I want my RIGHTS Back! *** Based upon the following article I want a refund

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 13, 2001
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From the following link:


WASHINGTON - Civilian employees rather than police stopped an armed intruder at the U.S. Capitol, authorities acknowledged Friday, adding new details to an already embarrassing security breach.

Carlos Greene, 20, accused of carrying a loaded handgun and crack cocaine, assaulted one civilian employee and struggled with another before a third got him in a bear hug, seconds before officers caught up with him Monday morning, police said.

"It was the civilians who did have him corralled or subdued," said Sgt. Kimberly Schneider, a Capitol police spokeswoman. "We were hot on his trail. We just didn't get there in time."

. . .

If Civilians are doing the job now then why have Home Land Security?

I want my Rights back. I think the Home land Security Acts need to be repealed and marked unconstitutional, and ineffective as well.

They spend all this money and they still cannot stop a single person who is serious about doing something.

The Homeland Security was all about making us safe from Terrorism, but can we lock things down to the point of being able to stop the single person who is willing to die in the process of their act of civil disobediance.

NOTE: This is not about those who died in any bombing or act of terrorism, and I wish them peace and their families peace. I am just trying to make a point here with this that there is no security system I am willing to live with that would allow for protection from this type of act.
You know...what annoys me is the cops being, you know the civilians who stopped them where brave, but next time they should wait for the cops.....like the cops had done so well so far....
You know...what annoys me is the cops being, you know the civilians who stopped them where brave, but next time they should wait for the cops.....like the cops had done so well so far....

While I have friends how are police officers and respect their line of work and also respect what they do and face, I believe the person or individual as a right to protect themselves.

If someone had a gun and your child or family members were there and no one stopped him and he shot people before the police showed up then there would be many people screaming someone should have done something.

My point is not about the police as unit ot individually.

My point is not about the civilians who may have acted in some minds out of order.

My point is that there is no way to stop the single person who is willing to die for a cause unless one is willing to take away all rights to walk the street, and the powers ave the guns and weapons and they can storm your house and drag you out becuase they suspect you for being against them.

That to me is terrorism. As a minor student of history, there is one thing I have noticed is that powers that are unchecked get abused over time and no one notices until it is too late for they are in it and the slow steps are not obvious, until it is history and looked at from a non participant point of view.

I fear my government more than I fear the random act of terrorism for history teaches me that governments abuse their powers and take advantage of their subjects/citizens.

So no disrespect meant to the Men and Women in Blue who do a good job, but there is only so much they can do.

So, I want my Rights back.