Momentum, snake walk , force flow

So instead of using force against force the opponent angles by slipping to the outside quadrant. Utilizes facing bringing his centerline into the central line and off-balancing you. Yeap, that's a large part of what we do when confronted by someone of greater size or strength. Power is generated by driving off the floor and into the opponent. Yeah, we do that.
Many often ask me, can what you present work under pressure or resistance?

The matter of fact is, if there is pressure and resistance, the technic use is not effective.

One must have either misjudge to use a not effective technic,

such as the smaller guy try to engage in the direct momentum, like fish try to swim up stream, that is only yo create trouble for one. One end up to do panda Wck where both party will get hit or black eyes like a panda


One have never developed the skill,
Such as the smaller guy doesn't have the snake slide walk and or force flow handling develop, to be able to play in close range sticky combat , and cause himself a disaster. There is no way he can operate in close sticky range Effectively .

There are more then black and white in the reality, more then even seven color. Wck is not one size fit all . this youtube is made to convey a massage to smaller size player or female wcner on general reality of momentum play in self dance situation. One must not live with false security
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Many often ask me, can what you present work under pressure or resistance?

The matter of fact is, if there is pressure and resistance, the technic use is not effective.

ummm...alrighty then! This sums it up nicely!
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Repackaging the obvious. Of course folks should not do what he calls panda bear boxing- and snake slide is just a gimmicky name for footwork that takes someone past an opponent.
The matter of fact is, if there is pressure and resistance, the technic use is not effective.
Uh, is this what you actually wanted to say? If so, then the training and practice is poor!!

One must have either misjudge to use a not effective technic,
Good instruction, training, and practice will certainly take care of these problems.

...such as the smaller guy try to engage in the direct momentum, like fish try to swim up stream, that is only yo create trouble for one. One end up to do panda Wck where both party will get hit or black eyes like a panda


One have never developed the skill,
Such as the smaller guy doesn't have the snake slide walk and or force flow handling develop, to be able to play in close range sticky combat , and cause himself a disaster. There is no way he can operate in close sticky range Effectively .

There are more then black and white in the reality, more then even seven color. Wck is not one size fit all . this youtube is made to convey a massage to smaller size player or female wcner on general reality of momentum play in self dance situation. One must not live with false security
And again with proper instruction, training, and practice these problems will be taken care of.

Train them properly, have them practice properly, pressure test it and keep growing.
Renaming or re-branding something different is marketing not proper instruction or training. Step/slide, toi ma, snake slide walk, triangle stepping all good, just different marketing.
Uh, is this what you actually wanted to say? If so, then the training and practice is poor!!

Good instruction, training, and practice will certainly take care of these problems.

And again with proper instruction, training, and practice these problems will be taken care of.

Train them properly, have them practice properly, pressure test it and keep growing.
Renaming or re-branding something different is marketing not proper instruction or training. Step/slide, toi ma, snake slide walk, triangle stepping all good, just different marketing.

Could you maybe post a comparison vid? Would like to see what you differ with :)
Could you maybe post a comparison vid? Would like to see what you differ with :)
He stated: "Many often ask me, can what you present work under pressure or resistance?

The matter of fact is, if there is pressure and resistance, the technic use is not effective."

If what he presents is not effective under pressure and resistance then why is he presenting it?!!
That is why I asked if that was what he actually was wanting to say.

If the student is having problems with understanding range, angles, pressure, or that the opponent is larger and stronger then there is a serious lack of good training, the student is completely untrained, has no athletic prowess, or is completely unaware of physics.

What is being presented is basic fundamentals with-in wing chun training I have had and what most good wc instruction has. Nothing special or secret. As Vajramusti wrote; "Repackaging the obvious."
Even in the poor wing chun I've seen these things were taught.
What many forget is that Hendrik preaches to individuals who are, regardless to their supposed years of study are either poorly trained, poorly educated in the art or both. His re-naming and re-packaging are attractive to them. He makes it seem as what he is offering is secret and unknown to many branches. The opportunity to learn what is "rare" or "secret" is very appealing to these individuals. Hendrik thrives on this attention, both positive and negative. This "Snake Theory" is nothing new, just renamed and repackaged TCMA theories common to Yong Chun, Taijiquan, Bagua Zhang etc. Maybe what Hendrik is really doing is exposing the sad state of education within the world of Yong Chun. I see more and more converts flocking to him, which suggest to me that these individuals never really spent any time truly learning the art and/or their instructors simply weren't very knowledgeable. Either way, it's a sad reflection on the state of the Yong Chun gene pool worldwide.
He stated: "Many often ask me, can what you present work under pressure or resistance?

The matter of fact is, if there is pressure and resistance, the technic use is not effective."

If what he presents is not effective under pressure and resistance then why is he presenting it?!!
That is why I asked if that was what he actually was wanting to say.

If the student is having problems with understanding range, angles, pressure, or that the opponent is larger and stronger then there is a serious lack of good training, the student is completely untrained, has no athletic prowess, or is completely unaware of physics.

What is being presented is basic fundamentals with-in wing chun training I have had and what most good wc instruction has. Nothing special or secret. As Vajramusti wrote; "Repackaging the obvious."
Even in the poor wing chun I've seen these things were taught.

