Is Hillary Correct?


Purple Belt
Mar 9, 2007
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Maryland USA

Clinton drew a huge cheer when she suggested there was a hint of racism in the way AIDS is addressed in this country. "Let me just put this in perspective: If HIV-AIDS were the leading cause of death of white women between the ages of 25 and 34 there would be an outraged, outcry in this country."

Is AIDS being treated differently because of racial prejudice?

The way I see it is that we don't have a cure for AIDS but we sure know enough about it to prevent, or at least limit, it's spread. For years public health officials have been telling us to use a rubber. Also, if we use illegal drugs they recommend not to share needles. So, is the problem racial descrimination or is the problem related to certain parts of the population heading this advice and other parts ignoring it? I'd vote for the latter although there might be an economic excuse not to use rubbers in some cases.
In a word, NO. In fact, I don't think she's correct on much of anything. I think she's just race pimping to try to win the black vote away from Obama. She's pathetic.

Clinton drew a huge cheer when she suggested there was a hint of racism in the way AIDS is addressed in this country. "Let me just put this in perspective: If HIV-AIDS were the leading cause of death of white women between the ages of 25 and 34 there would be an outraged, outcry in this country."

She's kind of right. There would be more outcry from the women's group to garner attention to aid in prevention. Because they obviously care about each other and they have a lobby (ex: Brease Cancer foundations, etc.)

If there is no outcry from the black community, then perhaps they do not care as much. Or they do not have the funds/organization to be heard. But there is nothing racist about being poor and/or lazy.

I don't know what she is using to measure outcry. Probably nothing, and so this is mere political claptrap.
not really, if it where the leading cause for white wemon we would have more suport because when things suck for women we ***** and we fight and we fight and we raise hell to find out what to do about it. With the black community maybe they arnt pulled together enough, maybe they dont have the funding or the know how or who knows ... white women just whine louder and make our voices heard i guess :) ( coming from a white woman)
She is probably correct, because I think the majority of outrage and outcry in this country probably come from the 25-34 white woman demographic. Not sure what that has to do with whether or not anything more would or even could be done about AIDS rates. But there would be lots of outrage and outcry, you betcha.
She is probably correct, because I think the majority of outrage and outcry in this country probably come from the 25-34 white woman demographic. Not sure what that has to do with whether or not anything more would or even could be done about AIDS rates. But there would be lots of outrage and outcry, you betcha.

Sure, more people, more visibility, and potentially more complaining. But is it a racial thing that there is little outcry? Is it a racial thing that no cure has been discovered. Is it even a racial thing that one segment of the US community is contracting this disease at a higher rate than the rest?

I don't see this as a racial thing. More of an economic/lifestyle thing. I see the lack of outcry due to people knowing that there is a proven way to limit the spread of this disease and so people have the power to direct their own destiny. But I don't always see racial stuff at first glance so I could be convinced otherwise.

I wonder what the HIV rate is in middle class balck women? I wonder what the rate is in poor white women?
Sure, more people, more visibility, and potentially more complaining. But is it a racial thing that there is little outcry? Is it a racial thing that no cure has been discovered. Is it even a racial thing that one segment of the US community is contracting this disease at a higher rate than the rest?

I don't see this as a racial thing. More of an economic/lifestyle thing. I see the lack of outcry due to people knowing that there is a proven way to limit the spread of this disease and so people have the power to direct their own destiny. But I don't always see racial stuff at first glance so I could be convinced otherwise.

I wonder what the HIV rate is in middle class balck women? I wonder what the rate is in poor white women?

No, I don't believe it's a racial thing. And for me, the onus is upon those who want to paint it as such to prove that a) AIDS can be cured using existing treatments; and b) every scientist in the world is choosing not to do for reasons that have nothing to do with scientific or financial limitations.
Typical pandering for the minority vote. The only difference between this **** and Ann Coulters is a matter of wording, degree and who is saying it.
Typical jockeying for votes. Then again while I would support a female for President, that isn't the one I would :idunno:, so I could be a bit jaded in my view of her motive.
She's kind of right. There would be more outcry from the women's group to garner attention to aid in prevention. Because they obviously care about each other and they have a lobby (ex: Brease Cancer foundations, etc.)

