Machida Karate??

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The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
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Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
I have no idea where that came. After I was discharged from the Army, I became a Commissioned Security Guard with IPC International Corporation (since you must know). Anything about my personal life is nothing of your concern by any means.
Still having problems with kids sneaking in and using your PC while you're in the can supervising a huge brownware download?


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Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA

That's what I think about that

Congratulations, kid.

You've just convinced me. I think your full of bovine excrement. I wasn't originally going to do this... but your little rant here convinced me maybe it's due.

To be blunt -- I read the posts over on BSDO, too. This part here:
After being discharged, I became a LEO (Patrolman) with the Dallas Police Department located at 2331 West Northwest Highway in Dallas, TX 75220 for 2 years before coming over to the Sheriff's department.
I cross-trained with the Dallas SWAT teams, and was ready to be selected before I found out about the SRT.
I found more of an interest in SRT than in SWAT, so this is where I am.
Also, with Dallas PD, there is a 3 year waiting period before you can perform any 'special assignments' such as SWAT or Undercover/Anti-Gang and Drug Task Force assignments.
is crap. I doubt there's an agency around without a requirement for a couple of years experience before a special assignment like SWAT. (Which goes by many names... Tactical teams, tactical response teams, Special Response Team, Sheriff's Response Team... Hey, haven't I seen SRT somewhere...) Cops learn to be cops in patrol. (Pure investigative agencies like the FBI or some state Bureaus of Investigation are different; there, you cut your teeth on background investigations and minor cases.) Anything else only comes after, except for some places that do still occasionally and rarely grab someone before the academy for a limited term of undercover work before going to the full academy and then the street. And a lot of those specialties take a lot more than 2 or 3 years on the street to really be competitive...

Name dropping doesn't impress folks here. You'd be rather surprised, I suspect, at some of the names behind some of the screen names here. You'd be even more surprised at who some of those folks have on speed dial.

If you've got a problem with a poster here, let me strongly urge you to use the ignore feature. If you've got a problem with a post, use the RTM button. Hell, report this one, if you want. Staff here has to play by the rules just like everyone else; I can't tell you another board where the owner, founder, and administrator has been suspended. (I know one where the founder, at his own request, was banned after selling the site to another member... simply so he could brag he was banned from every such site he'd been a member of.)

The internet can suck for communication because so much human communication is non-verbal -- but it's got a great feature that's absent in a face to face conversation. You can have your say, wait, think about it, and decide not to post it. Here, you even have a limited window in which you can edit what you said when you realize it didn't come out quite how you meant it! Maybe, just maybe, you oughta take advantage of that feature.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
Lifetime Supporting Member
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Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
Congratulations, kid.

You've just convinced me. I think your full of bovine excrement. I wasn't originally going to do this... but your little rant here convinced me maybe it's due.

To be blunt -- I read the posts over on BSDO, too. This part here:

is crap. I doubt there's an agency around without a requirement for a couple of years experience before a special assignment like SWAT. (Which goes by many names... Tactical teams, tactical response teams, Special Response Team, Sheriff's Response Team... Hey, haven't I seen SRT somewhere...) Cops learn to be cops in patrol. (Pure investigative agencies like the FBI or some state Bureaus of Investigation are different; there, you cut your teeth on background investigations and minor cases.) Anything else only comes after, except for some places that do still occasionally and rarely grab someone before the academy for a limited term of undercover work before going to the full academy and then the street. And a lot of those specialties take a lot more than 2 or 3 years on the street to really be competitive...

Name dropping doesn't impress folks here. You'd be rather surprised, I suspect, at some of the names behind some of the screen names here. You'd be even more surprised at who some of those folks have on speed dial.

If you've got a problem with a poster here, let me strongly urge you to use the ignore feature. If you've got a problem with a post, use the RTM button. Hell, report this one, if you want. Staff here has to play by the rules just like everyone else; I can't tell you another board where the owner, founder, and administrator has been suspended. (I know one where the founder, at his own request, was banned after selling the site to another member... simply so he could brag he was banned from every such site he'd been a member of.)

The internet can suck for communication because so much human communication is non-verbal -- but it's got a great feature that's absent in a face to face conversation. You can have your say, wait, think about it, and decide not to post it. Here, you even have a limited window in which you can edit what you said when you realize it didn't come out quite how you meant it! Maybe, just maybe, you oughta take advantage of that feature.

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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Bill, with all due respect; I see and do agree with what you are saying.

But as you know (as do many others), there are others online who tend to try to push other peoples buttons and rile them up.
The only reason they feel that they can get away with it, is because it's online and that because no one is doing anything about it.

One finds quite a variety of people online who behave in a variety of ways. Some of them can be quite rude from time to time, and yes, some get quite a kick out of pushing buttons. I might add that one does not push buttons unless it gets an entertaining (to them) response. In other words, they may push your buttons, but if you jump when they say 'frog', that's your problem.

