Interested in learning Reiki, where to start.

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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So I spent 3 hours at the bookstore tonight and left confused.

I'm interested in learning more about Reiki, and did find the wikipedia entry which gave me a decent start, but, I admit to being overwhelmed and in need of experienced guidance.

So, while I research this more, is there a good book or 2 that's recommended as a starting point? Other advice?

Thanks! :)
I spent a Saturday at the local community college and took a class. You can check out the local communty college or adult ed in your community and see if they offer something
If there is a metaphysical store in your area, they should have info on local instructors. Also check with massage therapists or yoga schools.

Whether you believe in chakras or not, the concept of improving your well-being through touch (laying on of the hands) and positive concentration is a common theme in religions and older health care systems worldwide.
I highly recommend anything by Diane Ruth Shoemaker - "All Love" in particular. "All Love" is a great book for the beginner and is quite comprehensive. Available at B&N; ISBN 0-9674135-1-6 for a little under $20.

It is said that Reiki must be given to you - shared from one entity to another - and that is part of the power of Reiki - that when one person in the chain performs Reiki they also pull the cumulative energies channeled by other people. Some claim that Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki is the healing power that the Christ used, though I think it was a combination of things and more dealing with love and light than symbology.

I think to fully comprehend and utilize the power of Reiki, you must accept the power is not yours, the power is that from the Divine Force, the All That Is, the Holy Spirit, or whatever you wish to call the interconnectedness of all things that pulsates within everyone, is pure love, light and empowerment. The acceptance that this power is stronger than anything else - that it does and will vanquish evil, darkness, dis-ease, etcetera is key to becoming good with any energy healing whatsoever.

For level one, you must be attuned by a master. Now ... I think I differ from most other practitioners when I say that I think you can become attuned by a master in spirit form if that is your path. I've met some people who never submitted to attunement from another living person but have "developed" these gifts. If one is open and ready and it is their path to do this, I don't think it inconceivable that a person could obtain attunement from a spiritual source. But *is* my opinion having spent hours upon hours in discussion with persons who felt they were a healing channel, people who called themselves healers but were vampirific instead, and people who have made my jaw drop.

The investment in the book to start can't hurt. I think I've posted a couple of links on Reiki here. I'll spend time getting a sticky together of some good sights.

All love,
Here's the "money" question, How do you know it's working? I've seen a few people and well, to be honest I got a good massage but couldn't say i felt anything else. Now, it's possible that's all that was there but....
Here's the "money" question, How do you know it's working? I've seen a few people and well, to be honest I got a good massage but couldn't say i felt anything else. Now, it's possible that's all that was there but....

If you got a "good massage" then it wasn't Reiki. It may have been someone using the Reiki name to sell you a massage, but it wasn't Reiki. There is no tissue manipulation, only touch.
Reiki doesn't even have to involve touch - in fact, Reiki in an of itself *is not* a touch-art. That's a different kind of healing - a more rudimentary one. Whatever they're doing to you, it's not Reiki.

However - Reiki is one of those low-feedback kind of things - you don't always feel it immediately. Vibration energy is one form of no-touch healing you can sense; your hair stands up on end, you feel a little light-headed and perhaps a little queasy, kind of a pins-and-needles feeling, perhaps a temperature change, you may sweat or drool. Pain changes or subsides.

Reiki is ... different. You might feel it or you might not but usually you won't. And it depends on the ability level of the practitioner.

Now ... it can be done while a person is giving you a massage ... but don't let anyone sell you a "Reiki massage" because they don't really exist in a massage form unless it's a "newer" system and those modern Reiki systems are notorious for either not working, working only a little and for wearing off rapidly.
Here's the "money" question, How do you know it's working? I've seen a few people and well, to be honest I got a good massage but couldn't say i felt anything else. Now, it's possible that's all that was there but....

How do you know a visit to your doctor works or how the medication he/she prescribed worked?

If you got a "good massage" then it wasn't Reiki. It may have been someone using the Reiki name to sell you a massage, but it wasn't Reiki. There is no tissue manipulation, only touch.

I am assuming Reiki is similar to Chinese Tui Na then (aka acupressure) is that a correct assumption?
Okay, I should say there *are* hand positions for hands-on healing, but the core of Reiki is done without the need for touch. Touch enables energy flow in the body. The Body is a crude mass compared to all around us; low in vibration, dense but not impenetrable nor immune to energy flows and blockages.

Here are two huge sites on Reiki:

I'm pressed for time today - let's see if I can find info on sekhem-seikim and SKHM reiki


Okay, I should say there *are* hand positions for hands-on healing, but the core of Reiki is done without the need for touch. Touch enables energy flow in the body. The Body is a crude mass compared to all around us; low in vibration, dense but not impenetrable nor immune to energy flows and blockages.

