Machida Karate??

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Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA

What I said was not directed at you. :) I was just pointing out that this person sounds exactly like this other member that was here, under the name Destroyer Style. He was a typical young kid, 21 I think, who thought that he could make his own style, that it was some super thing, etc., argued all the time with those that tried to help him, never listened...just like this guy is doing.

No harm bro. :)

Have a nice Christmas. :)


lol nope, no Destroyer Style here. Never heard of him.
Actually, a gentleman from earlier has not only helped me, but has also humbled me with merely words......
I think i've gotten all the help I need though. I thought about making my own style for the past year (about), and haven't had any luck with it.
I think it's just best to stick with the style or art that i've now chosen.

I apologize if any disrespect or hostility was directed towards you, or anyone for that matter.


Aries Kai


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA

Take my comments anyway you like. No offense intended, but at times, I grow tired of sugar coating things for people, and telling them the things they WANT to hear, rather than the truth.

What surprises me, is that its taking you 16yrs, as you state, to come to the understanding that maybe, you're not doing what you really want? ****, that would take me a heck of alot less time, but anyways...

You constantly ask what is street effective, and I've told you repeatedly, that ANYTHING can be, but it comes down to how each person trains it.

As for downgrading you....well, be it as it may, I'm trying to be honest with you here. You have a long list of things you trained in, talk about all the fights you've been in, talk all the time about 16yrs of training, and you're asking questions like this? Let me ask you....did your 16yrs of training help you with what you've done? If so, then what is the issue? If not, well, again, I wouldn't be waiting 16yrs to figure out what failed me.

What it really has boiled down to is...
I can use my Jujutsu. I can use my fists (boxing). I can last with endurance. I can use a blade...
But I can't use my entire body as a weapon (like in Taijutsu).
I've found what i'm looking for and will be training in shortly.

Again, thanks to you all.


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Again, why has it taken 16yrs to see this? As for who is sitting behind the're correct sir, however, I can assure you, there are many here who do have that knowledge. As for myself...all my training can be backed up by my teachers. 20+yrs of training. Apparently what I do and what my teachers do, works, otherwise I wouldn't be here typing this to you, whoever you may be.

Sit down, figure out what type of training YOU need, ask questions, be humble and stop arguing with everyone that offers you suggestions. Ask questions, but dont be a jerk about it. Not saying you are, just sayin'.

As for your living situation...dont know what to tell ya, other than to maybe not wear the expensive watch, fancy shoes, mind your business, and avoid trouble.

lmao. Ok, man. I don't know if you've checked out previous posts, but...
The "expensive watch" and "fancy shoes" deal was during my childhood.
I'm sitting here, openly admitting things; because I was seeking the right answer (which, I've found). I do everything to mind my own business and avoid trouble. I didn't just learn that in Martial Arts, but I learned that growing up.
My living situation is fine. I'm shackin it up in a nice hotel at the moment, bout to have a new apartment soon for the next couple months, then off to Los Angeles, Cali.
I'm fine as far as that goes. I'm a student, my wife is a Registered Nurse (she makes pretty good money, $23 an hour). I'm fine, but thank you for your concern!! Seriously!

Merry Christmas, Sir.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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What it really has boiled down to is...
I can use my Jujutsu. I can use my fists (boxing). I can last with endurance. I can use a blade...
But I can't use my entire body as a weapon (like in Taijutsu).
I've found what i'm looking for and will be training in shortly.

Again, thanks to you all.

You will be disappointed again I think. You already have the best weapon available....... your brain. Fight smart.

My instructor tells the story, and I know others here know it too, of the fox and the cat. They are sitting under a tree one day where the fox is telling the cat about all his techniques for getting away from the hunt, I have hundreds he tells the cat. Then in the distance the hounds and the horses can be heard, as they get nearer the cat shoots straight up the tree while the fox is still sitting there debating which of his hundred ways of escape to use, the hounds catch him. The cat smiles, safe in her tree with her one technique that works.


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
WRONG! Did you read what I said? If not, read it again! I said, a mishmash of things tossed together. That is NOT what MMA is. You're not trying to creat Frankenstein here dude, you're putting things together that work, not just a little of this, a bit of that, pop it in the over, and pray it works. Is that what you think MMA is? Is that what you think that martial arts are? I'm staring to think that you're trolling and wasting everybodies time here dude, and if thats the case, I suggest you stop, before your time here is cut short, and trolling is frowned upon.

