Kidnap-Rapist-Murderer stopped by legally armed citizen!

Well..I am no fundamentalist.

That is a good link and I appreciate the deeper meaning of it. Im not so solid on the "ignore your neighbors sin" thing. For "forgiving human foibles" (adultry, gossip, and various vices, etc.) yes "but for the grace of god go I" and all of that. If you know your neighbor committed a serious crime, or is a paroled murderer, sex offender....thats different in my book. While the "judgement" thing my still apply in a religious sense (as is the point here and Yes I agree) the sermon only goes so far.
AC Pilot: this has not been a 'Liberals' vs. 'Whatever the Other Side are Called' board.

Or a Gun Control vs. Gun Evangelism board.

I'd hate it to become so.

Arming all 'good' people works no better than handing out flowers to all 'evil' people. Practical solutions are required for a practical world. This is one thing that martial arts has taught me. Dividing into two camps is great if your only objective in life is to blow off steam. But life is complex.

Panaceas do not exist. A life of disciplined thought and action improves the world somewhat. This is the only thing I can be sure of. Discipline may be executing a man who we strongly believe is guilty despite his pleas. It may be killing an agressor despite our natural compunction against it. It may mean throwing out a flawed court case despite knowing the person to be bad. It may mean waiting for justice. Discipline may mean turning the other cheeck for the greater good.

But it is very difficult to judge these things in advance. Blanket judgements don't work as effectively as careful consideration of individual cases. But careful consideration takes discipline.

I respect many of your views, and the way that you seem to have come to your views. That's fine by me. But starting the whole us vs. them thing doesn't expand our knowledge. Not mine, not yours.

I'm sorry if this post sounds preachy. It is a bit. Feel free to become incensed and even upbraid me for it. I know how I'd feel after reading a post like this. But you are in my opinion too valuable a member on this board for me to flame you or hit your opinion points or something stupid like that.

Peace be with you.
There will be many more details that come out about this horrible incident when it gets to trial, and many of these questions will be answered.

7starmantis said:
Yeah, my sifu is at one of the TV stations right now doing an interview about womens self defense because of this. We are doing a free Womens Self Defense Class this next week in light of this. 7sm
I'm glad your teacher did the interview & am especially glad to hear that y'all are offering a free Women's Self Defense Course, 7sm. Hopefully more women & girls will take action after hearing about this tragedy. :asian:
Gin-Gin said:
I'm glad your teacher did the interview & am especially glad to hear that y'all are offering a free Women's Self Defense Course, 7sm. Hopefully more women & girls will take action after hearing about this tragedy.
Yeah, its really touched home for alot of people here around this area. I'm not sayin everything can be prevented, but I'm hoping women will take a more proactive stance in self defense.

Somebody forces you into a car, at gunpoint or otherwise...its do or die time. That mentality alone will carry you far.
Quote: Wal Mart has a twisted policy against employees being armed even when returning to their car in the lot, and you can bet they will face a huge lawsuit over this, lack of protecting their employees while dis-arming them.. I will not shop at Wal-Mart for this reason.

I just noticed this, it may have been addressed in another post but I know our Ford plant here has a similar policy and I bet you'll find other big companies won't allow weapons in their employees cars either. My company states it must be stored in my locked locker and unloaded if I bring it in but there is no rules on leaving it in my car. Just FYI.

This guy who worked for Ford pointed his pistol at another driver on his way to work and the guy called the police and followed him to work. The cops met them there where he was arrested in the Ford parking lot and when security at the lot asked what was going on the guy lost his job too.
Hello, It is sad the girl die. How many times do you think the rapist(this guy may not have a record-war vet) has been in and out of jail? Mostly likely often? Studies have been done on rapist and they found they cannot be change with jail time, when release they go back to their habits (raping). America has to change the way we release people from jails,longer sentence, maybe be more death sentence for repeat offenders. FBI records shows 70% of crimes are commited by repeat offenders. Why are we letting them out?

Today is cost $30,000 or more to house a criminal in jail. Can we afford this and the rising cost in the future? Only in the modern times do we have such large prisons. Saw the latest newst by the supreme court? sentence is now equal to 45 years (now the lifers can get release in that state). Are we getting dumber?

In Hawaii it cost the state $8,000 to teach a child and $32,000 to house a prisoner in jail.. .. and we do not have enough money to fix and improve our schools! Yet with the over crowding in the jails everyone gets early out...neat huh. They get out and do it all over again..never ending story....Aloha
AC_Pilot said:
Yes, we as a society are getting dumber. Some of the "open minded" posts made above are evidence of the mindset leading to why we cannot even deal appropriate punishment to convicted murderers and rapists, and here is the result of our soft-mindedness..:
AC_Pilot ... why do you have this fascination with rape? Have you spoken to any professionals about it? This is the third story you have posted with claims about 'rape' where there are none.

Man, you have got to get some help with that.

Sincerely, Mike