How would you handle this ???



have 1 easy question for everybody here. Take your time to answer it as it is in real situation ok?

you are walking down the street and 1 punk comes up to you and throws a punch at you. You execute techniques and the guy is on the floor. He is not dead.

1-You would run away and pretend NOTHING happen
2-Wait for a cop to arrive and file a report and go to court to explain to judge what was hapenning.

that are 2 options. Which one will you choose and why?

thanks all.
Originally posted by webpage20022003
have 1 easy question for everybody here. Take your time to answer it as it is in real situation ok?

you are walking down the street and 1 punk comes up to you and throws a punch at you. You execute techniques and the guy is on the floor. He is not dead.

1-You would run away and pretend NOTHING happen
2-Wait for a cop to arrive and file a report and go to court to explain to judge what was hapenning.

that are 2 options. Which one will you choose and why?

thanks all.

I would WALK away and pretend nothing happened! :asian:
If there were no witnesses, I'd walk away.
If there WERE witnesses, I'd wait for the police.
Originally posted by Kirk
If there were no witnesses, I'd walk away.
If there WERE witnesses, I'd wait for the police.

Good point. But as long as the witnesses don't know me, then who would care? All they could do is give a description. And if the guy was alive then it wouldn't matter anyway, because the witnesses would have probably seen him attack me anyway. :)
Originally posted by jeffkyle
Good point. But as long as the witnesses don't know me, then who would care? All they could do is give a description. And if the guy was alive then it wouldn't matter anyway, because the witnesses would have probably seen him attack me anyway. :)

Ah, good point! Something to think about.
Originally posted by jeffkyle
Good point. But as long as the witnesses don't know me, then who would care? All they could do is give a description. And if the guy was alive then it wouldn't matter anyway, because the witnesses would have probably seen him attack me anyway. :)

But an extension to this is that "1 punk" will almost never be "1 punk." He'll probably have at least 1 friend. That 1(or more) friend will be at least 1 witness who will claim that you were the attacker. If you walk away, that 1(+) friend may convince the others of the same. All they have to do is to just plant a seed of doubt so that when the cops question them, they get, "Well, I'm not really sure." instead of "This is what happened."

Personally, if there were "witnesses", I would put my back a wall (in case the assumed nearby friend decides to try something) and call the cops on my cell phone. Then I'd prepare my statement while I waited for them.

But I'm a pretty memorable guy and most witnesses would be able to describe me pretty well. I'd probably get picked up from their descriptions.

If there were no witnesses, and I was sure there were no witnesses, then I'd probably keep walking.

And I may keep walking regardless ... depending on how I feel at that specific moment. And depending on the exact situation. If I just dodge his punch and stick my foot out so his own momentum trips him, then I won't stop. I'll just keep going because to any witnesses, it'll look like the guy just tripped.

Originally posted by pesilat
But an extension to this is that "1 punk" will almost never be "1 punk." He'll probably have at least 1 friend. That 1(or more) friend will be at least 1 witness who will claim that you were the attacker. If you walk away, that 1(+) friend may convince the others of the same. All they have to do is to just plant a seed of doubt so that when the cops question them, they get, "Well, I'm not really sure." instead of "This is what happened."

If that person had 1+ friends there then they would ALL probably be on you then the whole scenario would change. Then you would be fighting them all probably. And after anyone else saw 1 person beat up 2 or more others (given that is the case), then they would probably tell the story as it happened because they would be impressed that it turned out that way. What may probably happen if it was one on one and the friends were there as witnesses and you won, they would probably pick their friend up and tell him he got what he deserved and get out of there because none of them would want to stick around either with the possibility of everyone getting in trouble.
Originally posted by jeffkyle
If that person had 1+ friends there then they would ALL probably be on you then the whole scenario would change. Then you would be fighting them all probably. And after anyone else saw 1 person beat up 2 or more others (given that is the case), then they would probably tell the story as it happened because they would be impressed that it turned out that way. What may probably happen if it was one on one and the friends were there as witnesses and you won, they would probably pick their friend up and tell him he got what he deserved and get out of there because none of them would want to stick around either with the possibility of everyone getting in trouble.

Not always.
Person A is the mugger. Person B is the backup to prevent you from running away. Or Person A is the distraction while Person B picks your pocket. Or Person A attacks and Person B "saves" you to gain your confidence then offers to buy you a drink at a little bar he knows, just the next block over through this alley ... once you're off the street, then you get jumped by several guys.

There are innumerable scenarios where you don't immediately have to fight all the bad guys. If you finish the first one quickly, the other(s) may decide you're not an easy enough target ("honor among thieves" my eye).

Originally posted by pesilat
Not always.
Person A is the mugger. Person B is the backup to prevent you from running away. Or Person A is the distraction while Person B picks your pocket. Or Person A attacks and Person B "saves" you to gain your confidence then offers to buy you a drink at a little bar he knows, just the next block over through this alley ... once you're off the street, then you get jumped by several guys.

There are innumerable scenarios where you don't immediately have to fight all the bad guys. If you finish the first one quickly, the other(s) may decide you're not an easy enough target ("honor among thieves" my eye).


There are ALWAYS a number of scenarios that can occur. I was just trying to play along with the basic question without analyzing the heck about what CAN happen with multiple opponents, guns, knives, etc. We could go on and on about this all day.
Originally posted by jeffkyle
There are ALWAYS a number of scenarios that can occur. I was just trying to play along with the basic question without analyzing the heck about what CAN happen with multiple opponents, guns, knives, etc. We could go on and on about this all day.

