LGBT in martial arts.

several people have said they don't advertise their sexual preferences outside the dojo, and this may be true. But just to point out, there is a common double standard at play here. When two gay people hold hands or kiss in public, this is often seen as "advertising their sexual orientation." Not commonly considered so for heterosexual couples.

To clarify, and reiterate, in case there is any reference to me or if there are any erroneous assumptions being made about what I posted

" I don't much care about your sexual orientation, but then I don't much care outside of those facilities either. I do not announce my sexual orientation anywhere and I don't care what anyone else's is either, you are what you are, what 2 consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of my business and I don't need to hear about it no matter the orientation."

As for public shows of affection, to clarify, Heterosexual, Homosexual, Lesbian. I have no such double standard as the one you are referring to.
We are all private people, low key, boring. Probably Quakers in our minds.

That being said, arrange it so if you were to die suddenly, your best friend will steal, smash and erase with caustic acid, your fricken' hard drive. Immediately.

You're all a bunch of twisted sisters. :)
To clarify, and reiterate, in case there is any reference to me or if there are any erroneous assumptions being made about what I posted

" I don't much care about your sexual orientation, but then I don't much care outside of those facilities either. I do not announce my sexual orientation anywhere and I don't care what anyone else's is either, you are what you are, what 2 consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of my business and I don't need to hear about it no matter the orientation."

As for public shows of affection, to clarify, Heterosexual, Homosexual, Lesbian. I have no such double standard as the one you are referring to.
dude, I didn't write my post as a criticism of you. Jesus. Unclench.

Edit: But reading your post carefully, since you're inviting it, you do say you don't announce your sexual orientation. My point, to clarify and reiterate, in case you are making any erroneous assumptions, is that, "this might be true." But if you are holding hands with your wife in public, as couples commonly do, you are in a manner advertising your sexual preference.
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dude, I didn't write my post as a criticism of you. Jesus. Unclench.

Edit: But reading your post carefully, since you're inviting it, you do say you don't announce your sexual orientation. My point, to clarify and reiterate, in case you are making any erroneous assumptions, is that, "this might be true." But if you are holding hands with your wife in public, as couples commonly do, you are in a manner advertising your sexual preference.

Then I advertise, I am not clenched, I was just clarifying, since your post on this topic did appear after mine, that is all no other deeper meaning than that

Steve, we are both rather good at misunderstanding each others posts so lets just say its all good and call it a day
Then I advertise, I am not clenched, I was just clarifying, since your post on this topic did appear after mine, that is all no other deeper meaning than that

Steve, we are both rather good at misunderstanding each others posts so lets just say its all good and call it a day

So many things are missunderstood through the internet.
As a gay man myself I personally do not consider myself more at risk of attack than anyone else. After all, I don't go around parading the fact that I am gay with a huge banner saying "gay man here, come at me bro". Hell, I doubt most of the people in my MA school besides my instructor knows I'm gay, and he only knows it because I put it on my membership form. To them I'm just another student of the Martial Arts, and my sexual orientation never comes into it.

I just have one question, and I am not being sarcastic or anything when I ask this: why did you put it on your form? I was just curious if it was something you felt like mentioning on your own or if there was some kind of question about orientation...because if it is the latter, I would be amazed that a martial arts school had the nerve to ask someone about their orientation on a membership form.
I just have one question, and I am not being sarcastic or anything when I ask this: why did you put it on your form? I was just curious if it was something you felt like mentioning on your own or if there was some kind of question about orientation...because if it is the latter, I would be amazed that a martial arts school had the nerve to ask someone about their orientation on a membership form.

It's standard procedure in the UK to ask for a person's race, religion and sexual orientation whenever you join a club or company, etc. We are a bit obsessed when it comes to equal opportunities so I've gotten used to being asked such questions whenever I join a new organisation. Of course, you are always given the option to answer these questions with "prefer not to say" but I'm a pretty open guy and if someone asks the question I see no need to hide it unless I know the person asking actively persecutes homosexuals.
It's standard procedure in the UK to ask for a person's race, religion and sexual orientation whenever you join a club or company, etc. We are a bit obsessed when it comes to equal opportunities so I've gotten used to being asked such questions whenever I join a new organisation. Of course, you are always given the option to answer these questions with "prefer not to say" but I'm a pretty open guy and if someone asks the question I see no need to hide it unless I know the person asking actively persecutes homosexuals.

