Louis Farrakhan Declares Obama the Messiah.

And Palin has recieved 100 times the media attention and scrutiny than the Obamasiah ever will.


You think so? Qualify that. Better yet, quantify it.

Obama has campaigned for twenty months. Palin was placed in the race in September.

Since her interviews with Gibson and Couric (both widely acknowledged by the Right as disasters) the McCain campaign has kept her away from reporters and in a very tightly controlled news bubble. Google Obama's name alongside major news interviewers, late night comedy hosts, talk show hosts...see what you come up with.

It is highly doubtful she has had "100 times" the scrutiny. Asking "why" assumes she has, and asks for a justification where none is legitimately called for.


give me a break.

Obama is buddies with a domestic terrorist? everyone but Fox ignores it

Palin's 'trooper-gate" all over the news

that ALONE pretty much kills your point of view.

then there is Rezco
and Wright
and votes of "present"
etc etc etc

and the press ignores it all....

but Palin has a baby.................or her faughter has a baby.....FRONT PAGE NEWS!!

give me a break
Google hits by name.
about 77,900,000 for "Barack Obama"
about 62,400,000 for "John McCain"
about 19,200,000 for "Sarah Palin"
about 17,900,000 for "Joe Biden".
about 3,560,000 for "Bob Barr"
about 3,400,000 for "Ralph Nader"

about 12,000,000 for "Barack Obama" CNN
about 10,500,000 for "John McCain" CNN
about 3,830,000 for "Joe Biden" CNN
about 2,990,000 for "Sarah Palin" CNN
about 678,000 for "Ralph Nader" CNN
about 407,000 for "Bob Barr" CNN

about 4,410,000 for "Barack Obama" msnbc
about 4,400,000 for "John McCain" msnbc
about 1,670,000 for "Joe Biden" msnbc.
about 1,570,000 for "Sarah Palin" msnbc.
about 396,000 for "Bob Barr" msnbc
about 287,000 for "Ralph Nader" msnbc

about 6,750,000 for "Barack Obama" abc
about 5,840,000 for "John McCain" abc
about 2,220,000 for "Sarah Palin" abc
about 2,170,000 for "Joe Biden" abc
about 369,000 for "Ralph Nader" abc
about 5,220 for "Bob Barr" abs.

about 5,120,000 for "Barack Obama" nbc
about 4,750,000 for "John McCain" nbc
about 1,570,000 for "Joe Biden" nbc.
about 1,330,000 for "Sarah Palin" nbc
about 280,000 for "Ralph Nader" nbc
about 140,000 for "Bob Barr" nbc.

about 5,820,000 for "Barack Obama" cbs
about 5,210,000 for "John McCain" cbs
about 2,190,000 for "Joe Biden" cbs
about 2,040,000 for "Sarah Palin" cbs
about 321,000 for "Ralph Nader" cbs
about 170,000 for "Bob Barr" cbs.

about 4,020,000 for "Barack Obama" NY Times.
about 3,550,000 for "John McCain" NY Times.
about 1,860,000 for "Sarah Palin" NY Times.
about 1,710,000 for "Ralph Nader" NY Times
about 909,000 for "Joe Biden" NY Times.
about 164,000 for "Bob Barr" NY Times

about 5,370,000 for "John McCain" "FOX NEWS"
about 5,050,000 for "Barack Obama" "FOX NEWS"
about 2,090,000 for "Joe Biden" "FOX NEWS"
about 2,030,000 for "Sarah Palin" "FOX NEWS"
about 415,000 for "Ralph Nader" "FOX NEWS"
about 257,000 for "Bob Barr" "FOX NEWS"

about 5,840,000 for "Barack Obama" terrorist.
about 2,140,000 for "Sarah Palin" terrorist

about 1,140,000 for "Barack Obama" trooper
about 939,000 for "Sarah Palin" trooper.

about 996,000 for "Barack Obama" inexperienced
about 529,000 for "Sarah Palin" inexperienced
but Palin has a baby.................or her faughter has a baby.....FRONT PAGE NEWS!!

It was front page news because it was the teenaged daughter of a religiously conservative vice presidential candidate who has herself openly advocated "abstinence only" education in schools--a program found not to work. One would call that "irony."

It also earned attention because the press release said as follows:

"We're proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents."

Bristol's decision? Sarah Palin is pro-life, and doesn't believe in abortion in the event of rape and incest. In her gubernatorial debate with Andrew Halco she said she would oppose an abortion even if her daughter were raped. Yet in the press release as quoted above, she seems to have allowed her daughter to make a decision to have the baby versus aborting it.

