Looking for 7Star-Mantis student



Hello everybody out there,

I'm looking for people who have studied 7-Star Praying Mantis (or are learning it at the moment) and want to talk about the style or exchange experience.

You can post your answers here or write to my E-mail: [email protected]

I study 7star now and love talking about the system. I've studied a few other arts, but this is by far my favorite. I will be studying it until I die.

How long have you been studying mantis kung fu? Do you mind if I ask who your Sifu is?

What do you like about the mantis system?

Hi 7starmantis,

Ok, It's a bit difficult to describe how long I have been doing seven-star-mantis, well I started when I was 6-7 years old, and now I am 16. However, I was injured for the last two years (I HATE THIS!!! ARGHH!!). Additionaly, I was injured 0ne(!) year when I was 12 years old, so I think I have been learning Mantis Kung Fu for about 5-6 years now.

My Sifu was (or still is if I start again) Nicolai Schild, who has studied 7star under Si Gung Lee Kam Wing. (As far as I know).

What I like about Mantis Kung Fu?
Well, there are several things:

1. All those grab/pull techniques and traps with the mantis-hook. ( I LOVE them)

2.The footwork. Especially the stances like Qua-Fu-Bo, Tai-Ma-Bo etc. (I hope you call them the same in the USA)

3.blocking and attacking at the same time, not one after another.

4.All those different Punches with the fist, the open hand, with two fingers to the eyes, with the backside of the hand (those are great)

5.and a lot of other different things

Hmm, this post is a bit long,
I hope that's enough...

Thats awesome, my sifu and sigung have both studied under Lee Kam Wing. In fact, we do ALOT of LKW forms in our training. We take a trip every year to Hong Kong to train with Master LKW.

I love mantis, I've done several different systems, and mantis is by far my favorite!!

I like to "feel" that is involved in the fighting aspect of it. The way one technique turns into 2 into 3 into 8 or 9, until the guy is down and out.

Well that kind of fizzled out!
I was all excited about some good PM discusion here!!


Well sry I was kinda busy the last few weeks.

A Praying-mantis Discussion? Hmm, what shall we talk about?

What about this:

I would like to know which forms you learn first.

We usually start with Bang Bo Kuen, and then Fok Fu Quan Yung Quan (form with long stick) and Kun Nek Kuen. What forms did you learn first? Or do you have completely different forms?

Originally posted by 7starmantis
We take a trip every year to Hong Kong to train with Master LKW.

Now that sounds really cool :D . How much does a trip like that cost? At least a round-a-bout figure?
Originally posted by Praying-Mantis

Well sry I was kinda busy the last few weeks.

A Praying-mantis Discussion? Hmm, what shall we talk about?

What about this:

I would like to know which forms you learn first.

We usually start with Bang Bo Kuen, and then Fok Fu Quan Yung Quan (form with long stick) and Kun Nek Kuen. What forms did you learn first? Or do you have completely different forms?


My Sifu starts everyone on some really basic Wah Lum forms.
The first actuall 7* forms we learn are Gung Lic, Bong Bo, and LKW 7* Double Daggers (Dont know the actual name).

Originally posted by jfarnsworth

Now that sounds really cool . How much does a trip like that cost? At least a round-a-bout figure?

Well, this trip is 15 days and is about $2700 including airfare and hotels including meals. We are attending a Tournement in Mainland China, so that is a big package deal including sight-seeing.

Originally posted by 7starmantis
Well, this trip is 15 days and is about $2700 including airfare and hotels including meals. We are attending a Tournement in Mainland China, so that is a big package deal including sight-seeing.

That's a considerable amount of cash but nontheless an awesome opportunity with endless learning potential. Again, I was that is just a sweet deal. Good luck! :asian:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
That's a considerable amount of cash but nontheless an awesome opportunity with endless learning potential. Again, I was that is just a sweet deal. Good luck! :asian:

Well, I don't know if I'll have the cash, but for a 15 day trip including meals and airfare and a whole list of awesome sightseeing tours included, thats not too shaby.

My Sifu will be competing in the tournement there in China and I would just kill myself if I missed that!! Its the first time he has competed in several years. Last time he competed, he had no cometition, so we'll see what happens this time.

Originally posted by Praying-Mantis
We usually start with Bang Bo Kuen,

I wonder how close our Bong Bo forms are to each other. I would imagin pretty close with a few differences.

I wonder how close our Bong Bo forms are to each other. I would imagin pretty close with a few differences.

Hmm, I don't know how we can compare them, but I suppose that there won't be many differences.

I think we don't learn Sao bot Sao
(i suppose it is a knife form), however we got a double dagger form called Shoeng Bei Sao. I don't know Gung Lic, but there's a very basic form called Kung Nec, perhaps that's the same or similar, it starts with a series of punches with both hands in the same direction.
Originally posted by Praying-Mantis
I think we don't learn Sao bot Sao
(i suppose it is a knife form), however we got a double dagger form called Shoeng Bei Sao. I don't know Gung Lic, but there's a very basic form called Kung Nec, perhaps that's the same or similar, it starts with a series of punches with both hands in the same direction.

That sounds similar enough, gung is pronounced kung lots of times. It starts with a crossed arm groin kick block in horse stance. Then a turn and punches outward in both directions from forward stance. It is supposed to be against 4 or 5 attackers I believe. It would be one of the first, very basic forms you would learn in 7*.

I'm learning one now called Lung Jeet which is really cool. I think its about 18, or 19 in our list.

Its interesting to see the differences in what we study, but yet the similarities as well.


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