I could do with a little help



Hey Folks, i was just wondering if any of you could tell me where if possible i could find a written version of the first form(yelliow) in american Kenpo preferably down loadable from the net. I've just started it and am keen to learn and experience as much as possible. When i say i've just started i mean a month which seem's pretty small comparded to some of you out there. If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.Thanks.
Have you learned it from your instructor yet? Better to start there, rather than trying to translate what someone has written. Once you learn it, take your own notes for reference.
Welcome to the Board Hi Roller :)

Most instructors vary in their teachings.. so absolutely what Flying Crane offers.. wait and see what your Instructor teaches you.. I know I've seen a dozen different ways the tecs and forms are done online.. so be patient and you won't get confused if you get ahold of something totally unlike what your school teaches.

Good luck

Flying Crane and Tess are right, you are better off writing out your own version to avoid confusion, but if you really want it now, just do a google search for Kenpo Forms and you should be set.
I can only echo what the others have said. There may be slight differences between what your instructor is teaching and what others are doing. It would be best to learn from your inst. first.

One of those little spiral note pads (3 x 6) and a short pencil fits very nice and conveniently inside a gi top during lessons. I used to do that and frequently pull it out to make notes... Wear a t-shirt so you don't sweat too much on the note pad. Take it out during sparring and other appropriate times.
KenpoTess said:
Most instructors vary in their teachings.. so absolutely what Flying Crane offers.. wait and see what your Instructor teaches you.. I know I've seen a dozen different ways the tecs and forms are done online.. so be patient and you won't get confused if you get ahold of something totally unlike what your school teaches.Tess

Wise words from the beautiful sage.

Tess is dead right, your Instructor will want you doing the form the way it's done in his school, not on the internet.

A good option, though, is to learn it and then find it online so if you forget you can review.

www.kenpousa.com has great resources.
Tess flying cane and the rest are right do it your school way first, your teacher have earned the right to teach you and you gave him that right. Remember be loyal to those that teach and they inturn will be loyal to you.
If you want a written step-by-step, we have them on kenpotalk.com. Great as a reference tool, but I'd still suggest an experienced instructor who can fine-tune your movements.
Are you training under Mr Downey over there?
If you are I would definately suggest approaching him (he is a great guy) with any problems you might have, and he could give you so many answers it would make your head spin...

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