If there is no outcry from the black community, then perhaps they do not care as much. Or they do not have the funds/organization to be heard. But there is nothing racist about being poor and/or lazy.

I don't know what she is using to measure outcry. Probably nothing, and so this is mere political claptrap.
Not so, If racism put the black community where it is, are not the problems stemming from it a result of that racism or is it just that they are "Lazy"?
This is long, but i hope it sheds some light.

I often work directly with women who are attempting to leave abusive/violent relationships; because I live in the south, there are many afrrican-american women in these situations. Suggesting that they be tested for HIV is part of our protocal for making sure they are healthy physically as they work on all the additional challenges they face. It is horrendous to face this along with every other obstacle they are presented with.

Here are 3 web sites with useful info. in longer articles. The one from Slate (2004) is excellent.

In 2003, women constituted 28% of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) cases in the United States; approximately 69% of those cases were among non-Hispanic black women
Source: Center for Disease Control (CDC)
For black women, the result has been devastating, said Debra Fraser-Howze, founding president and CEO of the National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS.

"We should be very afraid," she said. "We should be afraid and we should be planning. What are we going to do when these women get sick? Most of these women don't even know they're HIV-positive. What are we going to do with these children? When women get sick, there is no one left to take care of the family."

When Gwen Ifill asked a pressing question about AIDS during the vice-presidential debate, both candidates were utterly lost. "I want to talk to you about AIDS, and not about AIDS in China or Africa, but AIDS right here in this country, where black women between the ages of 25 and 44 are 13 times more likely to die of the disease than their counterparts," said Ifill. "What should the government's role be in helping to end the growth of this epidemic?"

Cheney did not bother trying to hide his ignorance. "I have not heard those numbers with respect to African-American women. I was not aware that it was—that they're in epidemic there [sic]," he said. Edwards resorted to dodge ball, spending his 90 seconds on AIDS in Africa, the genocide in Sudan, uninsured Americans, and John Kerry. "OK, we'll move on," said Ifill, who somehow restrained herself from rolling her eyes à la Jon Stewart.

Many states have little true interest in providing the information, public outreach and medical support that would even begin to touch this problem. Most women, of all races, do not know they are HIV positive until long after their infection (through heterosexual contact with an HIV positive man who does not tell them his condition, refuses to use condoms (or threatens violence if she insists) or has not gotten tested. Many learn when they are tested as part of pregnancy care. Its terrible beyond words to learn this, but we do have the medical knowledge to protect the baby and help the woman survive and raise her child. But we usually do not have enough money to do the job for all.

HIV among women of all races gets near zero public attention. For black and hispanic women it drops even lower.

HIV testig is a regular part of the sexual assault protocol kit in many states. Unfortunately that just tells us and the victim if she was positive at the time of the assault - and sometimes the answer is yes - meaning she was infected _before_ she was raped, by someone who was HIV positive and did not tell her of his condidtion, or who chose not to know. After the rape, she must be tested every few months, for at least 1-2 years. It is hell on survivors.

And you bet racial disparities are a factor.
I'm surprised that she waited this long to pull out the race card - she is the wife of our first "black" president - who set himself up in Harlem after his 8 year reign.

I would say that race has very little to do with why AIDS is rampant and more to do with geography and literacy. Africa leads the world in cases of AIDS followed by the Carribean then blacks in the US. There is a correlation between the lack of education and the depth of poverty and the rate of AIDS; however prevention is pretty friggin' easy - use a condom. Unfortunately a majority of nations don't even offer this alternative to its people.
An awful lot of 'Attacking the Messenger' on this thread, I think. Maybe that is the result of the title of the thread - somebody wants to launch attacks on Senator Clinton.

