Mystery Science Theater 3000 is 25 years old?!

25 years....why do all of my teenage memories of seem to be of old things lately?
Y'know... I'm having the same problem. :shrug::waah:
I found a whole bunch of the "season zero" episodes when they were on the station KTMA out in Minnesota. They are streaming on a website that one of my coworkers showed me. Listening to those episodes is the only thing that gets me through work sometimes...well, that and sneaking on here to post throughout the day.
25 years ago I just remember Everton losing to Liverpool 3-2 in the FA Cup final. Oh and the second season of ST:TNG. Why does one have to age. Guess I should ask Joan Rivers for the age tips :D
25 years ago I just remember Everton losing to Liverpool 3-2 in the FA Cup final. Oh and the second season of ST:TNG. Why does one have to age. Guess I should ask Joan Rivers for the age tips :D

What could she tell you except to go get work done? No, better to ask an older woman who looks more natural like Raquel Welch.
What could she tell you except to go get work done? No, better to ask an older woman who looks more natural like Raquel Welch.

Just a bit of humor there. Rivers has probably got more plastic on her face than a factory has bin bags lol.
Just a bit of humor there. Rivers has probably got more plastic on her face than a factory has bin bags lol.

Oh I know it was humor. I just used it as an excuse to think of Raquel and how good she looks for her age. LOL
Wow. I remember going to their first convention in Minneapolis. Dang.
I got on the MST boat kind of late. I had just started college (1994). I was flipping through the channels and settled on MTV (which still played videos back then). For some reason they were playing the episode ALIEN FROM LA, which was a "Mike" episode. It was a horrible movie produced by Golan-Globus starring Kathy Ireland, and I am pretty sure that's all I have to say.

I was hooked right away and became an MST junkie, finding out everything I could about the show, consuming as many episodes as I could. (Thanksgiving became my favorite holiday due to the all-day marathon.) One of my friends told me the best episode was when they watched MANOS: THE HANDS OF FATE, so I waited and waited for Comedy Central to air that rerun. (They had a regularly scheduled airing of old episodes on Sunday mornings at 8am.) I'd set my VCR (remember those???) to record while I went to work and came back disappointed because there was still no MANOS.

Then came the news that MST would be off the air for a month or so while it transferred from Comedy Central to SciFi. I remember coming home on the day they aired the last rerun...turned on the VCR...and wouldn't you know it? The last episode CC ever played was MANOS! I wonder if the staff at CC knew MANOS was considered the best episode and made a conscious decision to air that as the last one, or if it was just a happy accident. Either way, I finally got to see it.

And that was how I spent my youth as a college freshman. I guess you could say this little excerpt tells you more than you would care to know about the kind of life (or lack thereof) that I led back then. LOL
Nah, Helen Mirren :D

Well of course. I forgot she was in THE COOK, THE THIEF, HIS WIFE AND HER LOVER until I saw her in RED, and I thought to myself, "Who is that gorgeous lady?" Then I hit up Wikipedia and was quickly reminded. I saw someone post pictures of her from the 60's. She will always be beautiful.

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