, yet just being married does not cause an affront in public.

I think that if we get enough quotes, Bob Hubbard could make a day calander of daily Rich quotes and call it "Richisms." He could sell it through MT and make a killing! :D
I had a lot of fun reading old Rich posts.

There was a lot of good material, but I like this one.

Rich Parsons said:
I try to relax and think of a happy place. :D

. . . I put it in the message so you'll be able so see it if I change my sig.

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