I do not feel that I did anything to deserve the treatment that i've been receiving.
Those referring to past experiences are only ruining the entire concept of, "turning over a new leaf"; even though I never felt the need or desire to turn over a new leaf in the first place.

Like it or not, one earns a reputation that can trail after one like a tail on a kite.

With regard to turning over new leaves, one often finds that making a clean breast of things rather than coming up with more imaginative excuses that one hopes cover all the bases and relieves one of personal responsibility might go further.

I came here with the same questions as I did in (the first and only other place where I became part of an online martial arts community).

Although I did not take part in the general hazing you have received, I did have my 'BS' detector go off as well. A quick Google through events related to your chosen handle, your choice of terms, and so on led me to believe what others also seem to believe. I realize you cannot see yourself as others appear to be seeing you, but they are not alone. If you had a mirror that let you see yourself as others are seeing you, you might stand down and take a step back. I'm sure you're capable of that, you're intelligent.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
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Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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You lot do realise you force me to print your posts off when you post long tirades etc? My eyes are such they can't cope with reading for long on the screen.
Anyway to get back to the subject here's some highlights etc of good karate/TKD fighters which gives the lie to the thing about MMA fighters not being good at TMAs and not learning thoroughly any TMA.

There's three TKD blackbelts in these fights.

guys, I'm trying to post up mates fights to show off, I mean show off TMA skills, don't get this thread locked!
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Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
You perceive anyone who disagrees with you as a troll. I just think you're an asshat myself. You got smacked over at the childrens network because you got caught in your lies. You're getting caught here for the same. Grow a pair, man up and admit it.

You name drop like we care. Meeting someone at a seminar or expo isn't "knowing" them, dumbass. If that were the case I'd "know" both Clintons, Obama and both Bush's, not to mention Ray Parks, Jet Li, Bruce Lee, Ed Parker, Jackie Chan and Zhang Zyi. (Shes a sweetie I might add, has soft hands and hot eyes)

For your information, yes, I am a troll. The difference between us however is I've been here a long time, have actually contributed to the site both content wise and financially. The last lying piece of trash I sparred with here was sent packing not too long ago. You remind me of him. Slightly shorter and a bit thicker.

You came here with a chip on your shoulder, a past history you can't hide from and an attitude that sucks.

You are a 21 yr old male named Shawn, who lives in the DFW area.

You puffed up your pompous little chest and said

Hey dumb nuts, guess what? Several of our former staff are from Texas. Most are still paying members of the site, run schools (real schools I might add) and are real community leaders. Do you know how many members we have in tthe DFW area alone? How much traffic from Texas? I think it's the 3rd most active MT spot in the US. Ask Kaith, he's got the stats. It's been a while since I saw them. Or don't you ignorant kid.

Yeah I said ignorant. This isn't a democracy. Go read the rules you agreed to at sign up. There's at least 1 mod warning in here, I'm sure the next is coming and I'm sure I'll have another 'shut up' note, which I'll deserve and accept like the man I am.

You I expect will ***** and moan like a little pissy troll baby.

Your own words convict you of being a certified troll.

"Do you know who I am"

Yeah, a whiney, self important nobody with delusions of adequacy who thinks he can intimidate us and is failing horribly at everything other than amusing us.


Yup! That's my myspace account! Good job! You're using my personal info to insult me!

This here, everybody, proves that this site is new-member unfriendly.


For your information, yes, I am a troll. The difference between us however is I've been here a long time, have actually contributed to the site both content wise and financially. The last lying piece of trash I sparred with here was sent packing not too long ago. You remind me of him. Slightly shorter and a bit thicker.

He said that because he has contributed financially and content-wise.

I came here with specific questions (as a new user probably would) and was called a troll because I contradicted others (hoping they would contradict me back with some good explanations).

This loser uses his "status" to justify his reasons for being such an a$$hole or a troll.

So that means that because I came here and haven't contributed (YET), means that I'm less than he is?

You puffed up your pompous little chest and said

You name drop like we care. Meeting someone at a seminar or expo isn't "knowing" them, dumbass. If that were the case I'd "know" both Clintons, Obama and both Bush's, not to mention Ray Parks, Jet Li, Bruce Lee, Ed Parker, Jackie Chan and Zhang Zyi. (Shes a sweetie I might add, has soft hands and hot eyes)

Hey dumb nuts, guess what? Several of our former staff are from Texas. Most are still paying members of the site, run schools (real schools I might add) and are real community leaders. Do you know how many members we have in tthe DFW area alone? How much traffic from Texas? I think it's the 3rd most active MT spot in the US. Ask Kaith, he's got the stats. It's been a while since I saw them. Or don't you ignorant kid.

