Last Person #5

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My 13 year old flip phone was disintegrating, so my my buddy sold me his old I-phone6. Never had one of these new fangled contraptions before.

My wife got up for a drink of water last night and asked, "Why are you taking pictures of the TV with your phone?"
"Because it's the Stooges. Uncivil Warriors. You know, the classic with Charlie who walks like this."

Some women just don't understand technology.

I am in IT support, have been for years, I deal with new technology all the time, PCs, Laptops, Macs and software, security hardware/software..... my view has been for a long time "I ain't gettin' no smart phone".....I have a military issue flip phone because I break phones..... not intentionally, I am just rather rough on them..... this flip phone is the only one I have not yet broken... and I have had it for years...... I get constant ribbing about it from my IT colleagues because of this flip phone...but when their smart phones die I show them my flip phone and let them know it is still working.... and NOT a target of any malware..... My office decided this was just wrong so they FORCES me into the technology and forced a Blackberry upon me..... it sits dead on my kitchen counter most of the time......but there are occasions Mrs Xue FORCES me to use the dang thing....
I hit the my butt hurts....then training tonight where I'm sure I'll get butthurt.....
thought I was going to need a new phone...lost it at work....
Nope, never had it with me
I left it in my other pants. It was at home the whole time.
Had a surprise temporary student show up this evening. A student doing a short internship from Germany stopped in - she will be dropping in for classes on and off for a few weeks. It was a very small class (would have been only one student), which worked out perfectly. She has several years of experience in some kind of Jujutsu (though it sounds like a hybrid art from her description), starting as a kid, and was able to pick up our techniques pretty quickly. Of course, that's because i'm just that good as an instructor.
Good day, all. Been a while since I could check in.

Lots has gone on. Too much for one post!
Let's see. Where do I begin?

Oh, I got the dates and cost for the 6-hour Wing Chun course.

Came up with good, solid outlines for all 3 two-hour classes.

Went out and found 3 assistants/demo partners, a different one to help me with each class.

Fun times ahead with that!
Revised all my poetry collections. Now I am in the process of getting artwork done for them, as well as formatting them for Kindle.

Got all my short stories posted on Kindle as well.
Writing-wise, there are two big news items for me.

First, the webcomic is now on hiatus. Lost my artist. I am just going to let it slumber for now.

Second is I went through and revised a novel that I wrote back in 2008. There was a rather large, intimidating section that I knew had to be cut because, immediately after I finished writing it, I said, "Damn...this crap is just filler!" However, I was stumped as to what I should replace it with. (And yes, I HAD to replace it or else the story wouldn't be novel length.)

So I let it sit...and sit...and sit.

Recently a website agreed to let me post the novel in serialized form, so I got to work revising the story. When I got to the sections that needed to be cut, I had MS Word tally up the word count and found it was a whopping 8,600 words long! CRAP! What am I going to replace that with?

I still had no answer, so what I did was chop out the offending bits and then marched forward, going to the end of the novel until I revised everything I knew how to handle. On the way, I made myself a neat little list of ideas of different threads I could stick in the story. The list was 7 items long. Upon looking back over the list, I saw 2 items were useless. However, that still left me with 5.

I got to writing, inserting them all into the narrative. (Well, all but one. Still trying to figure out a good place for it.) And wouldn't you know it? The novel is now 62,000 words long...3,000 more than it was before the excising!

Sometimes, life is good. :)
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