More liberal tolerance becomes violent


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
Here is the story of a gay, conservative christian who was physically assaulted for having lunch with Ann Coulter. Another victory for liberal tolerance.

The point of having lunch with Coulter, he said, is to show people that “just because you don’t support gay marriage doesn’t make you a bigot, doesn’t mean you hate gay people, it just means you disagree on gay issues.”

mmmm...having lunch with a conservative is now a reason to be assaulted. Hmmm...
yeah i don't agree with those left wingers who did that. Heck in university i was close with a group of left wingers. The left wingers and the right wingers didn't really mix, they stayed in their own group for the most part. All of them - except me. I don't like to be tied down to one group. I'm a floater - I float around between groups. I had right wing buddies as well and I would go over and say hi. They told me i was pretty much the only Lefty who would go over and talk to them. I said I don't care what someone's beliefs are - If they're nice, I'll make friends. :)

I'm impressed with him having lunch with anne coulter - she can be pretty darned offensive. :) But I have right wing buddies whose beliefs I find offensive, but they are nice to me so I just grab some cojones and make friends cause they're nice. :)
Here is the story of a gay, conservative christian who was physically assaulted for having lunch with Ann Coulter. Another victory for liberal tolerance.

mmmm...having lunch with a conservative is now a reason to be assaulted. Hmmm...

Well conservative intolerance kills people, lots of them. Does that excuse this assault, no. What it shows is the hypocrisy of statements like "Another victory for liberal tolerance." Which is one of the tag lines am sure being used over all the conservative pundit talk and news circuits.

mmmm...having lunch with a conservative is now a reason to be assaulted. Hmmm...

A real liberal would have hit Coulter. :D

Liberals can get violent. I am not saying they can't. But it is the level and scope of violence which the are willing to commit to is the difference.