Yup. I was just pointing out that we can't always rely on the witnesses being on our side. Even if there are no other friends to muddy the waters, we can't really rely on the witnesses. Very often, the fight happens so quickly that the witnesses (who probalby weren't paying attention when it started) have no idea who started it. All they see is one guy ending up on the ground.

Originally posted by pesilat
Yup. I was just pointing out that we can't always rely on the witnesses being on our side. Even if there are no other friends to muddy the waters, we can't really rely on the witnesses. Very often, the fight happens so quickly that the witnesses (who probalby weren't paying attention when it started) have no idea who started it. All they see is one guy ending up on the ground.


I never said i would expect witnesses to be on my side. Just that if they didn't know who i was...the chances of me getting caught are alot slimmer. And probably not enough to worry about.
Everything depends on the scenario. You giving us a brief outline of the 'incident' isn't enough for us to judge what we would do, i don't think. It would depend on numerous factors.
oh!..very good discussion..I would leave the scene...and be wary as I did.
Many of you through multiple scenarios into a simple question.

(A) Do I call the police and maybe go before the judge?

(B) Do I walk away like nothing happened?

I personally would stay and call the police... if the "punk" is already wanted for some other crimes, you may be doing the police a favor. If you walk away he may do the same assault again on someone who is not so skilled & this time he may be successful, possibly hurting someone else.
You have the right to defend yourself no matter what the juristiction. Chances are he's done this before and the law will be on your side.

P.S. if he hasn't done this before then it is your word against his...and if your were the "bad" guy, you would have not called the police in the first place.
walk away... no sense in waiting around to see if he has any buddies near by or waiting on the police which would probably be slow as hell getting there
Originally posted by kkbb
I personally would stay and call the police... if the "punk" is already wanted for some other crimes, you may be doing the police a favor. If you walk away he may do the same assault again on someone who is not so skilled & this time he may be successful, possibly hurting someone else.

Great Point! I didn't think of that! It doesn't hurt to stack one more charge against that person, because they probably already have a stack against them already. Not that it matters to them...obviously. But you could be helping some defensless person down the road.

P.S. if he hasn't done this before then it is your word against his...and if your were the "bad" guy, you would have not called the police in the first place.

But the court doesn't care WHO called the cops first. All they want to know is the story of WHAT happened. And if the other person can make up a good lie or manipulate the story well, then going to court may not be a good thing.
There is no guarantee that the law will be on your side just because he attacked you first. You beat the crap out of him...and the law may think it was too much and you end up getting punished for it as well.
Originally posted by jeffkyle
But the court doesn't care WHO called the cops first. All they want to know is the story of WHAT happened.

Don't know about that.

Here's a story that happened to a friend of my dad's (FWIW). A man broke into his house. He shot the intruder in the leg. The intruder made it out the door. Dad's friend let him go. A while later, the cops showed up at the door and arrested dad's friend. The cops told him, "Yeah, this guy is a known thief and has other breaking & entering charges. But he claims his car broke down and he was here to use th phone. You had some sort of argument and shot him. It doesn't hold any water ... but he called us and reported it so now we've got to take you in."

Dad's friend asked what he should have done. The cop responded, "You should have killed him before he got out of your yard then called us. Or called us as soon as he was out of the house."

The charges against dad's friend were dropped ... but not before he spent a few hours in jail, spent bail money, and some legal fees (when the guy brought a civil suit against him).

Originally posted by pesilat
Don't know about that.

Here's a story that happened to a friend of my dad's (FWIW). A man broke into his house. He shot the intruder in the leg. The intruder made it out the door. Dad's friend let him go. A while later, the cops showed up at the door and arrested dad's friend. The cops told him, "Yeah, this guy is a known thief and has other breaking & entering charges. But he claims his car broke down and he was here to use th phone. You had some sort of argument and shot him. It doesn't hold any water ... but he called us and reported it so now we've got to take you in."

Dad's friend asked what he should have done. The cop responded, "You should have killed him before he got out of your yard then called us. Or called us as soon as he was out of the house."

The charges against dad's friend were dropped ... but not before he spent a few hours in jail, spent bail money, and some legal fees (when the guy brought a civil suit against him).


That only applies to the cops, not the courts. The cops usually take everyone to jail, and then let the courts handle it from there.
And i do have to agree...Dead men tell no stories...except now a days with all the great testing that the medical people can do on a dead body. But either matter what you do, you will probably go to jail...if only for a little while....IF you stick around, or get caught later.

Back to the fight subject. EVEN if you call first, you will probably go to jail, and then have to worry about court later. IF you walk away, and the other person isn't dead, then chances of you ever having to face anything else are slim. Unless that person makes a life goal to find you and hurt or even kill you later.
Originally posted by jeffkyle
That only applies to the cops, not the courts. The cops usually take everyone to jail, and then let the courts handle it from there.
And i do have to agree...Dead men tell no stories...except now a days with all the great testing that the medical people can do on a dead body. But either matter what you do, you will probably go to jail...if only for a little while....IF you stick around, or get caught later.

Yup. And that's where the old saw of, "Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6" comes in.

Personally, at this point in my life, I'd probably call the cops just because I'd rather deal with it now than spend the next couple of days wondering if the cops were going to show up. I've done that once (same scenario you described, at least in concept/results). I spent the rest of that night wondering if the guy had gotten my license plate as I drove off and whether the cops were going to show up at my door.
