

Master Black Belt
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Rose Barracks Vilseck,Germany
What have you done to improve the art that you study or the school you attend? I personally have just added some of my past arts and mixed it in with the arts that I am currently studying. I have been trying to be a good ambassador for my arts, and try to spred them in a good light, though sometimes I get a little illtempered
Here we have made a whole attitude ajustment, we are going back to old school training no more BS while we train when you are on the floor it is all about training and nothing else. Also we are going to be adding more SD from various other Arts to make it more complete with the times.
I think your statement about being a good ambassador of your art is a good one. I come from a very traditional school and I try to uphold it's values. This tends to seem corny to the young ones which is why I try that much harder to do it.
I also have tried to be an ambassador for the art I teah. I have tried to let the world know it exsists and opened my doors to those that want to see what we do ( this has not always been the way of my art).
Also I have been a little more open to haveing other instructors come in and show what they do and I have been more than willing to go to their schools to learn and exchange ideas
Gemini said:
I think your statement about being a good ambassador of your art is a good one. I come from a very traditional school and I try to uphold it's values. This tends to seem corny to the young ones which is why I try that much harder to do it.
Are we talking traditional as in diciplined, or what I am just trying to get a better understanding, not trying to be a smart@ss
tshadowchaser said:
I also have tried to be an ambassador for the art I teah. I have tried to let the world know it exsists and opened my doors to those that want to see what we do ( this has not always been the way of my art).
Also I have been a little more open to haveing other instructors come in and show what they do and I have been more than willing to go to their schools to learn and exchange ideas
What is the art that you teach and where did you learn it, what would it take for another instructor to come and teach at your school (for instance if I was ever in your area what would I have to be able to offer to come and teach at your school)?
ppko said:
Are we talking traditional as in diciplined, or what I am just trying to get a better understanding, not trying to be a smart@ss
Yes, my response was towards decipline because the question at face value left the door open, and that above all else matters to me. If I had to respond in regards to improvement addressing criteria, I'd really like the sabumnim to add monthly seminars focusing on the other arts he's proficient in.
Gemini said:
Yes, my response was towards decipline because the question at face value left the door open, and that above all else matters to me. If I had to respond in regards to improvement addressing criteria, I'd really like the sabumnim to add monthly seminars focusing on the other arts he's proficient in.
your answer was fine, just trying to make sure thats what you were talking about
I instruct Sikaran a Fillipino system. I learned it in N.H. from Master Chartier and from the late Grandmaster Lagarejos( in other words the top 2 knowledgeable people in the system,) and I have been a student of the system for over 30 years.
If you showed up at my door (you must have got lost but) you need only come in and interduce yourslef to me and I would be more than willing to have you teach for the night. Then we could go get some food and talk.
I ment less talking and jokeing, people standing in posistion not wandering around when they should be in line, push ups and sit ups for not paying attention, stances held for periods of time and stances being correct not nearly correct, etc. Yes I let a lot slide the last half of the year

By the way anyone that thinks they might be in my area let me know and I'll try to meet with you even if your just passing through
ppko said:
Which arts and what type of techniques
I have a gentleman that is a wrestler and another that is going to come by and teach a Kempo class twice a month, the last guy is a Jujitsu gentleman do not know alot about the Art except what I read about so it shoud be a fun Year all in all.

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