Were she to have her way, Palin would deny the right to make that decision to millions of women across America. The issue revolves around one of the greatest social controversies of the last half century. You think this double standard merits less attention?

The other issues you mentioned dominated the news media and were hardly ignored. Most of them were addressed during Obama's run against Clinton. Maybe Bob would give us another Google breakdown using Obama, Rezko, ACORN, and the like. My guess is we'll find out the press didn't ignore it.

Odd, is it not, that McCain didn't mention Wright or Rezko once during his three debates? Odder still that he said this of Obama two nights ago when he was with Obama at the Alfred E. Smith Foundation Dinner:

"I don't want it getting out of this room, but my opponent is an impressive fellow in many ways. Political opponents can have a little trouble seeing the best in each other. But I've had a few glimpses of this man at his best and I admire his great skill, energy and determination. It's not for nothing that he's inspired so many folks in his own party and beyond....

Whatever the outcome next month, Senator Obama has achieved a great thing for himself and for his country and I congratulate him."

Dang. John McCain...hanging out with a guy that hangs out with religious whackjobs, felons, and terrorists. Worse still, he offers him respect. What HAS the world come to?



"We're proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents."

Bristol's decision? Sarah Palin is pro-life, and doesn't believe in abortion in the event of rape and incest. In her gubernatorial debate with Andrew Halco she said she would oppose an abortion even if her daughter were raped. Yet in the press release as quoted above, she seems to have allowed her daughter to make a decision to have the baby versus aborting it.

Fairly sure she meant keep, versus give up for adoption-but Bristol is eighteen, and could have gotten an abortion without ever telling her parents she was pregnant just about anywhere in the country, but especially in Alaska. That was her decision, any way you look at it....
Fairly sure she meant keep, versus give up for adoption-but Bristol is eighteen, and could have gotten an abortion without ever telling her parents she was pregnant just about anywhere in the country, but especially in Alaska. That was her decision, any way you look at it....

She was seventeen at the time of the announcement September 1, and five months pregnant.

The New York Daily News (reference below) reports that the father, Levi Johnston, didn't want children.






The New York Daily News (reference below) reports that the father, Levi Johnston, didn't want children.

With abstinence-only sex education, it's all-or-nothing. With standard sex education, he could "**** his cake and have it too" as it were.

Teach a kid how to use a condom, and he ****s for a day. Teach a kid abstinence, and he pays child support for a lifetime.
With abstinence-only sex education, it's all-or-nothing. With standard sex education, he could "**** his cake and have it too" as it were.

Teach a kid how to use a condom, and he ****s for a day. Teach a kid abstinence, and he pays child support for a lifetime.

That was freakin' awesome. I love variations on that one....

"Teach a man to build a fire, and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life."


She was seventeen at the time of the announcement September 1, and five months pregnant.

The New York Daily News (reference below) reports that the father, Levi Johnston, didn't want children.



SO? Five months earlier, she decided to have a kid. The press found out about it because Mom got the nod for V.P. nominee, and was gonna be embarassed when they found out on their own.

Levi Johnston (Dad-to-be) for better or worse, has no say in the matter.
SO? Five months earlier, she decided to have a kid. The press found out about it because Mom got the nod for V.P. nominee, and was gonna be embarassed when they found out on their own.

Levi Johnston (Dad-to-be) for better or worse, has no say in the matter.

So, nothing, Elder. You claimed she was of majority. I showed she wasn't. She was a teenager living at home, and not the eighteen year old you suggested she was. You didn't do your homework, and now can't 'fess up to it?

The reason I brought up the issue of Levi not wanting the kid is that this is a shotgun marriage. The Republicans, long touted as the party of "Family Values" now has this additional hypocrisy to deal with. He doesn't want kids. My bet is that this is going to make him a crappy dad.

You've got a Presidential candidate that dumped his first wife for (and after having an affair with) a trophy blonde heiress to a $100 million fortune. You've got a V.P. candidate who eloped with her husband when she herself was one month pregnant...and who advocates a failed policy of sex education for teenaged children when her own parenting in this form has clearly failed.

Is cognitive dissonance so painful you have to go through these mental gymnastics to defend this?


With abstinence-only sex education, it's all-or-nothing. With standard sex education, he could "**** his cake and have it too" as it were.

Teach a kid how to use a condom, and he ****s for a day. Teach a kid abstinence, and he pays child support for a lifetime.
Not pay for a lifetime, just until the system lets him go.
In NY, could be a few lifetimes.
Well, if HE says so, then I'm voting for Obama. The last thing on Earth you want to do piss off the Messiah.

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