Yes I see you're point, but obviously do not understand you're point. I guess what you are saying is, I have to find out for myself. Fair enough!
Yes I see you're point, but obviously do not understand you're point. I guess what you are saying is, I have to find out for myself. Fair enough!
When you stand in front of someone can you tell if the person is larger than you, smaller than you, or is about your same size? Do you understand going directly into someone punching you as they punch you will most likely get punched and it would be a good idea to step to the side and counter attack from the side rather than a straight frontal attack?
Do realize if someone is larger and stronger than you that you will have a harder time controlling them than someone smaller than you?

That about sums it up.
When you stand in front of someone can you tell if the person is larger than you, smaller than you, or is about your same size? Do you understand going directly into someone punching you as they punch you will most likely get punched and it would be a good idea to step to the side and counter attack from the side rather than a straight frontal attack?
Do realize if someone is larger and stronger than you that you will have a harder time controlling them than someone smaller than you?

That about sums it up.

A lager person whom maybe stronger than me, I would not waste valuable seconds trying too. I would go for a joint, or just wear them down. Bigger oponents tend to rely on brute strength in my experience. That is when I been forced into a. I will defend myself. Yes I do understand the dynamics of fighting. I may not be a martial artist, but fighting is not alien to me. Very good post though, but still enjoy Hendricks vids. I find them informative, irrsprespective of right or wrong, disagreements ot whatever :)
A lager person whom maybe stronger than me, I would not waste valuable seconds trying too. I would go for a joint, or just wear them down. Bigger oponents tend to rely on brute strength in my experience. That is when I been forced into a. I will defend myself. Yes I do understand the dynamics of fighting. I may not be a martial artist, but fighting is not alien to me. Very good post though, but still enjoy Hendricks vids. I find them informative, irrsprespective of right or wrong, disagreements ot whatever :)
All good.
What he presents is ok. There are a couple of language barrier mistakes and that is why I asked the question about his last post. I may or may not agree with some of his explanations but for the most part what his presents is ok. My concern is his stating what he is presenting is not in other's wc. His terminology is different, that is ok also. I use different terminology with different students to get them to understand. Terminology is not a problem, but he presents what he is teaching is missing in others wc or teachings. Or, that what he has is some secret information when it is only a different terminology. For instance, 'snake slide walk' is simply a step with the front foot and sliding step forward with the rear foot keeping most of the weight toward the rear foot. Every wc family, every one of them have this step. He calls it snake slide walk and presents it as though only he has it. This is in many things he presents and when called on it his defense is show a utube as though if you don't show it on youtube then you don't have it.
If what he shows is helping you great, just know that what he presents is nothing special as far as wc goes. Even the poor wc I've seen has what he shows.

Can you guys stay on topic on technical instead of going politics ?

You can accuse me everything , but what it is remain what it is, what you have or what you don't have remain as it is.

Make a utube and share , instead of turn this into a political smearing thread.
All good.
What he presents is ok. There are a couple of language barrier mistakes and that is why I asked the question about his last post. I may or may not agree with some of his explanations but for the most part what his presents is ok. My concern is his stating what he is presenting is not in other's wc. His terminology is different, that is ok also. I use different terminology with different students to get them to understand. Terminology is not a problem, but he presents what he is teaching is missing in others wc or teachings. Or, that what he has is some secret information when it is only a different terminology. For instance, 'snake slide walk' is simply a step with the front foot and sliding step forward with the rear foot keeping most of the weight toward the rear foot. Every wc family, every one of them have this step. He calls it snake slide walk and presents it as though only he has it. This is in many things he presents and when called on it his defense is show a utube as though if you don't show it on youtube then you don't have it.
If what he shows is helping you great, just know that what he presents is nothing special as far as wc goes. Even the poor wc I've seen has what he shows.

Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never had a problem with Hendrik; it's just that he comes across as "I've got the ancient secret sauce and all the rest of you are low-life pond scum...don't".
What he presents is BASIC wing chun knowledge....
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All good.
What he presents is ok. There are a couple of language barrier mistakes and that is why I asked the question about his last post. I may or may not agree with some of his explanations but for the most part what his presents is ok. My concern is his stating what he is presenting is not in other's wc. His terminology is different, that is ok also. I use different terminology with different students to get them to understand. Terminology is not a problem, but he presents what he is teaching is missing in others wc or teachings. Or, that what he has is some secret information when it is only a different terminology. For instance, 'snake slide walk' is simply a step with the front foot and sliding step forward with the rear foot keeping most of the weight toward the rear foot. Every wc family, every one of them have this step. He calls it snake slide walk and presents it as though only he has it. This is in many things he presents and when called on it his defense is show a utube as though if you don't show it on youtube then you don't have it.
If what he shows is helping you great, just know that what he presents is nothing special as far as wc goes. Even the poor wc I've seen has what he shows.

Okay no worries. Yes I will endeavour to explore the terms more. No doubt in time I will be able to distinguish fact from fiction as it were. Frustrating that I cannot ask of you the right question, but I don't doubt you're word on this btw, I just enjoy watching the vids, even if they are erroneous. All part of the Learning curve for me. I realise that I am the guppy in the shark pool :)

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