Is she really stronger?


White Belt
May 28, 2011
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I made fun of a lady because she is practicing muaythai since 6 years. She claimed she can beat me up easily. I made fun of her - she got angry and suggested to prove it to me. Of course i agreed - she is just a woman - looks like a girly girl! Now i am not sure anymore whether this was a clever idea. Can anyone tell me if i have a chance?
I made fun of a lady because she is practicing muaythai since 6 years. She claimed she can beat me up easily. I made fun of her - she got angry and suggested to prove it to me. Of course i agreed - she is just a woman - looks like a girly girl! Now i am not sure anymore whether this was a clever idea. Can anyone tell me if i have a chance?

I'm not to sure that was a wise move anyway you look at it.
You posted this same thing on another board and got your answer. The answer is you are a fool for making fun of someone else, particularly one that has trained to kick your butt. Own up to it. Also quit trolling.
You posted this same thing on another board and got your answer. The answer is you are a fool for making fun of someone else, particularly one that has trained to kick your butt. Own up to it. Also quit trolling.
I hope deeply someone has another opinion!!!
I hope deeply someone has another opinion!!!

My opinion is that you are sexist and immature, and that if you go through with this fight you are very likely going to be in a great deal of pain unless you've been training at least as long in a full-contact martial art.

But I guess that's not really a different opinion from what others have said.
Beg for her forgiveness

Either that, or you have a really good chance......of getting your *** kicked. :lfao:
She actually gave me that option. But I will not beg in front of a woman, girly girl for mercy.
I would pay a nickle to see this go down!!! Good luck to you sport you are going to need it. I thought that it maybe easier to ask for forgivenes that cry like a baby when you get your tail feathers kicked. Karma is a, well you know:).
I think you should totally jump at the chance to get in the ring with her. Be sure to twirl your mustachioes and let out a manly roar.

/off to find popcorn
The answer is you are a fool for making fun of someone else, particularly one that has trained to kick your butt.


Anyone who would judge a person based on the shape of their genitalia is a fool, and deserves the *** kicking you will no doubt recieve. Or you could actually act like a real man, admit that you were an ignorant ***, and apologize profusely. That is how a man handles his mistakes. He owns them, makes good for them, and tries not to repeat them.

I think one of the most important lessons of martial arts training is that you can't always tell who's a badass based on appearances. One of the baddest, craziest, most dangerous dudes I ever met was a chemical engineer. Basically just a science nerd, and looked like one. And I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that anyone who brought him to the point of violence would never be ready for what happened next. Lots of real nasty fighters look like normal, everyday men, women, and young people. I met a tiny old woman who teaches kenpo in Europe who was one of the hardest hitting, meanest karate fighters I've ever met.

Making fun of a person just for being a woman? You say you made fun of her because she's a "girly girl?" As though somehow that makes her less capable or less worthy of your respect?

How old are you? Six?

Be prepared for pain. If she has been training regularly in MT for 6 years, you have no idea whats coming. You may have been in a few fights over the years, but for these full contact guys/girls every day of training is a fight. Learn from this mistake.
Learn from this mistake.

I'm sure he will; the question is will he learn early, and swallow his pride to admit that he was stupid and doesn't really want to go through with this, or afterwards, while he's taking all of his nourishment in liquid form while his jaw sets? ;)

Seriously, this was a very very dumb move, as there's absolutely no good outcome from this. If you go through with the fight and somehow win against a martial artist with this much training (unlikely at best), then you'll be the a$$hole who beat up the "girly girl".

If she hands your butt to you on a plate (much more likely), then you'll have the pain and potential long-term injury and/or scars to remember her by, along with the humiliating (to you at least) knowledge that you got beat up by a "girly girl".

The path that makes you look least bad is, as Thesemindz suggests, to humbly apologize for making such demeaning comments in the first place.
Dude, you just put youself into a no-win senareo. Think about it. You lose no matter what happens.

My daughter is 13 and has been training ever since she was 4. She acts like a girl should act. However she spars boys all the time. She hits harder than my son (who also has been training since 4) and every person in our dojang will tell you that. There are boys her age and older as well as much bigger than her that she has made cry.

Just becasue they are girls does not mean anthing.

Lookup the story about Wing Chun and how that art came to be, what made it so popular with women.

Ah yes to be young. Good luck.:rofl:
One one level I can ... kind of understand his original mistake. It's not excusable, but we've all blurted things in the heat of the moment that we come to regret.

Refusing to back down, however, after being shown the error of your ways and knowing full well the outcome of the situation?

All I have to say to that is :drinkbeer:popcorn::bangahead:. Don't forget to tape it so she can put in on Youtube.
You posted this same thing on another board and got your answer. The answer is you are a fool for making fun of someone else, particularly one that has trained to kick your butt. Own up to it. Also quit trolling.

Before I answer the OP? I completely agree with this here^^^

One one level I can ... kind of understand his original mistake. It's not excusable, but we've all blurted things in the heat of the moment that we come to regret.

Refusing to back down, however, after being shown the error of your ways and knowing full well the outcome of the situation?

All I have to say to that is :drinkbeer:popcorn::bangahead:. Don't forget to tape it so she can put in on Youtube.

^^^^ Amen

Dude, you just put youself into a no-win senareo. Think about it. You lose no matter what happens.

My daughter is 13 and has been training ever since she was 4. She acts like a girl should act. However she spars boys all the time. She hits harder than my son (who also has been training since 4) and every person in our dojang will tell you that. There are boys her age and older as well as much bigger than her that she has made cry.

Just becasue they are girls does not mean anthing.

Lookup the story about Wing Chun and how that art came to be, what made it so popular with women.

Ah yes to be young. Good luck.:rofl:

^^This is true.If you win? So what? You're a're SUPPOSED to win.However...most people will look at you like:"Why did you ever be so insecure as to fight a woman no matter what she said (as long as she didn't pull a weapon on you) in the first place?" They would consider you to be mentally weak,and inwardly cowardly. There's chauvinism,there's arrogance...and there's the insecurity that masks as both.And then...there's the unholy trinity of their alliance.

Don't tangle with martial artists,man.Especially ladies who OFFER to tangle with you.Bad juju, that. My daughter is 10 years old and such a girlie-girl that all of us call her "Princess". But her alter ego is no joke...she switches from being the sweetie face nice kind teacher's pet into THE PRINCESS OF PUNISHMENT when she's fighting,and she punishes offenders. Regularly. She's the Princess of Kicks; she fought 2 teenage boys for messing with my youngest daughter and literally kicked two teeth out of one of them and finished the other with jumping sidekick to the solar plexus-linear back kick to the groin-ridgehand to the throat-right cross to the nose which sat the boy out of his football game the next day.

See man...what if you win? Her MALE muay thai kickboxing friends will take offense...and you will pay for it. You should just tell her to forget the whole thing.

And Lord help you...if you LOSE? will NEVER live it down.

That is...until you go through the character building aspects of martial arts training and realize that the loss would actually be a gift in the disguise of kicks punches knees and elbows. You would be a better person for it.

Back away while you have the chance.And go join a local martial arts gym. Good luck.
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I made fun of a lady because she is practicing muaythai since 6 years. She claimed she can beat me up easily. I made fun of her - she got angry and suggested to prove it to me. Of course i agreed - she is just a woman - looks like a girly girl! Now i am not sure anymore whether this was a clever idea. Can anyone tell me if i have a chance?

If you win, you look like an A-Hole, if you lose, you look like a punk.:) ...enjoy.