Is Israel an apartheid state? Dennis Prager answers the question.

A massively complex issue, in under 6 minutes....

Takes me longer to make popcorn....
A massively complex issue, in under 6 minutes....

Takes me longer to make popcorn....
Gee, I can answer the question in 10 seconds, and I am a ****** typist:
No, unless, you completely change the definition of apartheid.
it is NOT complex

you have a people (JEWS) under constant attack by other people (JORDANIANS incorrectly called palistinian) who have sworn to detroy them and thier country and claim they are compelled to by god.

those same people (JEWS) are kicking *** and taking names and have been since 1947. They have been attacked, and won every time, gaining land from the bad guys each time.

the bad guys dont like to lose, so instead of a stand up fight, they get kids to throw rocks while the "men" fire rockets from positions hidden among children daring the good guys to strike back so invariably kids get kids and the bad guys can claim the victim card

only fools fall for it

bad part is, there are plenty of fools in the world.

bad guys (arabs in this case) target jewish kids
the good guys (jews) tell the bad guys where they are gonna fire so the kids can get out, the bad guys of course put kids in harms way to gain publicity

arabs can own land in israel and serve in politics

jews in many arab lands are subject to the death penalty for apostacy

so, NO, no aparthied to it

why can some people just come out and say it:

many arabs (and arab states) dont always act in ways that are approved of in 20th century society
We've been kicking *** and taking names for much longer than since 1947. With the Exception of yhe High Holydays, most Jewish Holidays can be summed up this way"

We read the narrative, which can all be summed up by: "They tried to eradicate us, we kicked their asses"
Followed by "Let's eat"
We've been kicking *** and taking names for much longer than since 1947. With the Exception of yhe High Holydays, most Jewish Holidays can be summed up this way"

We read the narrative, which can all be summed up by: "They tried to eradicate us, we kicked their asses"
Followed by "Let's eat"

Well yeah, of course! Who celebrates the defeats?
Six minutes for popcorn, you must not use microwave popcorn.

Microwave popcorn is a damnable abomination!

Six minutes is still a little long for popcorn, though-even this year's homegrown.

From the Merriam Webster English Language Technical Manual (that's engineerspeak for "dictionary" :lfao:) :

[h=2]apart·heid[/h] noun \ə-ˈpär-ˌtāt, -ˌtīt\

[h=2]Definition of APARTHEID[/h]1
: racial segregation; specifically : a former policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups in the Republic of South Africa

: separation, segregation <cultural apartheid> <gender apartheid>

So,according to the definition Israel qualifies, no matter what the pretentious, gaseous windbag known as Dennis Prager says.
Microwave popcorn is a damnable abomination!

Six minutes is still a little long for popcorn, though-even this year's homegrown.

From the Merriam Webster English Language Technical Manual (that's engineerspeak for "dictionary" :lfao:) :

[h=2]apart·heid[/h] noun \&#601;-&#712;pär-&#716;t&#257;t, -&#716;t&#299;t\

[h=2]Definition of APARTHEID[/h]1
: racial segregation; specifically : a former policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups in the Republic of South Africa

: separation, segregation <cultural apartheid> <gender apartheid>

So,according to the definition Israel qualifies, no matter what the pretentious, gaseous windbag known as Dennis Prager says.
Actually, according to the definition you posted, NO country, EXCEPT South Africa qualifies... :)
Actually, according to the definition you posted, NO country, EXCEPT South Africa qualifies... :)

Actually, no:

[h=2]apart·heid[/h] noun \&#601;-&#712;pär-&#716;t&#257;t, -&#716;t&#299;t\

[h=2]Definition of APARTHEID[/h]1
: racial segregation; specifically : a former policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups in the Republic of South Africa

: separation, segregation <cultural apartheid> <gender apartheid>

Actually, no:

You really can't ignore the first, primary definition...
That said, even then Israel which has Muslim Arab members of government, doesn't qualify. What Arab nation has highly placed Jews or Christians?
If you, or Jimmy "Hoping to be the second worst president" Carter wants to throw the word apartheid around, y'all really need to look no further than Arab nations and their treatment of Christians, Jews, women, homosexuals, etc.
What Arab nation has highly placed Jews or Christians?

Given who we are talking about...

Suha Arafat &#8212; the widow of the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat
Janet Mikhail &#8212; the current mayor of Ramallah
Karim Khalaf &#8212; attorney and politician who served as the Mayor of Ramallah, but was removed from office in 1982 by Israel
Victor Batarseh &#8212; mayor of Bethlehem
Elias Bandak &#8212; the former mayor of Bethlehem
Hanna Nasser &#8212; the former mayor of Bethlehem
Elias Freij &#8212; the mayor former of Bethlehem
George Habash &#8212; Politician, founder of the PFLP and the Arab Nationalist Movement[SUP][/SUP]
Nayif Hawatmeh &#8212; Palestinian politician, founder and General Secretary of the DFLP[SUP][/SUP]
Dr. Hanan Ashrawi &#8212; politician, legislator, activist, and scholar. Currently, she is a leader of the Third Way party.[SUP] [/SUP]She was previously notable as a spokesperson for Arafat.[SUP][/SUP]
Afif Safieh &#8212; diplomat and currently Palestinian ambassador to the Russian Federation
Joudeh George Murqos &#8212; ex-Palestinian minister of tourism
Ghazi Hanania &#8212; member of the Palestinian Legislative Council and Fatah
Emil Ghuri &#8212; the former Secretary of the Arab Higher Committee (AHC), the official leadership of the Arabs in the British Mandate of Palestine. He was also the general secretary of the Palestine Arab Party
Imil Jarjoui &#8212; former member of the Palestinian Legislative Council and the PLO executive committee
Michael Tarazi &#8212; lawyer and former adviser to the Palestine Liberation Organization
Kamal Nasser &#8212; PLO political leader, writer and poet
Hind Khoury &#8212; Palestinian Delegate-General to France
Chris Bandak &#8212; Palestinian Christian militant and a leader of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades and the Tanzim, both resistance wings of the Fatah movement, currently prisoned in Israel
Dr. Wadie Haddad &#8212; was a member and the leader of the national resistance wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), who was allegedly killed by Israel

