My Grandmaster

I think everyone seems to be starting to understand the whole situation. And the training was not from white belt up to BB in one year. He had been studying some TKD but concentrating on kung fu for several years prior and was a red belt TKD when he started the intense training. Its just that he lives and breathes kung fu. That's why we have other TKD instructors, because he wants to now concentrate on kung fu only. And he did test for all his belts. None were given and I don't think the GM would give belts out. If I recall he went through 9 different tests in about a 3 - 4 month period for his second dan.

Also keep in mind that in addition to the training and testing, the GM taught at the school an average of 2 nights per week for a year. I didn't pay anything for this, it was included in the overall money I paid out.

So, as I have said before, if the money was only for 1st and 2nd dan ranking, it was outrageous. But, include his training, teaching at the school for a year, and having GM Park present his belt, it starts looking better.
What a waste.. that energy and money would have been much much better spent training in Kung Fu which he loves instead of spending 2000 hrs in an accelerated TKD program for purely commercial reasons.
What the crap are you talking about?

Sorry Terry, Being spiteful :EG:... After wasting my time reading a related thread about someone getting ripped off, that by the way PISSED ME OFF cause I know the crap happens :angry:, I found out at the end I was reading a 2 year old posting that someone had Brought back to Life, only to defend, then complain about it being open...

Stupid me for not looking at the date... So I acted like a jerk and gave life to this one.

Funny thing about the "Internets", it comes back to haunt us... oh well, it will die soon! and hopefully its The True Death -vampfeed-

:piratesku RIP.
they got charged ELEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS for 2nd degree.

thats all you need to know.
I do not care who tested the kid to whatever dan/poom level. I would not pay the founder of tkd (Gen Choi) 11 grand for a belt test!!! KKW is currently $90 us for a 2nd poom/Dan cert. That is one hell of a mark up.
Interesting thhing was I did a search for this GM and other than her own website could not find info. Is there a KKW dan registry site? As a KKW 8th she would be listed.

Certainly, the guest Park Hae Man was well known.
People will pay anything and thisa thread has been beat to death. Lets leave it alone because it is **** like this that makes any MA look bad.
Interesting thhing was I did a search for this GM and other than her own website could not find info. Is there a KKW dan registry site? As a KKW 8th she would be listed.

Certainly, the guest Park Hae Man was well known.
Yes. Go to the Kukkiwon site and click on the one stop service tab. A drop down menu will appear. The first option on the menu is poom/dan check.

The name must be entered as it appears on the certificate, so it may take more than one try unless the GM in question has his certificate displayed on her site.

Good training is good training no matter what style or who taught you. There are no bad styles only bad teachers. That being said credibilty does matter and you may aswell invest in credible teachers who are good as opposed to a non credible teacher? All MA arts have roots like a big tree and the closer you get to the original root the better information you should recieve. When your young you have time to waste? but later on you will regret not making that time count if you need credentials.

My master had one of the first 9th Dan Ranks ever issued and was the most senior GM in all of Nth and Sth America and I cannot think of a single famous GM regardless of what style Korean or Japanese that did not know or love him. He was famous for a time in Judo he was in the World Martial Arts Hall of fame. As a master I always passed on all my testing fee's to him 100% as long as he lived out of respect and love but also his signature was a colectors item why not pass that value on to your students? Opinions are like some body apendages everyone has one? but here are few facts.

3rd dan Junior Master
4th and 5th Dan Master
6th and 7th Dan Senior Master
8th and 9th Dan Grand Master

I am seeing some new terms like Supreme Grand Master awarded after death and Senior Grand Master. I always knew they woudl have to come up with something to stay one step ahead of us?

You only need to go the Kukkiwon website with name and birth date to find the official ranking of your instructor.

Pricing of rank testing (source our NW Tae Kwon Do Association)

10 tests from white to Brown 1st or 10 grades or Keubs

Yellow $35 Green $40 Green high $45 Blue $50 blue High $55 Red $60 Red High $65 Brown $70 Brown 2nd $75 Bronw 1st $80

For a total of $575 dollars

Then 1st Dan test is $295.00 or Second Dan is $350
So you have a base cost of $900 to $1,000 dollars

Testing is every 2 months you can train 6 days a week if you like.

Instruction monthly dues? varies from $50 to $250 a month so lets average at $100.00

So lets say 20 months for 1st Dan and add time in rank for 2nd Dan of another 20 months.

Total reasonalbe cost to 1st Dan would be about $2,900.00 and total cost to 2nd Dan would add another $3,100.00 plus the original $2,900 for a Grand total of $6,000.00 over 40 month period. All the while you have access to one of the worlds greatest instructors and doors opened to you because of that such as law enforcement, Corections, Military or any college in the world. It is a free market people can charge what they want but let the buyer beware? Thats why I teach for free I refuse to be part of that you cannot truly buy knowledge from anyone for any price you have to earn it they will give it to you if they love and respect you but not because you pay dues.

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