You think that Ed Parker just threw things together hoping they'd work? He put things together alright, but what he did works! Its been tested and continues to be. Its like a dont just put the pieces together any old way do you??

So, all the times you got your *** kicked were prior to that? Just going on what you said in another post. So, if so, and you avent lost a fight since then, figure out what you did wrong.

Bro, I'm starting to doubt that. One minute you're saying you want help from the pros here, and in the next, you're telling me that you doubt people because you dont know who's on the other end of the computer. WTF?? You either want help or you dont.

Again. I'm not quite sure if you've read this post either but....

If I get someone telling me, "That won't work!" and I say, "Well, why not?" and they say, "It just won't!!" then how the HELL am I going to know whether to trust them or not?
Like we both agreed on; we never know who's on the other end.
I need fine explanations on things, in order to be able to learn them.
Making mistakes is ALL part of learning; you HAVE learned that in 20+ years of training and practice; no?

Like I said, I've got the right answer; now what i've gotta do is apply it.

I'm not trolling, i'm just doing anything I can to get the right answers, such as, "Why" this won't work and "Why" that won't work.

That's what i've been looking for. That's all, man.

Now you have a Merry Christmas, ok?


Aries Kai


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
You will be disappointed again I think. You already have the best weapon available....... your brain. Fight smart.

My instructor tells the story, and I know others here know it too, of the fox and the cat. They are sitting under a tree one day where the fox is telling the cat about all his techniques for getting away from the hunt, I have hundreds he tells the cat. Then in the distance the hounds and the horses can be heard, as they get nearer the cat shoots straight up the tree while the fox is still sitting there debating which of his hundred ways of escape to use, the hounds catch him. The cat smiles, safe in her tree with her one technique that works.

lol nah. The style i'm going to be learning has much Jujutsu curriculum within it. I'm 21, I have my whole life ahead of me to learn something new.
I won't be forgetting the old, I will still be applying it.
I'll be studying Genbukan.. Has plenty of Jujutsu concepts in it, from what I can see. The Goshinjutsu is very closely related, and is more modern than anything i've ever used.

I'll be fine.

Thanks for the concern though


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Jun 21, 2003
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lol nope, no Destroyer Style here. Never heard of him.
Actually, a gentleman from earlier has not only helped me, but has also humbled me with merely words......
I think i've gotten all the help I need though. I thought about making my own style for the past year (about), and haven't had any luck with it.
I think it's just best to stick with the style or art that i've now chosen.

I apologize if any disrespect or hostility was directed towards you, or anyone for that matter.


Aries Kai

What it really has boiled down to is...
I can use my Jujutsu. I can use my fists (boxing). I can last with endurance. I can use a blade...
But I can't use my entire body as a weapon (like in Taijutsu).
I've found what i'm looking for and will be training in shortly.

Again, thanks to you all.

lmao. Ok, man. I don't know if you've checked out previous posts, but...
The "expensive watch" and "fancy shoes" deal was during my childhood.
I'm sitting here, openly admitting things; because I was seeking the right answer (which, I've found). I do everything to mind my own business and avoid trouble. I didn't just learn that in Martial Arts, but I learned that growing up.
My living situation is fine. I'm shackin it up in a nice hotel at the moment, bout to have a new apartment soon for the next couple months, then off to Los Angeles, Cali.
I'm fine as far as that goes. I'm a student, my wife is a Registered Nurse (she makes pretty good money, $23 an hour). I'm fine, but thank you for your concern!! Seriously!

Many here, myself included, have tried to help you with suggestions. Problem is, you take offense so easily. But whatever....

Tell ya sit down, think about your current training, whether or not it meets your needs, whether or not you're getting what you want out of it, put a list together, and post it here. Detailed info about what YOU want out of YOUR training. Again, keep in mind what I and others have said...any art can be street effective, its the person doing it that makes the difference. So, that being said, perhaps its not your training, but you. Maybe you're not making things work, so if thats the case, YOU need to figure out what the issue is.

You state that in a short time you're moving to Cali? If so, you're heading to the right place, as that seems to be the mecca for martial arts. You name it and its there. This may sound bias coming from a Kenpo guy, but you may want to look into Kajukenbo. A ton of great schools there. You have Kali, BJJ, a ton of Bujinkan schools.

So, again, figure out what you want, post it here, and if you're really sincere, I'd be happy to help in guiding you to a school.

"til then......

Have a great Holiday. :)



Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Thank you for confirming my thoughts.

