
Jun 25, 2006
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hertfordshire , england
{hope this is the right forum to post this in!}

hi , i was wondering if you think it is worth learning a few basic grappling techniques (for example escaping from a headlock) from instructionals over the internet just for self defence situations , im a stand up fighter and used to train in jujitsu , and although im pretty good on the floor i dont remember some of the basic grappling/ground techniques. on google somewhere i found a few instructionals made by tito ortiz , i watched a couple and they are very detailed some lasting up to 5 mins explaining 1 basic floor technique. im definitaly not one for using instructionals but do you think its worth learning a few techniques that will help get our of various grabs/holds for self defence stuations?

i followed one tito ortiz instructional and me and friend tried the throw on eachother and it worked a treat

I have the Vitor Belfort ones which I find good, there's a whole set of them. He does things at half speed as well as real time so you get a chance to see what's going on.
Try these as well when they come out, I've trained with Leigh and he's an awsome instructor as well as fighter. he's an awesome instructor as well as fighter, get yourself down to Chippenham for a session with him!

Pre Order Leigh Remedios Instructional DVD
Leigh Remedios Instructional DVD is due to be released at the beginning of January.

Pre-order your copy of this double DVD set for £20 to have it shipped out on the day of public release. Click here:

The DVD comes in 3 sections:- Takedowns, Submissions and Escapes and is aimed at teaching/improving fundamentals, with the odd flash move thrown in for good measure.
VT Jiu Jitsu, Chippenham - 07736 925848 - Check out the online shop!
chris_มวยไทย;670798 said:
{hope this is the right forum to post this in!}

hi , i was wondering if you think it is worth learning a few basic grappling techniques (for example escaping from a headlock) from instructionals over the internet just for self defence situations , im a stand up fighter and used to train in jujitsu , and although im pretty good on the floor i dont remember some of the basic grappling/ground techniques. on google somewhere i found a few instructionals made by tito ortiz , i watched a couple and they are very detailed some lasting up to 5 mins explaining 1 basic floor technique. im definitaly not one for using instructionals but do you think its worth learning a few techniques that will help get our of various grabs/holds for self defence stuations?

i followed one tito ortiz instructional and me and friend tried the throw on eachother and it worked a treat


If someone already has a grappling background, I'd say yes, it would be possible. I have a few BJJ tapes, which I use as a reference, as I have someone to train BJJ/grappling with. If someone did not have a grappling background, I'd say a live inst. would be much better.

If someone already has a grappling background, I'd say yes, it would be possible. I have a few BJJ tapes, which I use as a reference, as I have someone to train BJJ/grappling with. If someone did not have a grappling background, I'd say a live inst. would be much better.


I agree as a supplement for an experienced person only.
Hello, Instructionals will add more knowledge...the best is having a partner to train with. Appling the techniques, and doing lots of practice to get the feel of things, and build memory.

Anytime you can learn one more thing...the better you will become...the end less journey of learning........Aloha
it won't do near as much good as actually training with an actual instructor in an actual program, but more knowledge is always a good thing. beats not learning.
I feel that any instruction /learning is good. If you have experence in the arts then it is a little easier to pick up techniques from instructionals