

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
My neighbors and I are having a tough time with these little rodents. There are huge dirtpiles all over our yards from their digging. Poison isn't working, and the dagger traps catch an occasional one but not enough to matter. They're throughout the woods behind us too. Any suggestions for getting the moles or at least their molehills?
Holey Moley Batman!..smells like a rat!
Moles are typicaly attracted to areas with high food concentrations. Instead of trying to poison the moles, use a good insectcide (like acephate) to kill off lawn grubs that attract moles.

Good High Quality Casor Oil spread across the lawn can help rid the lawn of moles, too... many "mole repelents" are simply 100% castor oil... The mole repellents sell for about 25 bucks a gallon on average.
I'm having a serious problem with fleas. It seems like no matter what I can't kill these little s.o.b's.:mad: :mad: ..... I'm sorry that this is off topic but if anyone has any ideas for me to try please feel free to give them.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I'm having a serious problem with fleas. It seems like no matter what I can't kill these little s.o.b's.:mad: :mad: ..... I'm sorry that this is off topic but if anyone has any ideas for me to try please feel free to give them.

Inside or outside?

If they are outside, get a FLEA specific yard fogger, and repeatedly fog your yard. inside, you need to treat the carpets, apholstery, etc... with a combination of flea carpet shampoo and powders... you can also use an indoor fogger, as well as taking your pets for professional de-fleaing.

Fleas are tough to kill, because many products only target 1 life stage of fleas, some for young larval fleas, some for eggs, and some for adults. You have to be patient to get em all, and be ready to do multiple treatments as well. Be careful what you choose for defleaing as well, read the lable and make sure its safe for your pet... some products are safe for dogs but not cats... etc...

This is a problem I had before and the only answer is extermination along with treating your pets. Once that's done, don't let your pets in contact with other animals. If you have cats, I would consider making them inside cats. Also, as someone else mentioned, use Advantage or something like that. But for your house, I'm afraid extermination is the only answer to get rid of them once and for all.
Originally posted by tkdcanada

This is a problem I had before and the only answer is extermination

This isnt neccessarily true. I worked for an exterminator breifly a few years back... will they tell you this? YEP! Cuz they want the buisness... they key is really repeated treatments... as i said before, you gotta kill the flea larva, eggs, and adults ALL the life stages...
...This isn't necessarily true.....they will tell you this... (Quoted from Technopunk)

The reason I say this is not because someone told me this, it's because I have direct experience trying absolutely everything else, repeatedly. I know about all the life stages etc... but IMO and from experience, you will spend just as much money doing repeated treatments on your own which may or may not work (and did not in my case). At least if you spend the 100 bucks or so on an exterminator, at least you get a guarantee and if it doesn't work, they will come back to retreat without it costing you any more money. (I don't know if they all offer this, but you should find one who does). Some things are just no worth fooling around with yourself. I've learned that the hard way.
Originally posted by arnisador
They're still going! It's getting cold here. Very frustrating!

A freind of mine only got rid of them by Smoking them out.

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