1) You come here to start trouble.

2) You admit because you're not getting the answers YOU want, that you're now leaving the thread and anything else will be necro.

Did you read the forum rules YOU agreed to upon joining? If not, read them!

Oh, BTW, I'm going to make sure this thread is looked at. My troll and BS meter are off the charts right now.

I apologize I offended you.
What I was saying was, "As far as I am concerned, the thread is necro."
That's the same as saying, "This thread is dead to me. I've got nothing more for it; i'd like to drop all of the animosity."
I have no intentions in "trolling" anybody. Trolling is not my style.

I got all the answers I wanted. Just ask Chris Parker.
I'm fine, I just think you're not quite up to date with everything just yet...
Go ahead and read all of the posts.
There's no point in keeping this animosity bull going.

Now that I have everything I need, you won't be seeing anymore arguments from me. I've learned a lot from you guys.
I'll be happy when I come back later and say, "Thanks to you guys, I got my 1st Dan in Ninjutsu".

Honestly, let's keep this peaceful; alright?


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Many here, myself included, have tried to help you with suggestions. Problem is, you take offense so easily. But whatever....

Tell ya sit down, think about your current training, whether or not it meets your needs, whether or not you're getting what you want out of it, put a list together, and post it here. Detailed info about what YOU want out of YOUR training. Again, keep in mind what I and others have said...any art can be street effective, its the person doing it that makes the difference. So, that being said, perhaps its not your training, but you. Maybe you're not making things work, so if thats the case, YOU need to figure out what the issue is.

You state that in a short time you're moving to Cali? If so, you're heading to the right place, as that seems to be the mecca for martial arts. You name it and its there. This may sound bias coming from a Kenpo guy, but you may want to look into Kajukenbo. A ton of great schools there. You have Kali, BJJ, a ton of Bujinkan schools.

So, again, figure out what you want, post it here, and if you're really sincere, I'd be happy to help in guiding you to a school.

"til then......

Have a great Holiday. :)


You too, sir.

Thank you very much.

Omar B

Senior Master
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Queens, NY. Fort Lauderdale, FL
What in the world is going on here? It's like a retread of all the other MMA fans looking to kick *** and trying to find the holy grail of arts to do so.

Quick little bit of info. You are not going to find what you think will be your perfect style in the ring ... because you don't fight in the ring. That would be like a 16 year old learning to drive by stepping into a NASCAR. Sure it's driving, but it's not driving down to school and home after.

Besides, a sportsman's answer to the MMA quandary is just that, usually Thai Boxing, Boxing, Wrestling and BJJ. So even these "unstoppable fighting machines that could kick anybody's *** in the ring or on the street" are using 4 (incomplete) answers to a question.

Typical talk to an MMA guy.
"What style do you do?"
"Seido Karate"
"Karate sucks, I do MT, BJJ and boxing."
"Gee, that must be expensive to learn a whole bunch of things halfway."

One of my favorite quotes ever:

There’s now a split between the pragmatic type of martial arts student and the complete martial arts student. I think you see that in some of the reality-based stuff where they strip away everything except what works physically.
That’s why I’m so happy to see traditional martial artists like Lyoto Machida and Fedor Emelianenko who are solo martial artists in every sense of the word. They’re able to dominate people who [operate] on the surface. Fedor is a simple family man who is not about the gladiatorial thing.

I train with a lot of these MMA guys and there’s so much that they’re lacking because they skip over the basics. Sometimes it’s harder to teach someone who hasn’t learned the proper basics. If they don’t have those, it’s very easy to beat them. They’re absolutely confused when a traditionalist comes out who can strike efficiently and break bricks with his bare hands, the balls of his feet and shins.

A lot of these UFC guys have been through this farm system, and they’re fighting against other gung-ho people without the proper skills. They have grappling skills, but it doesn’t take very long to be proficient in that. But to strike—I liken it to Tiger Woods’ swing. I’m a lot bigger and probably a lot stronger than Tiger Woods. If you had to have one of us hit you in the chin with a golf club, you better choose me because Tiger Woods, with his technique, could probably crack your chin in half with a golf club. He’s perfected that swing. He’s done that thousands, maybe millions of times.


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Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
My stepfather was a cop, SWAT, and county SRT for over 20 years. He's retired now. The man has also mastered the art of Tae Kwon Do, are you about to say that TKD is ineffective?

