Master Case talks about the punch


Brown Belt
Feb 18, 2005
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Any comments from the large MartialTalk community?

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You're kidding, right? You really want to go through this again? How about we just go back to your thread from last December?

But, for a critique, there was nothing "correct", or really even "karate" in that whole clip. His ideas on bag placement are dangerous, or would be if he was actually generating any power, he was deliberately setting his partner up in a poor balance state to make it look like he was knocking him back with power, he had no transfer of bodyweight, the few things he was getting right (relax until the point of impact, for instance), he still demonstrated very badly, there was the typical inaccurate display of "other teachers mistakes" in order to give himself credibility, and a complete lack of understanding, ability, skill, knowledge, and insight was displayed throughout.

Honestly, knowing that Al is a member here, I will state for the record that his entire approach is "I'm looking for customers", which is admitted freely by Al himself, which gives all the dealings with him the feel of a used car salesman. There is nothing that I have ever seen from him that has any real value to anyone other than those looking for a "quick fix" approach, which is fundamentally flawed to begin with. I would ask, though, if you have a relationship with Al, seeing as you seem to have waited for the old thread to be forgotten before starting this one, which still has the feel (in context of Al's methods, and the previous thread where you started it, and then didn't have anything to add) of an advertisement. In fact, a lot of your posts would probably come under that description, when it comes down to it.
I think videos showing you how to receive punches would be good...oh hang on there's many MMA ones out there lol!
Any comments from the large MartialTalk community?

As a student, I am not qualified to judge. I see some similarities to some manner of punching (the relaxed/squeeze thing) but not others. We don't lean forward and we use the vertical fist in Isshin-Ryu for most things. We generate power differently; he appears to be using mostly his arm strength, despite saying he is using his 'body'.

I looked also at his video on the upper body block. Again, some similarities. We don't throw the block straight up either; we cross the center line and yes, there can be a roll at the end. Done with an open hand, it can aid in the capture of the incoming arm or fist. But it's not exactly the same, and again, we don't lean into it. We do channel the energy down the back leg as he shows, though.

That's about all I can offer. I think I'll stick with my training.
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As a student, I am not qualified to judge. I see some similarities to some manner of punching (the relaxed/squeeze thing) but not others. We don't lean forward and we use the vertical fist in Isshin-Ryu for most things. We generate power differently; he appears to be using mostly his arm strength, despite saying he is using his 'body'.

I looked also at his video on the upper body block. Again, some similarities. We don't throw the block straight up either; we cross the center line and yes, there can be a roll at the end. Done with an open hand, it can aid in the capture of the incoming arm or fist. But it's not exactly the same, and again, we don't lean into it. We do channel the energy down the back leg as he shows, though.

That's about all I can offer. I think I'll stick with my training.

Oh the directions my mind went in reading that! Positively X rated but I'm guessing as ex serviceman you will chuckle. :)
Oh the directions my mind went in reading that! Positively X rated but I'm guessing as ex serviceman you will chuckle. :)

I guess you don't want to know that some call it 'squeezing the peach', eh?
I can speak with a small amount of authority on a few small aspects of Tai Chi Chuan and on that only Yang family as presented by Cheng Man Ching. presented through only one scholl. Even that would include historical elements I have read about, and have not had direct experience. I am not in the business of promoting anybody.
I'm generalizing here - I think any discussion, or video, of a punch should include the off hand as it guards, and the retrieval of the punching hand back to proper position.
Yes, Buka, I think you are quite correct, someone could grab the punching hand as it dangles there. He is emphasizing the internal aspect ("moving the weight") and not much else. Also no discussion of the punch combined with stepping. It seems to me you eventually have to practice with stepping and footwork maneuvers, and the guarding hand like you say. Also, while his criticism of the karate punch may be true for the first karate schools that established in the states, I think I have read of karate schools that teach the "only firm up the fist at point of impact" concept.
I take from Chris Parker's comments that this guy is a member here, so sorry if offense is caused but the whole display was nothing but sloppy techniques and application. His portrayal of the "standard or typical" karate punch (which I never see used in tournaments or live fights these days) was terrible. His own punching/boxing style lacked finesse or technique. At times overextended, poor balance and weight distribution, and as others have said no torque/flick generated from the hips, no apparent engagement of the lats for additional power. A boxer would laugh at this guy, while not a boxer myself I have trained with many proficient ones over the years to improve my own glove skills and power generation. And unless this guy is only focusing on the strike itself, his own defence when applying the strike is poor; if that guy came in to hit a moderately experienced fighter like that his head would be split with a counter. Not saying this guy is not a great chap but not sure from that one vid if there was much to offer or add of value to the world of martial arts and/or fighting.
Also not sure why he's making his assistant look like a clown clutching onto the front of the pad like that, the whole thing stinks of inability on the behalf of all.
I haven't posted here for a while so not sure why I'm so scathing but on re-reading the above it all fits.

PS: "Master Case" - master of what exactly?

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