Last Poster #6

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Soooooo many bacon addicts..... there must be a 12 step program for bacon someplace.
1. Go to store.
2. Select bacon; I prefer thick cut, hickory or cherry smoked.
3. Pay for bacon.
4. Return home.
5. Decide on cooking method...
6. Line pan with foil.
7. Lay bacon out in pan.
8. Place pan in oven, heat to 375 degrees F.
9. Watch for bacon to start to crisp.
10. Remove from oven.
11. Drain on paper towels.
12. Enjoy!!
Jacob's baseball team had practice yesterday....I caught for all the pitchers during my legs feel like someone beat them with a hammer.

So sore!

And my bedroom is on the second floor of our house.....Nooooooo!!!!!!
Good Luck.

Got a call for an interview for the first job I applied for, but I turned it down. The address the canvass said the position was at and where the position is actually at are 150 miles apart... to much of a commute and I don't want to move
Thanks heaps! Ah yes the ol address switcharoo!

Thought it would get better when the oldest went off to college, and it least his room is always clean...because he is never there. But in his wake there is something remaining that I should have never allowed in the first place...he did all his homework at the kitchen table and he treated it like his personal desk. He went off to college then I realized Mrs Wu is worse that he was, but the youngest has moved off to the living room and dining room, but at least she is cleaning up after herself there...but the dining room table...not so much. But that does not bother me as much since we hardly ever use our dinning room
Who eats in the dining room any more? Especially when you can eat in the living room in front of the TV. :D
Who eats in the dining room any more? Especially when you can eat in the living room in front of the TV. :D

Oddly, we do.

Pretty much all meals are at the table - occasionally (maybe once or twice a fortnight) something like pizza or a takeaway are in the living room.

There's no TV in the dining room, and there's also a "no books or electronic device" rule while eating to the table.

Even for stuff like BBQs the options are stand up or use the outside table and chairs.

We do stop short of dressing for dinner though...
Oddly, we do.

Pretty much all meals are at the table - occasionally (maybe once or twice a fortnight) something like pizza or a takeaway are in the living room.

There's no TV in the dining room, and there's also a "no books or electronic device" rule while eating to the table.

Ah I think that's really nice actually :). We always eat in the living room and watch something while eating, but we've talked about incorporating one night a week at the table hehe
Ah I think that's really nice actually :). We always eat in the living room and watch something while eating, but we've talked about incorporating one night a week at the table hehe

I look at it as one little tiny piece of the discipline jigsaw for our kids.

It might not make a huge difference on it's own and ignoring it probably wouldn't make any difference either - but then again all the little things add up.
... just noticed this thread is called Last Poster (the previous was Last Person)...

Perhaps there are toootally different rules to this one :eek::eek::eek:

Something cartography related maybe...
... just noticed this thread is called Last Poster (the previous was Last Person)...

Perhaps there are toootally different rules to this one :eek::eek::eek:

Something cartography related maybe...

Poster huh...not person...ok..... I'll post the first poster....


Now who will post the last poster
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