Man Fights Off Grizzly Bear


Black Belt
Jun 19, 2004
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Hiker uses martial arts to fight off grizzly bear
May 30, 2005


Luckily, the bear didn’t have his black belt.

An Alberta man on a Bible retreat successfully used his Brazilian martial arts training on the weekend to fend off a charging grizzly.

Lyle Simpson was hiking through the bush with friends west of Calgary on Saturday when the bruin started chasing him, he said.

“It just burst out of the bush, charging right away. There wasn’t much time to think,” said Simpson, 32, who added there was a cub nearby.

The hikers quickly ran in different directions, but as Simpson was trying to escape, he tripped and landed on his back.

“I put my arm up as the bear was coming on down towards me. The bear tried to bite my arm.”

That’s when Simpson’s training instincts took over and he kicked the bear in the face.

“I think I stunned it just enough. I really think it saved me from a mauling.”

The friends quickly re-grouped and made the 15-minute trek back to Whispering Pines Bible camp.

Simpson needed six stitches to close the wound from the bear’s bite and has a painful gash on his hip.

“My shorts look like they’ve been cut with scissors.,” he said.

Pretty amazing if you ask me what the human body can achieve. Guess he used BJJ to fight off a grizzly bear. This is a grizzly bear. Probably pound for pound the top vertebrate fighter in the animal kingdom on land. If you were to scale every vertebrate to one size and have them fight, a grizzly bear would reign supreme (maybe pound for pound a wolverine matches it). And this guy fought off the bear. A true survivor and fighter.
Bear decided it wasnt worth it..if it wanted him it would have had him.
Yea I a pretty sure the bear could have finished off the man but the man's obviously scared and hurt the grizzly a little, which is impressive.
Tgace said:
Bear decided it wasnt worth it..if it wanted him it would have had him.
Very true. Most female bears will cease the attack once they think the threat to their cub is over. But if the bear was hungry it would have been a differant story.

Boy, when I read the first line about "Brazilian Martial Arts training", I was hoping to read that he made the bear tap out. Boy would that be good advertizing for the Gracies:ultracool
Many times Bear attacks aren't "intended" to be lethal, the Bear was being protective to a youngling. They are rarely "maneaters". If it were 2 bears fighting there would be some slapping/biting/wrestling until one submitted or ran. Humans just arent tough enough to take it...Cougars on the other hand, if you are small enough you look just like lunch.
He didn't fight off the bear...he startled it...and the bear got tired of his playtoy..
Everyone called this one correctly. The bear lost interest.
i think what john said was right ,the bear was upset about the cubs,
and if i may, the cubs are not doing that well this year,(sorry but i had to say that)
I would say the guy deserves a lot of credit, regardless. He had the presence of mind to strike and the skill/strength to do it convincingly enough that it stopped the attack. I hope I fare as welll if I ever need to. Even if the bear just lost interest after the first would've been a lot worse if he man had not struck
I think "Man survives a Grizzly attack" is more accurate than "Man fights off Grizzly Bear".
Hardly BJJ. I was expecting some submission holds, maybe some extreme boasting of how the bear took him to the ground and ripped off both his arms yet still how he managed to take use his superior skills to grapple with the bear, eventually choking it out and winning the match.

As Tgace said, hardly man fights grizzly bear, rather man kicks grizzly bear, bear now considerably confused that a kick was used when the man so obviously did BJJ, since the bear did TKD, it wasnt expecting that kind of attack. In all this proves the theory that TKD is weak and BJJ so obviously wins out, ever!
Believe me I am actually joking!
Tgace said:
I think "Man survives a Grizzly attack" is more accurate than "Man fights off Grizzly Bear".
I too think that's more accurate.Either way you call it that man was very,very lucky..

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