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Thought it would get better when the oldest went off to college, and it least his room is always clean...because he is never there. But in his wake there is something remaining that I should have never allowed in the first place...he did all his homework at the kitchen table and he treated it like his personal desk. He went off to college then I realized Mrs Wu is worse that he was, but the youngest has moved off to the living room and dining room, but at least she is cleaning up after herself there...but the dining room table...not so much. But that does not bother me as much since we hardly ever use our dinning room
You know... to be honest, this sounds like foreign language to me. When I was growing up, if you lived in a house, you helped clean the house. And that pertained to children and adults. It's just the way it was. And it's still the same way at our house. It is perfectly acceptable to say, "Hey, I am tired (not feeling well/my back hurts), would you mind doing this and this, while I do that other thing?"
I already feel a bit I'll..... so all ingesting that vile slice of overly salted, overly preserved, grease....would only make me more cantankerous

If that's what your view of bacon is based on, you've only had utterly ruined bacon.

Proper bacon isn't too salty, isn't loaded with preservatives, and certainly isn't greasy.
You won't be able to eat it all. You'll have to share.

I'm not going to eat it.....


You know... to be honest, this sounds like foreign language to me. When I was growing up, if you lived in a house, you helped clean the house. And that pertained to children and adults. It's just the way it was. And it's still the same way at our house. It is perfectly acceptable to say, "Hey, I am tired (not feeling well/my back hurts), would you mind doing this and this, while I do that other thing?"

The youngest is starting to help...the oldest was helping when he lived at home..... not so much now when he visits...and Mrs Xue...hardly ever...but when she does...she sure as heck likes to complain about all the work she has to do.
If that's what your view of bacon is based on, you've only had utterly ruined bacon.

Proper bacon isn't too salty, isn't loaded with preservatives, and certainly isn't greasy.

Having had much bacon in my misspent youth I can say I no longer like it.... it is horrible.....should be banned, outlawed...... stricken from the books...collected, put into a rocket, and shot into the sun........ other that that...I really have nothing against it :D
Having had much bacon in my misspent youth I can say I no longer like it.... it is horrible.....should be banned, outlawed...... stricken from the books...collected, put into a rocket, and shot into the sun........ other that that...I really have nothing against it :D

From that description I'm quite sure you're getting muddled between bacon and Quorn.
OK...... I shall now carry on with my plot to rid the world of bacon.
Start sleeping with BOTH eyes open... You've just put a huge and nasty target on yourself. Consider yourself disavowed.

Bacon is one more proof that there is a benevolent force in the universe that is partial to mankind... Anyone seeking to end such goodness is worse than heretical...

It's been nice knowing you, though I'm sure such crazy ranting is the result of your illness and the bacon deficiency forced upon you by illness...
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About 1/2 through writing my Wood Badge ticket.

For those wondering what I'm talking about -- after 2 weekends of learning, Wood Badge participants spend up to the next 18 months working on a set of goals called their ticket.
You know... to be honest, this sounds like foreign language to me. When I was growing up, if you lived in a house, you helped clean the house. And that pertained to children and adults. It's just the way it was. And it's still the same way at our house. It is perfectly acceptable to say, "Hey, I am tired (not feeling well/my back hurts), would you mind doing this and this, while I do that other thing?"
We have a three day rule for the kids now. When they lived with us, they helped, but now that they are out of the house and living on their own, they can be guests for up to three days. Then they need to get off their lazy butts and pitch in. :)

Our youngest is still at home, and she's pretty good about chipping in. She's 10 and she does her own laundry (mostly) and cleans her own bathroom (mostly) and helps cook and do the dishes.
Tehehe... you guuuuuuys... XDGood luck! Me too, not today but a few weeks ago. Got through a few of the interview rounds too. See how we goooo

Good Luck.

Got a call for an interview for the first job I applied for, but I turned it down. The address the canvass said the position was at and where the position is actually at are 150 miles apart... to much of a commute and I don't want to move
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