Htf tkd?

Well, Hwarang Do and Taekwon-Do are a bit Historially Related. I imagine a Blend isnt much of a Far Cry.
I think it's an organization in the Northwestern US. If I'm correct, a member here "Fluffy" is a part of them. He hasn't been on here in awhile, tho.
Yes, I mean the organization in the northwest, though we are the only HTF TKD school in Canada. I did not mean "Hwa-rang-do" :)
Welcome aboard, either way. We're all one more-or-less related art here. Kinda like most extended families, not everybody looks the same and not everybody is nice to each other all the time, but we mostly manage. Lots of good conversations if you hang around a little.
Sounds good to me... we are a smaller federation than ITF or WTF so I was just posting to see if anyone here is HTF or even knows about us LOL. :)
Well, Hwarang Do and Taekwon-Do are a bit Historially Related. I imagine a Blend isnt much of a Far Cry.

Their only relation is that they were developed in Korea. They do not have any true ties to each other as far as deep historical roots. ie. TKD is not derived from the ancient art of the Hwarang warriors.
Good to know.... yeah just to clarify, HTF is NOT hwa-rang-do. "Hwa Rang Taekwondo Federation" is what I'm talking about.
I know this - I didnt mean the Arts themselves, i meant the NAME you people :D
I'm just making sure I'm being clear, I'm new here lol and I realize how the two could get confused, sorry Cy.

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