All Arab Christians.
That said, even then Israel which has Muslim Arab members of government, doesn't qualify. What Arab nation has highly placed Jews or Christians?.

Ironically enough, Christians have it much worse under the current Iraqi government than they did under Saddam Hussein, whose right hand man, Tariq Aziz, was a Christian.

In fact, most of the Christians in Iraq have gotten the hell out, or been killed since the American invasion. All the churches have been destroyed. Before the invasion, there were probably about a million Christians living in Iraq.

Several sects of Christianity have existed peacably in Syria-Christians served side by side with Muslims in the Army against Israel. While the President must be Muslim by law, several Christians serve in the Syrian parliament, ministers in government, or highly placed officers in the military.

Lebanon is pretty much run by Christians.

Two of Egypt's cabinet ministers under Mubarak were Christians.
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Hmmm...since the post was about wether Israel is an apartheid state I have yet to see the long list of famous Israeli presidents of the Palestinian Authority or the Jewish head of Hamas, the two groups mentioned in the video. Was there an oversight in not mentioning these famous Jewish leaders of the Palestinians?
Hmmm...since the post was about wether Israel is an apartheid state I have yet to see the long list of famous Israeli presidents of the Palestinian Authority or the Jewish head of Hamas, the two groups mentioned in the video. Was there an oversight in not mentioning these famous Jewish leaders of the Palestinians?

Kind of like asking for Boer members of the A.N.C., isn't it? :lfao:

Jews are badass
We've been kicking *** and taking names for much longer than since 1947. With the Exception of yhe High Holydays, most Jewish Holidays can be summed up this way"

We read the narrative, which can all be summed up by: "They tried to eradicate us, we kicked their asses"
Followed by "Let's eat"
Non-Muslims under Islamic law would be held under the status of dhimmi (from Arabic &#1584;&#1605;&#1610;&#1617;, dh as th pronounced like in this) were allowed to "practice their religion, subject to certain conditions, and to enjoy a measure of communal autonomy" and guaranteed their personal safety and security of property, in return for paying tribute and acknowledging Muslim rule.[SUP][1][/SUP] Taxation from the perspective of thimmis who came under the Muslim rule, was "a concrete continuation of the taxes paid to earlier regimes"[SUP][2][/SUP] (but now lower under the Muslim rule[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP]) and from the point of view of the Muslim conqueror was a material proof of the dhimmi's subjection.[SUP][2][/SUP] Various restrictions and legal disabilities were placed on dhimmis, such as prohibitions against bearing arms or giving testimony in courts in cases involving Muslims.[SUP][5][/SUP]
"The main advantage of the dhimmis over Muslims was the guarantee of their protection without the responsibility to actively engage in that protection themselves&#8221;.[SUP][6][/SUP]
The Qur'an distinguishes between the monotheistic People of the Book (ahl al-kitab) (Jews, Christians, Sabians and others), and polytheists or idolaters on the other hand.[SUP][citation needed][/SUP] There are certain kind of restrictions, when involved with People of the Book, do not apply to polytheists. One example is Muslim males being allowed to marry a Christian or Jew, but not a polytheist. Muslim women, however may not marry non-Muslim men.[SUP][7][/SUP]
The idea of Islamic supremacy is encapsulated in the formula "Islam is exalted and nothing is exalted above it."[SUP][7][/SUP] Accordingly, Muslims must not place themselves in a position inferior to that of the followers of other religions.[SUP][8][/SUP] Pursuant to this principle, Muslim women may not marry non-Muslim men, non-Muslims may not inherit from their Muslim relatives, and a testimony of a non-Muslim is inadmissible against a Muslim.[SUP][7][/SUP]
Abraham, Moses, Hebrew prophets, and Jesus were all prophets of Islam, but according to Muslim tradition their message and the texts of the Torah and the Gospels were corrupted by Jews and Christians. Similarly, children of non-Muslim families are born Muslims, but are converted to another faith by their parents.[SUP][9][/SUP]
Apostasy in Islam is punishable by death.[SUP][10][/SUP] W. Heffening states that Shafi'is interpret verse [SUP][Quran 2:217][/SUP] as adducing the main evidence for the death penalty in Qur'an.[SUP][11][/SUP] Wael Hallaq states the death penalty was a new element added later and "reflects a later reality and does not stand in accord with the deeds of the Prophet." He further states that "nothing in the law governing apostate and apostasy derives from the letter of the holy text." [SUP][12]

Yep, sounds like equal treatment under the law...
Does the palestinian authority and hamas practice apartheid?
Of course not, don't be silly. Prejudice against Jews and or Christians, (and women and homosexuals, provided you have the correct religion)is permissible.