This is true but there's privacy if you want it.
several people have said they don't advertise their sexual preferences outside the dojo, and this may be true. But just to point out, there is a common double standard at play here. When two gay people hold hands or kiss in public, this is often seen as "advertising their sexual orientation." Not commonly considered so for heterosexual couples.

I'd just like to point out here that different cultures show their affection (or lack thereof) in different ways. For example, in India you will quite often see groups of heterosexual men walking around holding hands, even chatting up girls while holding another man's hand. Similarly, in Europe when men meet they will kiss cheeks just like women do regardless of their sexual orientation. There is nothing sexual or even affectionate in these gestures, it's just what they do.
Indeed, but like I said I'm an open honest guy and especially in Brighton I see no need to hide my sexual orientation.

I do like Brighton, I was down there a few years ago at an conference when one of the hotels (the Albion) we had people staying in was on fire, so the morning sessions was cancelled, we all naturally went to the closest pub, as you do, to watch the proceedings ( it was a big fire, loads of lovely firemen lol) so there's me and another lass eyeing up the firemen along with a good many others. Far too much competition for sexy men in Brighton for me lol but oh it's so much warmer down south in November than up here. the people from the south all wrapped in coats, scarves etc and us from oop north wandering around in just t shirts (and jeans). There's also some very good martial arts places in Brighton. :)
I do like Brighton, I was down there a few years ago at an conference when one of the hotels (the Albion) we had people staying in was on fire, so the morning sessions was cancelled, we all naturally went to the closest pub, as you do, to watch the proceedings ( it was a big fire, loads of lovely firemen lol) so there's me and another lass eyeing up the firemen along with a good many others. Far too much competition for sexy men in Brighton for me lol but oh it's so much warmer down south in November than up here. the people from the south all wrapped in coats, scarves etc and us from oop north wandering around in just t shirts (and jeans). There's also some very good martial arts places in Brighton. :)

Brighton is awesome and I'm so lucky to live there. I remember that Albion fire all too well.
I'd just like to point out here that different cultures show their affection (or lack thereof) in different ways. For example, in India you will quite often see groups of heterosexual men walking around holding hands, even chatting up girls while holding another man's hand. Similarly, in Europe when men meet they will kiss cheeks just like women do regardless of their sexual orientation. There is nothing sexual or even affectionate in these gestures, it's just what they do.
yes. Thanks. I'm strictly speaking about us bunch of quakers here in the USA. :)
It's standard procedure in the UK to ask for a person's race, religion and sexual orientation whenever you join a club or company, etc. We are a bit obsessed when it comes to equal opportunities so I've gotten used to being asked such questions whenever I join a new organisation. Of course, you are always given the option to answer these questions with "prefer not to say" but I'm a pretty open guy and if someone asks the question I see no need to hide it unless I know the person asking actively persecutes homosexuals.

I was not aware of that. Thanks for helping me learn something new today!
Now I am really lost at what people are justifying.

See I would have thought not advertising your sexual orientation and then using that to demand someone else not advertise theirs.

Would be as silly as advertising your sexual orientation and then demanding everyone else advertise theirs.

If you want to kiss your boyfriend/Girlfriend go for it. If you dont go for it as well. It is not my relationship.

I mean personally old people making out is pretty damn gross.But I am the duchebag if I decide to try to stop them.

And public toilets are full of creepers. creepy guys, creepy girls and just weirdos in general. What effect does a transexual rule even have on that?
And public toilets are full of creepers. creepy guys, creepy girls and just weirdos in general.

Remind me never to use the toilet around your way ( though kudos for using the word toilet lol) ours tend to be full of desperate pregnant women, ditto older people who spend ages in there and kids being made to go when they don't want to. 'mum I don't want a wee', 'well try!', 'I don't want to' 'well we aren't stopping the car just so you can go' 'oh alright I'll try' said in a sulky voice.
As long as they are not Patriot fans (USA) or Chelsea fans (UK).


Been a Patriot fan since 1960. I am compelled to respond. (Hey, you know how it is. ;))


You must have one of these, no? I have several. The most recent always being my favorite, until, you know, the next one.
Oh, God, they are so friken' heavy on the hands. Heh, heh, heh.
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