Sure, Tae Kwon Do is useless in a street fight. Great for winning Tae Kwon Do tournaments, though! Unless it is trained with the concept of the street in mind... Again, it's not the art, kid.

Actually, I have a lot of respect for what I'll label "real" Tae Kwon Do rather than the mass market, day-care & family activity version that's commonly seen. TKD can be a very effective fighting system -- it's just not commonly taught that way in the US. (Same thing with quite a few other arts...)


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
Thank you for confirming my thoughts.

1) You come here to start trouble.

2) You admit because you're not getting the answers YOU want, that you're now leaving the thread and anything else will be necro.

Did you read the forum rules YOU agreed to upon joining? If not, read them!

Oh, BTW, I'm going to make sure this thread is looked at. My troll and BS meter are off the charts right now.
One note on the moderation side of things... The way we work here at MT, neither MJS nor myself will be making decisions on any moderator activity in this thread. We're involved as posters/members.


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Actually, I have a lot of respect for what I'll label "real" Tae Kwon Do rather than the mass market, day-care & family activity version that's commonly seen. TKD can be a very effective fighting system -- it's just not commonly taught that way in the US. (Same thing with quite a few other arts...)

Not to pose an argument; but I will absolutely agree.
The style my stepfather has been practicing is the style his instructor learned in Korea. I've seen very many TKD fighters fight a certain way (the one's from here in the USA), and it is VERY different from the way my stepfather does it.
He actually confuses the hell out of me when we've sparred together.

His style and stance, for me, is extremely hard to keep up with.

Omar B

Senior Master
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Queens, NY. Fort Lauderdale, FL
His style and stance, for me, is extremely hard to keep up with.

What is there to "keep up with" in a stance? I've learned quite a variety of stances in my time and I've never had the singular experience of not being able to keep up with a stance, I'm not even sure I know what that means.


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
What is there to "keep up with" in a stance? I've learned quite a variety of stances in my time and I've never had the singular experience of not being able to keep up with a stance, I'm not even sure I know what that means.

Perhaps you're not meant to. Life is all about constantly learning lessons, and never stops no matter how old or experienced you get.

I sense plenty of animosity and possibly effects of being butthurt for whatever reason or another. I've given my apologies; take them, or don't.

The stance/posture that he sits in is a very wide stance, almost like a sideways horse stance, his back fist is at his mid level while his defensive hand (lead hand) remains open but clost to himself at around head level.
Everytime I try to grapple him, he counters very effectively, everytime I try to throw a punch or flurry at him, he counters my first or first few, and throws me around. Everytime I use my feet/kick at him, he always counters and sends me sailing.

Do you have any more questions?
You are QUITE concerned, for someone who shows so much animosity.

Any reason for this, Omar B?


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
What is there to "keep up with" in a stance? I've learned quite a variety of stances in my time and I've never had the singular experience of not being able to keep up with a stance, I'm not even sure I know what that means.

I think you are a troll, Omar B. There's no point in continuously contradicting me or keeping the "flame" going in your little "flamboyant approach". I don't care who you are, where you come from, or how long you've been here.
Here at Martial Talk, i've learned that respecting others no matter their age, sex, body type, race, skill set, or anything else deragatory is something that is not only highly frowned upon; but is also not tolerated.

What you're trying to do is push my buttons.

Well eat your words.

I'm out of this conversation, unless someone else has got something to talk about. I've got the information that I needed.


Aries Kai

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
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Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros

Best to ignore this. Person was banned from Bullshido after posting under multiple account names and acting pretty much the same way they are here. Predetermined attitude, sowing animosity, and labeling anyone who disagrees with them a troll. That is of course a common troll tactic.



So far this year I'm 6 for 6 on this.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
Here at Martial Talk, i've learned that respecting others no matter their age, sex, body type, race, skill set, or anything else deragatory is something that is not only highly frowned upon; but is also not tolerated.

On the contrary Shawn, here at MartialTalk we put a great emphasis on respecting others, when they deserve it. The guest, the new member who hasn't inserted foot into mouth, the expert who refrains from insults, all receive great respect. The troublemaker, the one with a chip on their shoulder or one such as you who appears to have their head up their *** and an agenda to push, they get little respect. Some of us though, enjoy toying with them until they pop.

You're actions so far are that of an agenda troll. Sub species is Contrarian, with a bit of classic mixed in. I'd also suggest a bit of Sophist and Bitter troll in your make up. Funny how transparent you are, especially in light of reading your actions elsewhere.
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