Insights into Kenpo and Groundfighting


A pin is where you are on your back with your shoulders on the mat/ground. A good pin is one where you cannot easily move or strike.

A submission is a choke or joint lock where if you don't tap or give-up you will break a limb or get choked out.
Originally posted by twinkletoes
Now I'm really interested in this process. Not to take the conversation away from Groundfighting, but when you spar with the kenpo/shootfighting, how "kenpo" is the standup? For example, do you use blocks like kenpo, or boxing style covers? And what kind of rules are employed?
The standup is not very kenpo, really. Many of the kicks we use with shoot fighting are more Muay Thai style kicks. Evasion tends to be a better defense than blocks, though some standard inward outward blocks are sometimes used and double as strikes. Boxing like covers are common. For sport training, a variety of rules might be employed. If someone has a fight coming up they tend to want to practice in the rules they will be employing. Shootfighting rules allow for striking while standing, but not while on the ground. Some of us fight NHB and will practice with strikes on the ground. Sometimes though someone will just want to focus on one aspect, grappling or striking and we'll work on that with them.
No sweat, I can tell what was my question and what's your answer.

I find it *very* interesting what you've answered, since that seems to be pretty standard among MMA/NHB/Vale Tudo approaches. Not to beat a dead horse, but it seems interesting that even Kenpo guys who also shootfight don't employ their Kenpo-type approaches when it comes to fighting that allows all ranges.

Do you guys use any kind of kenpo mindset, tactics, or methodology when you get into that kind of sparring? Does it all go out the window? Do you all do both?

Thanks for the answers,

Originally posted by twinkletoes
No sweat, I can tell what was my question and what's your answer.

I find it *very* interesting what you've answered, since that seems to be pretty standard among MMA/NHB/Vale Tudo approaches. Not to beat a dead horse, but it seems interesting that even Kenpo guys who also shootfight don't employ their Kenpo-type approaches when it comes to fighting that allows all ranges.

Do you guys use any kind of kenpo mindset, tactics, or methodology when you get into that kind of sparring? Does it all go out the window? Do you all do both?

Thanks for the answers,

Now, Keep in mind that when we do the shootfighting add ons its all off of standard kenpo techniques. However, when we practice for sport much of what typifies kenpo is illegal. Example, there are no eyes strikes, strikes to the throat, etc. So the fact that we don't use a lot of this in sport fighting, I don't believe is a put down to kenpo. I wouldn't study the art if I didn't think it was worthwhile. It really just demonstrates the difference between sport combat and real self defense where maiming or killing might be necessary.