
Maybe I'm just in one of "those" moods, but why do I care about McDojos?

No one can seem to agree on what exactly one is any how.

Just teach good stuff and stop worrying about what other people are doing Gladys. ;)

OK, I know I'm in one of "those" moods. :)

Peace favor your sword,

I think your mood is fine...
I think quality instruction is a Good Thing (tm), and bad instruction is not. But the only instruction I really have any control over is my own.
If someone is happy going to a school that guarantees X rank in Y time for S price with a passel of 8 year old black belts, then that's fine. I know for a fact that we've had more than one person leave specifically because we are NOT that type of school. One woman came in with her 7 year old, and flat out told me she expected him to be a black belt by the time he was 9. I told her up front - ain't going to happen. She left. I hope they're happy.
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I agree that lots of people make up their own definition for words. Anyway, why do trophies have to mean point fighting? There are many forms of competition.

Are all schools that don't have self-defense as the primary focus mcdojos?
I believe schools who gear their students towards tournaments, are mcdojos..if that is the primary concept. I have noticed that they seem to be teaching two different methods. Freestyle and kata. Really should a person be thrown into a fight or sparring session before they understand the basic use of the technique they are are learning through form and application?

Its simply something I disagree with.
I believe schools who gear their students towards tournaments, are mcdojos..if that is the primary concept. I have noticed that they seem to be teaching two different methods. Freestyle and kata. Really should a person be thrown into a fight or sparring session before they understand the basic use of the technique they are are learning through form and application?

Its simply something I disagree with.

I cannot wait for the reveal on this.

I expect either a BJJ/MMA guy is looking to try and tell everyone they are wrong, or a street fighter, looking to make some points that people do not train for the real self defense, (* Which is more mental and being aware - to your other comments on other threads *) and or just an opinionated person who might have some ideas, and could be part of some good discussions if they just pulled their own foot out of their own mouth.
I cannot wait for the reveal on this.

I expect either a BJJ/MMA guy is looking to try and tell everyone they are wrong, or a street fighter, looking to make some points that people do not train for the real self defense, (* Which is more mental and being aware - to your other comments on other threads *) and or just an opinionated person who might have some ideas, and could be part of some good discussions if they just pulled their own foot out of their own mouth.
You couldn't be more wrong. Is that how this works...someone's opinion doesn't match yours and you attack? You really need to get a thicker skin. I have practiced many arts But my base has always been of the karate family. Are you a diehard traditionalist and it can only be one way? My opinion on a matter is neither right or wrong. Its just an opinion. You sure do have a lot of anger and negativity about opinion. At least that is what I see in your comments so far.
What daycare are you sending your kids too?!?! :greedy::eek:

Peace favor your sword,

Where I live, after school daycare (2-6ish, including pick-up) is about $400 a month. I teach at my kids' school, so I don't have that bill. A lot of people I know do. Charging people $200 a month for after school MA is a good deal compared to the alternative.
Sure If its geared at sport and a set of rules yes.
We're trying to be nice, cloaking the critique in humor. The point is, to be blunt, that your definition of "McDojo" automatically rules out many that are considered martial arts by almost everyone. Now you're trying to go down the "martial sport" argument (we've all seen that many times before) but it still doesn't negate your comments on sport=McDojo.

I'm sorry, but you're going to have to find a way to rectify those two worlds or, quite honestly, not very many people on this forum will agree with you about much.

And that's about the nicest I can put it.

Peace favor your sword,
We're trying to be nice, cloaking the critique in humor. The point is, to be blunt, that your definition of "McDojo" automatically rules out many that are considered martial arts by almost everyone. Now you're trying to go down the "martial sport" argument (we've all seen that many times before) but it still doesn't negate your comments on sport=McDojo.

I'm sorry, but you're going to have to find a way to rectify those two worlds or, quite honestly, not very many people on this forum will agree with you about much.

And that's about the nicest I can put it.

Peace favor your sword,
Just my opinion...I haven't attacked any individuals. I have stated my opinion. But It is an argument that should be discussed...regardless of whether or not people find it offensive.

Now this next statement will definitely offend some people...

Is this forum based on Facebook where people are offended If it's not politically correct or not in agreement with the status quo. I left Facebook for that reason and thought I would join a forum of like minded people. If you enjoy the sport side of martial arts...great. After 30yrs of training, I have been thinking of getting involved in it myself(as a social activity) but if you train and teach for sport or you are geared specifically for that. You should be honest with your student's, as an instructor you owe it to your students, don't you think. As stated before, the term mcdogo can mean something different to others. Mostly I was speaking of the big chain dojos.

If I have offended...its not my intention, although I stand by earlier comment of what a mcdojo is to me.
I have practiced many arts

And yet, when you were asked flat out about your training and experience, you dodged the question.
So, let's try it again...
How old are you? What is your martial arts training and experience?
Just my opinion...I haven't attacked any individuals. I have stated my opinion. But It is an argument that should be discussed...

What makes your argument worth discussing? Personally, I don't think it bears much merit.

regardless of whether or not people find it offensive.
What makes you think anyone is offended by your argument? Just because they don't find much merit in it? That doesn't mean anyone is offended.

Now this next statement will definitely offend some people...

Is this forum based on Facebook where people are offended If it's not politically correct or not in agreement with the status quo.
Nah. Your statement doesn't offend, it seems to indicate you have a fundamental misunderstanding of this forum, its participants, and what constitutes "offended."

Mostly I was speaking of the big chain dojos.
Are you now saying that "big chain dojos" = McDojo?

If I have offended...its not my intention, although I stand by earlier comment of what a mcdojo is to me.
Unless you're feeling offended, no one here is. And I can't tell whether or not you are.

Peace favor your sword,
And yet, when you were asked flat out about your training and experience, you dodged the question.
So, let's try it again...
How old are you? What is your martial arts training and experience?
Which is less important than if his thesis can be defended logically and with facts.

That said, there does seem to exist a certain pattern. :(

Peace favor your sword,
Which is less important than if his thesis can be defended logically and with facts.

That said, there does seem to exist a certain pattern. :(

Peace favor your sword,

Oh, absolutely. I agree on both counts.

But I also think if he is going to bring up his training and experience, it's sort of silly to then refuse to provide information about what, exactly, that training and experience is.
Oh, absolutely. I agree on both counts.

But I also think if he is going to bring up his training and experience, it's sort of silly to then refuse to provide information about what, exactly, that training and experience is.
A fair point.

Peace favor your sword (mobile)
And yet, when you were asked flat out about your training and experience, you dodged the question.
So, let's try it again...
How old are you? What is your martial arts training and experience?
Still reading the comments and trying to figure where I was asked flat out and where you all stated your credentials. Patience