Dear me; here you go making assumptions.
I personally KNOW Chuck Norris and maintain a good friendship with him.
Yes, even celebrities can have friends outside the "celebrity world".
I personally KNOW Mark Hatmaker (constantly share emails with him as well).
I personally KNOW Carlos Machado (as he is my former instructor. go google or youtube him).
I personally KNOW Saekson Janjira (he is also my former instructor. go google him, or youtube him, too, dumbass).
I personally KNOW the Gracie family. I trained in their school for a few weeks in Miami; and they are Carlos Machado's cousins (the brothers).
I personally KNOW Eddie Bravo (We play online videogames with each other almost all the time. ask me for his s/n on STEAM; go ahead, get embarrassed).

You're also ignorant to believe that just because there are others on here from Dallas/Fort Worth; that I can't spread the good power of, "word of mouth" all over this area and all over Los Angeles, and all over Florida (where most of my family is from), all over Chicago, all over Arizona (where my wife's family is from), and all over every area where we have some sort of influence. If you're thinking that a few people can't do some harm, then you shouldn't be here at all, and/or shouldn't be running this site.

I think you're a grandios little fruit who holds himself on such a high horse because you've obtained some social status over an online forum by contributing your "content" and your "money".

I don't give two flips how long you've been here or what you've given. You don't treat anyone the way you've treated me.
Why? Because the word of mouth (no matter how small it begins) can turn into a big one. My "big mouth" can turn into an even "bigger" one.

I contribute to my community, heavily. Not just in the Martial Arts, but to the local animal shelters, to childrens foundations and communities (such as Big Brothers, Big Sisters) to the Red Cross, to the Salvation Army, to many, many other places and things. My fathers wife is a Doctor in the Plano area, they know the entire police department. My aunt and uncle own half of Napa auto parts in this entire area.

You're talking to a young man who truly has a lot of influence.

I don't care how much money or content you've put in here; that isn't going to help in THIS area.

I'm not making threats; I'm educating you. Don't treat new users this way, no matter how they've acted.
Always remain formal and professional. You, obviously, do not have those capabilities. If so; why not display them?

Act like a man, don't talk about it.

Omar B

Senior Master
Nov 6, 2007
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Queens, NY. Fort Lauderdale, FL
This thread is hilarious! Being called a troll by some dude who's been a member here for all of like a week and answering (as patiently as one can answer someone who's not talking in cogent sentences). I think if I were a troll It would have been quite apparent about 2 years ago.

Ask a question, don't like the answer given, the respondent must be a troll ... it's all so simple now.


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Well, you said it, not me.

No sir, I definitely did not.
Where you come up with this conclusion, I have no idea.

However, you may find this interesting. From the rules:

Section 10 : Law Enforcement Officer Policy

MartialTalk welcomes the members of the various branches of Law Enforcement to join and participate on our site.

It is not required that LEO's identify themselves as such.

Members who are however found to falsely claim to be law enforcement officers will be subject to one or more of the following:

  • An Immediate & Permanent Ban
  • Reported to Internet Service Provider
  • Reported to Law Enforcement organization closest to them for investigation. All account information will be provided to aid their investigation.
  • Impersonating an officer of the law is a criminal offense in most places, and will not be tolerated here. We have several active & retired LEO on staff as well as active members of the site.

If you suspect someone of lying about their law credentials, please report the post and the situation will be investigated.

Thank you.

Seeing that many people here are active LEOs, retired LEOs or have connections in the LE field, I'd be careful what you say as it may bite you in the end.

I see..
I'm not one YET; but i'm working on it.
Again, I haven't lied about being one at all.
Although, I'll do as you request and report anything I see, if I see anything that I feel is fishy.

It's disrespectful to real law enforcement officers who put their life on the line for our safety.


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Jun 21, 2003
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I guess someone must've missed my post when I mentioned that pretty red button. Ahh...thank God I'm involved in this thread and won't have to deal with the numerous reported posts that I'm sure are piling up. Amazing....its as clear as day, yet AK sees a nasty post to him by TLL, and instead of keeping his mouth shut and moving on to more productive discussion, what does he do? He fires back with his own rude post. Whats that saying...2 wrongs dont make a right.



Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
This thread is hilarious! Being called a troll by some dude who's been a member here for all of like a week and answering (as patiently as one can answer someone who's not talking in cogent sentences). I think if I were a troll It would have been quite apparent about 2 years ago.

Ask a question, don't like the answer given, the respondent must be a troll ... it's all so simple now.

It does not matter how long you've been here.

I call those a troll who show aggressiveness or passive aggressiveness, and those who appear to try to get a "rise" out of somebody.

If I feel you're a troll, I'll call it like I see it so the real admins and moderators can do some investigating.


