I found this amazing from another place

I believe you meant 2008-2009?

Austin Tx
JO 2009:
Male - 197 (An increase of 28 over 2008)
Female - 132 (An increase of 21 over 2008)
Sr Nats 2009:
Male - 139 (An increase of 9 over 2008)
Female - 88 (A decrease of 2 over 2008)

Detroit Mi
JO 2008:
Male - 171
Female - 111
Sr Nats 2008:
Male - 130
Female - 90

I see a net increase of 56 from 2008 to 2009 in these categories. Am I missing something?

No you are right those number are the actual numbers but when it came down to participation they was down 58 because of injury or people just bowing out. I do not understand the bowing out thing but each there own. mango.man I am not trying to be in a agrument with you about numbers but I have been around the block a few times with both orgs and I should say all three if we include the USTU and nothing changes. They add people to add knowing they are bowing out or injured. Lets see how many actually fight this year or will they loose people because of the same reasons. I know I wantthe best for both right now AAU for the grassroot program and USAT because the govern the sport here but we never seem to get what is best for the athletes for the most part. Like I said see everyone and lets have a drink or twoo or three or how ever many.:asian:
You know my feelings about USAT and the stupid decisions that they have made over the past couple years. Those decisions are the reason that we are not going to be joining you for drinks in Florida.

I am not trying to argue either, but come on. How is it USAT, USTU or AAU or anyone else's fault if athletes chose to bowout or are forced to withdraw due to injury?

notice the new schedule. Remember that this thread began with when do ultras fight? Well -
We have how many years of experience with scheduling? We are giving preference to referees who can work everyday. Has someone fallen asleep at the stick? I got a call regarding the schedule and decided to check it out. the longest scheduled day is Sunday - July 4th - the holiday. Not only is the longest day scheduled the LAST DAY - after the referees have already worked all week and are tired - but it is also 18-32 Black Belts - you know - the Road to the Olympics.
It is well known that day one is not the day to do 18-32 black belts as they need time to get back in the groove. It is also well known you don't put the team divisions on the last day whether it is 14-17 black belts or 18-32 black belts because at that point the referees are tired, the staff is tired and everyone wants out. Parents are packing up and antsy to go; vendors want to get packed up - and if you have any kind of glitch - there is nowhere to go but to stay LATE.

I know that 8-9 referees of the 78 appointed have already bowed out. I know three more appointed (maybe more) but one of them said "EXCUSE ME?" And I also know that every JO's and Nationals I ever refereed someone(s) did a no call/no show. There are no extras. I will bet there are referees and others with plane tickets out on Sunday.

Have a great 4th!

Who in their rigt mind schedules an even other than concert/fireworks on the 4th?!
Mark Kauffman and David Askinas. The same people who scheduled the longest day on the last day
I know some folks will most likely take some offense at the following, but so be it. I've been watching for a long time, the ever present soap opera that is "Sport TKD". It kind of boarders on the "Battered Wife" mindset. What's the given percentage for any athlete making it to the Olympics?.......03% and that's under a fair an impartial venue, which from all accounts, that's yet another road block in the offing. All you folks are doing is just padding the pockets of people you don't seem to like or respect and for what, a medal or trophy that will mean nothing in the true course of life. One of my friends students has a national belt from the AAU in TKD from 07/08 and it sits in the schools window showcase. Folks coming in looking to train don't even give it a second glance, if they even give it a first one. The student by the way has now gone on to real life situations, job, family, bills and what have you. I'm sure some of you have won your share of medals/trophy's and they just sit and collect dust or their put away in the closet. Bottom line to this rant is "you have the power to stop all this crap........just don't participate and save your hard earned money and clean up your ulcer. It's like you can't see the forest for the trees. You don't need any of the so called "Big" organizations, for they do absolutely nothing for you except cash your checks. Old ways, before "sport" was you trained, the instructor or Kwans GM signed your piece of paper and that was good enough. Today's TKD has become a reality show unto itself..............
I know ..............

While I completely agree with you, I am going to steal your quote/signature...

"Evil succeeds, when good men do nothing"

I am not delusional enough to think that my little sammy is going to the olympics. Yet I am not going to sit by and let some worthless athlete have a free ride to the olympics because I made it easier by not participating.

Be a thorn, call ******** when you see it.

....and I have no ulcers!
While I completely agree with you, I am going to steal your quote/signature...

"Evil succeeds, when good men do nothing"

I am not delusional enough to think that my little sammy is going to the olympics. Yet I am not going to sit by and let some worthless athlete have a free ride to the olympics because I made it easier by not participating.

Be a thorn, call ******** when you see it.

Yes, evil succeeds when nothing is done to CORRECT the situation. By offering participation, for whatever seemingly valid reason only contributes to those running the show and their wallets. Folks can yell and stomp their feet all they want, but when they continue to fork over the dollars to attend these biased (I've read about and seen some of the) competitions, then in reality your voices and disgust for what's being done falls on deaf ears. That worthless athlete, being the chosen one even before any accountable competition, is a perfect example of wasted efforts. One only has to go back and review the horror stories posted in reference to similar actions undertaken.

You can't change something from the outside and those in power won't let you in unless your of their ilk, so what's left? Get enough people to start a functional boycott and hopefully the attitude will grow where it will be way to obvious to everyone involved. It's either that or just keep counting the sheep...........
The one drawback to your approach is that if people stop participating what would we have to wine about.
The one drawback to your approach is that if people stop participating what would we have to wine about.

OK I'm busted.........you got me there!......:duh:

Do you know if Master Pham (from MD) will be referee-ing at USAT? He was caught in the middle of USAT and AAU not too long ago. So I was wondering if he too was denied. They (Friello and Askinas) put him in a bad spot and he's a nice guy caught in the middle.
Chuong is a friend of mine. I don't think he even applied to USAT. Last i remember he said that he was reffing AAU.

Do you know if Master Pham (from MD) will be referee-ing at USAT? He was caught in the middle of USAT and AAU not too long ago. So I was wondering if he too was denied. They (Friello and Askinas) put him in a bad spot and he's a nice guy caught in the middle.

He put hmself in a bad spot by not knowing what side of the fence he was on. He decided to take who ever had the better offer and it's just that simple!

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