Force flow in Wck

Seven bow force flow?

Is this another one of those "it has a funny name, therefore it must be good" discussions?
Yep. Whatever list Hendrik is on- spamming is sure to follow. ....repeating the same things again, again and again.
It's hardly a conversation.
Yep. Whatever list Hendrik is on- spamming is sure to follow. ....repeating the same things again, again and again.
It's hardly a conversation.


I lately found you against me for against shake.

You are no longer a friend that is for sure.


It is not repeating the something again and again, it is more and more wcners have the force flow skill and sharing. I don't even say much these days .
Thread locked, pending staff review.

MT Asst. Administrator
Thread is reopened.

Please keep things polite and respectful. Debate the post, not the poster, and avoid style bashing.

MT Assistant Administrator

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