JKD systems likes/dislikes


Gary Crawford

Greetings all, I am a lost soul.I used to train under Professor Gary Dill. I am now seeking a new organisation to train with,any sugestions?
Hi Gary.

Tough to say who you can go to in your particular location... I'm personally very interested in, and excited about, the Matt Thornton/Functional JKD "aliveness revolution". I think it has a lot of the keys to what makes people better fighters.


What JKD or other "progressive" schools are there in your area?
Black Bear said:
Hi Gary.

Tough to say who you can go to in your particular location... I'm personally very interested in, and excited about, the Matt Thornton/Functional JKD "aliveness revolution". I think it has a lot of the keys to what makes people better fighters.


What JKD or other "progressive" schools are there in your area?
Thanks Black Bear, Any recomendation from you is definatly worth investigating,and I did. Unfortunatly the closest ones to me are Huntsville,Ala or Winston Salem,N.C. Both are too far for me to do any regular training,but both are close enough for a weekend roadtrip.I really like the concept of The Straight Blast Gym.I like the idea of a mix of BJJ and JKD.I have been tempted to start training at a BJJ school here that is top notch,but I have always felt straight BJJ is lacking something and of course it is JKD.I enjoy grappling,I just like my ears the way they are!The only other school in my area in in Knoxville(100 miles),Bruce Coregan,He is a mix of Kenpo,JKD and BJJ(mostly BJJ) I plan on attending a seminar there this summer he is hosting with Paul Vanuk.A good freind of mine in the D.C. area (John Ballie) highly recomends Mr Vunak,this will be my first experience with him.Lately I have been teaching some Counter Terorism seminars at some local traditional MA schools,and been playing around some with a Kempo school just to keep me from getting too bored.
I don't mind driving that far,I used to drive to Jefferson City to train there
PFS is Vunak's group, which is in the Concepts line under Inosanto. Vunak and Thornton are friends, but they do things very differently. In fact, Thornton gives Vunak credit for introducing him to BJJ in the first place.

As for the ears, I have very pretty ears. I train at an MMA place only once a week, and I end up rolling maybe just 1 hr per month on the average. My instructor has dorky looking wrestling ear protectors. Only a couple guys here have significant cauliflowering, and one is in some grappling club in the military.
Thanks Marvin,Black Bear. I have thought about going to see Bruce Coregan before,but I think it's time to do it.I sent Bruce a message asking for his schedual.He is usually good about quick replies.I'll let let ya'll know how it goes.
Gary Crawford said:
Greetings all, I am a lost soul.I used to train under Professor Gary Dill. I am now seeking a new organisation to train with,any sugestions?

What made you quit training with Gary Dill? I began his JKD program and found the materials too old. Probably shouldn't have mattered, but the image I received wasn't all that when the materials arrived. Just interested to know how you came to stop training and why with Gary Dill? I didn't like the fact that I couldn't test by video.
Hi Gary,

John Drake is in Nashville. He is pretty good from what I hear. He is a Jun Fan practitioner under Lamar Davis II. Is that any where near you?

Best Regards,

Sifu William E. Holland II
"The Mongoose"
Sifu Holland, welcome to Martial Talk! Wow, 2 new people in one day, both knowledgeable on the art of the intercepting fist! It's nice to make your aquiantance. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your stay at Martial Talk, I look forward to your contributions!

Dan Bowman
Martial Talk
Hi Gary, If u have experience in O/JKD and Karate, you should look at NSI combatives or Renegade JKD. Grandmaster Worden is The first non-Fillipino to be recognize3d as a Grandmaster in the Mother land. Datu Worden will embrace the knowledge u have already learned, and allow u to expand and expolre new options, and concepts based on what u have all ready learned. As u continue to train u will make connections you never realized were apart of your system.

Datu Kelly Worden is Out of Tacoma Washington, but has many instructors in North America, and over seas. www.kellyworden.com

Just one mans opinion
Guro Troy, welcome to Martial Talk! You sound familiar, perhaps we've met before? :asian: Enjoy your stay here sir, and should you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. See you 'round the board, and happy posting!

Dan Bowman
Martial Talk
hey flatlander... long time no "read your post". hee hee!

anyway i'm a outsider looking in... i have only really seen gary dill do jkd but from what i saw... well the style is very limited in movements and technique. maybe it was just dill or i don't know. the only think that it had was this weird rocking front snap kick and the back fist. now i understand i shouldn't judge a style by one practicioner, but that is what i disliked about it. i don't know how good dill is but i was not impressed with him or his art. he claims to teach it the same way it was taught by bruce, but from what i read... bruce lee shut down his school because he didn't want anyone fighting like him. just wanted people using his concept. anyway my likes...? well maybe just the stance is kinda nice.