But, I saw the original post as, 'is the content of the statement correct', regardless of who asks?

Is AIDS being treated differently because of racial prejudice?

Does American society behave differently toward HIV / AIDS because of the profile of those infected ... black women and gay men.

Answer .... Yes!
Not so, If racism put the black community where it is, are not the problems stemming from it a result of that racism or is it just that they are "Lazy"?

The status of the black community today is 100% due to racism???

I don't think that they are lazy at all, on the issues that they care about. Look at the Rodney King trial aftermath. Where is the great Reverend Jackson on all of this AIDS oppression? Why isn't he screaming about it daily? It's not like they do not have a voice. The black community has more to deal with than Whitey. They are destroying themselves. Gangs, drugs, violent crime. In a culture that is stuck on the "Me First" ideology, when do you think ANYONE is going to come running to save the minorities from themselves? Oh, yes, Hillary Clinton.

Hey, did Racism put the gays in the same boat as the black women? No - it is probably due in part to the same irresponsibility though.
The status of the black community today is 100% due to racism???

I don't think that they are lazy at all, on the issues that they care about. Look at the Rodney King trial aftermath. Where is the great Reverend Jackson on all of this AIDS oppression? Why isn't he screaming about it daily? It's not like they do not have a voice. The black community has more to deal with than Whitey. They are destroying themselves. Gangs, drugs, violent crime. In a culture that is stuck on the "Me First" ideology, when do you think ANYONE is going to come running to save the minorities from themselves? Oh, yes, Hillary Clinton.

Hey, did Racism put the gays in the same boat as the black women? No - it is probably due in part to the same irresponsibility though.

Yep, the minority communities bear no responsibility to raise awareness of issues like this, it's the rest of us and the government that owe them and are responsible for their actions.

I would say that at the time AIDS became the new epidemic in this country, gays were much more ostracized than blacks and hispanics, yet they had no problem making their voices heard. I'm more likely to lean towards complacency and the "you're responsible for me" mentality more than I would racism.
I'm surprised that she waited this long to pull out the race card - she is the wife of our first "black" president - who set himself up in Harlem after his 8 year reign.

I would say that race has very little to do with why AIDS is rampant and more to do with geography and literacy. Africa leads the world in cases of AIDS followed by the Carribean then blacks in the US. There is a correlation between the lack of education and the depth of poverty and the rate of AIDS; however prevention is pretty friggin' easy - use a condom. Unfortunately a majority of nations don't even offer this alternative to its people.
Unless of course racism put the people where they were. And in these locations there are substandard education systems.
In my opinion it is true, but it isint. There are perhaps elements of truth in what she said because its impossible to gage all of hidden racism. And everybody is guilty in one way or another. But did she really believe it? If she didint,and she said it for effect. Then it has a falseness or untruth to it as well.
I like Obama better.
In my opinion it is true, but it isint. There are perhaps elements of truth in what she said because its impossible to gage all of hidden racism. And everybody is guilty in one way or another. But did she really believe it? If she didint,and she said it for effect. Then it has a falseness or untruth to it as well.
I like Obama better.
Never happen, but maybe as a running mate for Hillary or (gasp) Al Gore.
In a word, NO. In fact, I don't think she's correct on much of anything. I think she's just race pimping to try to win the black vote away from Obama. She's pathetic.
Did you know that aids was the leading killer of young Black Women before she made this pathetic comment? Did you care?
Did you know that aids was the leading killer of young Black Women before she made this pathetic comment? Did you care?
I'm surprised she didn't replace "Machetes in Darfur" with AIDS... Or, perhaps that's the next sensationalized speech. Then again, I'd wager that not many Americans actually know where Darfur is, so it wouldn't have as much of an impact...


Do I think it's true? As others have said, women seem to have a much stronger sense of unity when confronted with an adversary like disease (take Breast cancer as another pointed out). So perhaps that assumption is true, but in the context she's attempting to use it in, no, it's not.

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