Napoleon Dynamite


Brown Belt
May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Good movie. All martial artists will recognize the Rex Kwan Do guy. Favorite quote "Bow to your sensei. BOW TO YOUR SENSEI!"
lonecoyote said:
Good movie. All martial artists will recognize the Rex Kwan Do guy. Favorite quote "Bow to your sensei. BOW TO YOUR SENSEI!"
My fav. quote is " I can't fit my nun chucks in my locker."
Yep--great movie. And for once, the previews didn't give away the entire plot! It was funny & sweet, just the way I like 'em.... :ultracool

(Pedro in that wig!! :lol: :rofl: )

Did y'all see the wedding after the credits? It was great too. :lol: And the scenery of Idaho was beautiful, IMO. I think I'd like to go there sometime.
"I'm pretty good with a Bo Staff" :D

After I rented this movie I went out and bought it the next day. I've since watched it about 10 times. I love this movie!
How many of you ahve been through this:

"grab my arm"
"other arm"
"MY other arm"

ROFL that slayed me

"just break the wrist, and walk away" is the new catch phrase at my dojo
Sil Lum TigerLady said:
"I'm pretty good with a Bo Staff" :D After I rented this movie I went out and bought it the next day. I've since watched it about 10 times. I love this movie!
I fell in love with this movie too--next payday I'll buy it on DVD. One of my favorite songs of all time is played right before the credits start ("The Promise" by When in Rome)--what a nice surprise that was! The whole film was a nice surprise.

I wish more people would make movies like that. *sighs* :uhyeah:
yea, hillarious movie. My favorite quote..

"I have no bow-hunting skills, nunchuck skills, computer hacking skills..."

lol, that was great.
So good.

Kip: "Besides, we both know I'm training to become a Cagefighter."
Napoleon: "Since when kip, you have the worst reflexes ever!"
Kip: "Come down here and hit me."
Napoleon: "What!"
Kip:"I said come down here and see what happens if you try and hit me"

This has started many freestyle sparring seesion between friends
Great movie - I grew up in Preston ID. (well, until high school) - brought back memories
The entire Rex Kwan Do dojo scene was absolutely brilliant. I can't think of an MA parody character better than Rex.

"Do you think anyone would want a roundhouse kick to the head when I'm wearing pants like these?"
It was a greaT movie i seen it like 6 times at the show

I hear that there making a 2nd movie since this was only his 11th grade year so I hope they do