Here are two huge sites on Reiki:

I'm pressed for time today - let's see if I can find info on sekhem-seikim and SKHM reiki

Thanks I will check the links
sorry - had to take cover for a tornado watch. Will continue here tomorrow.
everything here is just my opinion. as with many spiritual topics, opinions will vary drasticaly.

i have a copy of called 'the big book of reiki symbols' by mark hosak and walter lübeck-dont know if there is an english translation- i would think so..

it has most of the information. basicaly the study of reiki flows into study of a few different spiritual traditions such as tantric buddhism, taoism -some would say even christianity.

there is belief in some energy that radiates from the various chakras and can be concentrated in the hands.
some will try to achieve these forms of spiritual power merely by seeking out a higher level reiki practitioner and have them lay their hands on them in one or several sessions.
others, will concentrate on the study of buddhism, the vedic roots, sanskrit . also not just for study but then to do special exercises to put the teachings to use or test.
there is also the path of chanting to the many deities of buddhism etc.
i believe all these ways will work to a certain degree. the final way to concentrate is that ones own body and self are the containers of the yin and yang. so through body exercises like taikyoku, doin, martial arts, or any activity for that matter, we can shape our tanden to be a certain way. in the case of reiki ,to achieve amplification of the spiritual energy so that powerful healing and purification is more possible.

When I was in the class and on the table I felt warmth in the area that was being treated. There was no contact, but I could feel something similar to, but not nearly as strong as, the feeling I had when I was having an MRI done.
So I spent 3 hours at the bookstore tonight and left confused.

I'm interested in learning more about Reiki, and did find the wikipedia entry which gave me a decent start, but, I admit to being overwhelmed and in need of experienced guidance.

So, while I research this more, is there a good book or 2 that's recommended as a starting point? Other advice?

Thanks! :)

My advice is to do something else.

Based on my experiences, Reiki is up there with palm reading and Phrenology. There is no verifiable evidence what-so-ever that Reiki does anything that people claim it does, that I have seen.

If someone has something to bring to the table, then cool, I'll listen; but based on what I've seen thusfar... ah, no-go..
Here's the "money" question, How do you know it's working? I've seen a few people and well, to be honest I got a good massage but couldn't say i felt anything else. Now, it's possible that's all that was there but....

You friggin' don't; and that's the reason why it seems ridiculus.

Now, that said, laying of the hands in prayer or meditation or positive thoughts is cool. I have no problems with that, and I think that can be a positive thing.

But laying of the hands in prayer or meditation does not have to lend a claim to results. It is just something you do in hopes and faith that it will heal. Of course there are those televangelist types who will make outlandish claims with faith healing, but I don't think those people are being truthful either.

But with Reiki, you go beyond the concept of laying hands and praying or meditating. Now you get into "levels" and people arguing over who is a true master and who isn't, and what is the real Reiki and what isn't, and esoteric-speak, and on and on. Plus, many "masters" charge $$, and the people paying have an expectation for some sort of result.

BUT THERE IS NO VERIFIABLE WAY TO TELL YOU ARE GETTING RESULTS IN THE FIRST PLACE to justify "levels" and "masters" and who is doing the real reiki and who isn't.

It's kind of like a lot of martial arts circles (not all, but some).

So, as far as I am concerned, it's bunk. But again, I could be wrong; so I'll shut up and let the true believers say their piece... :)
But with Reiki, you go beyond the concept of laying hands and praying or meditating. Now you get into "levels" and people arguing over who is a true master and who isn't, and what is the real Reiki and what isn't, and esoteric-speak, and on and on. Plus, many "masters" charge $$, and the people paying have an expectation for some sort of result.

BUT THERE IS NO VERIFIABLE WAY TO TELL YOU ARE GETTING RESULTS IN THE FIRST PLACE to justify "levels" and "masters" and who is doing the real reiki and who isn't.

It's kind of like a lot of martial arts circles (not all, but some).

no kidding. that stuff really puts me off reiki sometimes.
however, i try not to let it stop me from understanding the philosophy, theories as well as practicing the religion independant of reiki.
the way people hord reiki info sometimes really freakes me out. it's so sensationalist and in my opinion not really truthful or spiritual at all.
but whatever, who am i to blow against the wind.
plus, the study of reiki for most people barely even scratches the outer flakey part of the surface. it's not just the language and culture barrier. it's a clash between those within the system that are not in harmony with one another. therefore the idea of levels etc.
i've never really thought about this nor am i a typical reiki practitioner although i try my best to learn all the information. i have memorized far more buddhist spells and texts than is contained within all reiki books that i have seen. and is essentialy the same teaching as in reiki yet i did not learn it through reiki. so there are many ways to reach the peak of the mountain...

religion and spirituality is also a difficult subject because of the power issue. it's the similar with any type of largely unfounded claims.
still, i believe in some sort of force possibly having to do with the positivity taught in reiki. also i have come to believe in actual powers that can effect healings and the like-like i mentioned above
if anyone makes large claims about reiki achievements, i sometimes ask them why they just don't go to a hospital and help people.
it seems to me, people will rationalize just about anything for their own profit and glorification. it's bizzare.
