Kids with Open Fists


Master Black Belt
Jul 22, 2004
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New Zealand
Just a quick question, does any one know why kids do not have properly closed fists. I have noticed in our kids classes especially when they are doing their katas/forms etc that the majority of the kids, their fists are not tightly closed.
Could be a couple of things.

Pehaps it's a hand domince thing. If the person's dominate hand is open the weak hand is likely to follow.

Perhaps it is just a lack of focus on details. Overly concerned with proper placement of hands and feet its easy to forget 'little' things like forming a proper fist.
They haven't been taught the correct way, or they are too young to remember to focus on the details. Young kids especially have a way of being distracted.
Usually, it only takes one or two punches to a good heavy bag with a loose fist, to get the point across. Other times, they'll learn after they start free-sparring, where it's all too easy to jam a loose thumb, or to get a painful crumpling of a loose fist. Even real-time punching / blocking drills done with a partner can do this as well.

Sometimes, the kids are not going to comprehend your explanations, no matter how well you present them. I try to have them experience this directly, using lighter punching bags, so that they don't injure their fingers badly. Some swelling will occur, and it may hurt for a while, but at least it's better than more extensive damage.
Kid's learn differently.

Little details is not what they learn, they learn the big movements first, and ignore the little details.

Adults are the other way around, they often focus on the little details too much and never actually get anything done ;) (I'm sure anyone that has been to a meeting knows that effect....)

Their hands will close, when it becomes relevant to them (when they are hitting things) until then, it's just not going to be important enough for them to worry about.

Makes sense in a way, kids have to learn a lot of things, all at once. They don't bother with the little details in any of it. There is just too much. As we get older we focus on smaller areas that interest us, but take them in greater detail.

Don't fight nature when teaching.
Raewyn said:
Just a quick question, does any one know why kids do not have properly closed fists. I have noticed in our kids classes especially when they are doing their katas/forms etc that the majority of the kids, their fists are not tightly closed.

I've seen alot of them that tuck their thumbs in too. Both, the thumbs and the closed fists, are something that need to be taught and constantly re-enforced. Some serious injury could result once they begin to hit the bags.

For the main reason they have not been properly tought the right technique and a lack of focus, the thing that brother me is why are they not tought this from day one?

MJS said:
I've seen alot of them that tuck their thumbs in too. Both, the thumbs and the closed fists, are something that need to be taught and constantly re-enforced. Some serious injury could result once they begin to hit the bags.

Another option is to have them wear gloves with a grip pad when they start hitting bags, tell them to squeeze the bar when they punch. It will keep the thumbs out of there without the need to constantly tell them the same thing over and over :)
simply.. because it's not natural to them yet
this is what their teacher/master has to teach them
by time their arm muscles develop to hold their fists for longer periods

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