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Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
It is possible to find oneself in a situation where others are simply jerks. I have joined a few forums over the years that for one reason or another were not to my liking. I have also been a member of forums where I have worn out my welcome and felt that it was not my fault, but that of others. And I've been 'foruming' for a long time - back in the day, I ran a computer BBS for those who remember dial-up lines, modems, and so on.

However, if I found that wherever I went, I received the same responses, I might begin to believe, if I were mature enough, that the problem was not with others but with myself.

One can easily have a few bad experiences and chalk it up to the behavior of others. After a few, it might not be them, is what I'm suggesting.
Aw, c'mon, Bill... That just couldn't be! It's clearly that nobody is taking the time to explain things plainly enough for someone who brags about having been training for 16+ years, across multiple arts. If they only took the time to explain his words to him, he'd understand.


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Jun 21, 2003
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No sir, I definitely did not.
Where you come up with this conclusion, I have no idea.

I see..
I'm not one YET; but i'm working on it.
Again, I haven't lied about being one at all.
Although, I'll do as you request and report anything I see, if I see anything that I feel is fishy.

It's disrespectful to real law enforcement officers who put their life on the line for our safety.

Well, I must say that it was your name over at BSDO that said it. If this were not true, and someone else as you claim, was using your computer, I'd do something about it. So, that is where my and others conclusions were drawn.


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Jun 21, 2003
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It does not matter how long you've been here.

I call those a troll who show aggressiveness or passive aggressiveness, and those who appear to try to get a "rise" out of somebody.

If I feel you're a troll, I'll call it like I see it so the real admins and moderators can do some investigating.

So, your version of the mods and admins doing some investigating, is talking about it in a long *** thread, where posts get buried with other posts....rather than reporting the issue, such as I've said a few times already.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
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Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
Again, more how important you are BS. Do you know who I am? Who I know? Who I'm currently on the phone with laughing about you with?
No you don't, and you'd be surprised to know. Seems he thinks you're a real joke. A self important little snot. Also says you leglog like a girl. ":rofl:

My money and contributions here = squat in real life. If I cross the line enough, or go too far, you'll see the "Banned" tag up there and I'll have to amuse myself some other way on the weekends when I'm near a net connection (You know how much those uplinks cost when you're at sea right, being so well connected and all that).

So go ahead, "spread the word". Point them at this thread. They'll see the same thing we do. A little kid, all butt hurt because we didn't kiss his lamer *** after he puffed up and tried to impress us by name dropping and acting the punk ***.

And with that child I need to go. Us men have work to do, and mine involves packing to get back on the road. I'll be spending some time at Hedonism next week and must remember to pack my good toga.

Toodles Trollkin!



Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Well, I must say that it was your name over at BSDO that said it. If this were not true, and someone else as you claim, was using your computer, I'd do something about it. So, that is where my and others conclusions were drawn.

Yes, I am aware that someone was on my PC and that they won't be getting back on (at least for a WHILE) because of it.

To those LEO's who've seen this; I give you MY apology (although I shouldn't be the one apologizing about this).

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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Aw, c'mon, Bill... That just couldn't be! It's clearly that nobody is taking the time to explain things plainly enough for someone who brags about having been training for 16+ years, across multiple arts. If they only took the time to explain his words to him, he'd understand.

As one who spent a number of years attempting to become the world's biggest shitheel, I was hoping to provide some insight based on sad personal experience. The internet didn't exist when I was at my worst - fortunately. I have true sympathy for those who show their asses at a young age where it will be recorded forever or until TEOTWAWKI. There is redemption, but it involves manning up, and that can be difficult.


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Aw, c'mon, Bill... That just couldn't be! It's clearly that nobody is taking the time to explain things plainly enough for someone who brags about having been training for 16+ years, across multiple arts. If they only took the time to explain his words to him, he'd understand.

Yes, that's right!

Bragging? No. Giving my experiences, hoping that the good martial artists will make an assessment? Yes!!

Look at this major flame war!! This is great!

But, OMG, You started it! (no, I didn't, just check all the previous posts. It's easy to point the finger. I think everyone has contributed to this pathetic flame-war)

(*cough* losers)

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
Just remember, only a complete loser gets banned from both Bullshido and MartialTalk. I suggest you try next. That way you can be a 3 time loser champion.


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Jun 21, 2003
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Yes, I am aware that someone was on my PC and that they won't be getting back on (at least for a WHILE) because of it.

To those LEO's who've seen this; I give you MY apology (although I shouldn't be the one apologizing about this).

At least for a while? Now, if someone were using your computer, supposedly spreading nasty lies, it wouldn't be for a while, it'd be forever. Log off your terminal when you're not there, change passwords, etc.

What I find interesting, is that the person you're claiming said all this stuff, sounds very much like your own words here. So unless you're sharing the same brain with this 'mystery' person, I think you can see why people are calling on the BS flag to be raised.
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