How many of you actually prefer to go to the ground?


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
The Desert
From what I've read, many TKD schools don't teach or put much emphasis on ground fighting. I feel fortunate that I go to a school that doesn't subscribe to that train of thought as I feel it's a very real part of self defense.

In thinking about it and talking with other students, I came to realize that though I'm comfortable in my standing abilities, I'm a bit odd in that I still actually prefer going to the ground.

Is it so strange? How many of you TKD practitioners actually prefer going to the ground? Or am I really that much of a minority?
I actually don't prefer it as to I'm comfitable enough when it happens. Everybody should have some ground work just for the simple fact most fights end up there.
Probably, I imagine most that prefer the ground didn't pick TKD ;)

But, in many ways the ground is safer, it is easier to control the other person (at least if you are better) and you take a number of the wild cards out.

On the ground your not going to get stuck by a lucky haymaker or anything like that if you have the guy pinned and under control. So if you can control the person you will get hit a lot less, and what you do get hit with will lack the power.

From a self-defence perspective I'd consider ground work essential, but whether or not it would be prefered would have to depend on the situation. Sometimes it might be the best thing to do, other times the worst.
I prefer to go to the ground...

but I'm not a TKD guy. If you're not careful you might start liking it too much you might find yourself becoming a 'closet' grappler. ;)
It may just be because of the way I grew up. I was a tiny thin little guy and had no chance against bigger kids (which was everyone) and bringing it to the ground worked for me for the exact reasons you mentioned.

Even though now that I'm no longer little by any standards, I think the years of that style are what made me comfortable at it. Oh and considerably better. :)

Still, I'm surprised it would be all that rare.
green meanie said:
I prefer to go to the ground...

but I'm not a TKD guy. If you're not careful you might start liking it too much you might find yourself becoming a 'closet' grappler. ;)

:xtrmshock NOOOO!

Actually, reading my own posts, I think I already am...:)
im no TKD student
but i HATE going to the ground
that's when i fight the hardest, when someone tries to take me to the ground.. i hate it!
mantis said:
im no TKD student
but i HATE going to the ground
that's when i fight the hardest, when someone tries to take me to the ground.. i hate it!

Not to digress, but what's your best method of staying "up"?

And why do you hate the ground so much?
Gemini said:
Not to digress, but what's your best method of staying "up"?

And why do you hate the ground so much?
because i never know what to do when im on the ground... it's one of my greatest weaknesses.

i can get away by trying to always go lower than my opponent, or be relaxed enough and go the direction they want me to go to without going down. if they know what they are doing they will bring me down, whether im fluid or not, but at least i try not to go there, and i try to distract them from their attempts by, i hate to say, but grabbing the eye or fingernails... (i do not have enough courage to reach to someone's groin...)
I don't mind going to the ground, and would prefer it sometimes. Maybe that is partly because I wrestled in Jr. High and High school, which helps in some ways, but some of those learned responses can hurt big time in other ways (ie DON'T BASE UP!).

Contrary to some experiences posted here; being a bigger guy, I would rather take a smaller person down as I think it would be easier to control the fight. Maybe someone (Gemini?) can explain why a smaller person would want to take the fight down and what advantages that smaller person would have on the ground. Thanks!
crushing said:
Contrary to some experiences posted here; being a bigger guy, I would rather take a smaller person down as I think it would be easier to control the fight. Maybe someone (Gemini?) can explain why a smaller person would want to take the fight down and what advantages that smaller person would have on the ground. Thanks!

Hi. I'm a little guy who likes the ground so perhaps I can help. One of the reasons why I think the ground is a bit of an equalizer is your height and reach become a lot easier to deal with. On our feet you might be a foot taller and be able to nail me before I can get close enough to counter. If we're both lying on the ground your height and reach become less of an issue or, often times, longer an issue at all.
after doing TKD for about 8 years, I started taking BJJ class. I definitely enjoy grappling over stand-up fighting, but partly because it is something new...
crushing said:
Contrary to some experiences posted here; being a bigger guy, I would rather take a smaller person down as I think it would be easier to control the fight. Maybe someone (Gemini?) can explain why a smaller person would want to take the fight down and what advantages that smaller person would have on the ground. Thanks!

I'll give it a go :)

On the ground it becomes easier to negate striking power. So against a larger opponent that isn't familliar with ground fighting you can latch on to them in ways that make it difficult for them to hurt you.

You also have a way of finishing the person. Imagine a 10 year old swinging at you. Even if let them connect they are very unlikely to knock you out, but if you let them apply a choke it's a different story.

Most people also tend to have basic boxing abilities, even if it is just swinging, most people have thrown punches before, probably been punched before and seen quite a few boxing matches. On the other hand most people have no idea how to pass a guard, avoid a arm bar or escape a mount without giving up their back.

But size / strength definately do mean a lot. If it didn't grappling matches wouldn't have weight classes. So a bigger guy, with even basic grappling will easily dominate a smaller guy with nothing. After a few weeks training most people can dominate guys their size / strength, after a few months they do it easily.
The MMA kid! said:
after doing TKD for about 8 years, I started taking BJJ class. I definitely enjoy grappling over stand-up fighting, but partly because it is something new...
So which would you say you're better at and do you think that will hold true in the future? I mean, in my case, I was always better on the ground, but as time went on, I actually became more effective standing up. Something I thought would NEVER happen. But even in that, I'm still more "comfortable" on the ground.
Andrew Green said:
I'll give it a go :)

On the ground it becomes easier to negate striking power. So against a larger opponent that isn't familliar with ground fighting you can latch on to them in ways that make it difficult for them to hurt you.

You also have a way of finishing the person. Imagine a 10 year old swinging at you. Even if let them connect they are very unlikely to knock you out, but if you let them apply a choke it's a different story.

Most people also tend to have basic boxing abilities, even if it is just swinging, most people have thrown punches before, probably been punched before and seen quite a few boxing matches. On the other hand most people have no idea how to pass a guard, avoid a arm bar or escape a mount without giving up their back.

But size / strength definately do mean a lot. If it didn't grappling matches wouldn't have weight classes. So a bigger guy, with even basic grappling will easily dominate a smaller guy with nothing. After a few weeks training most people can dominate guys their size / strength, after a few months they do it easily.
crushing, I'm glad you posed the question. Gives a good angle from the other side with a completely different perspective. Andrew I think has answered it pretty well. It wasn't so much what I could do, but more what they couldn't. Negating someone's power is pretty easy when they don't know what you're doing.
I am also much more "comfortable" on the ground, in that if i fight a guy i know nothing about, i will try to wrestle the guy to the ground instead of striking him. especially if they are drunk/ if i don't want to inflict a lot of damage to the person.

as far as what I am better at, I am beter at standing up, but my future is being well rounded. considering that I have only done grappling for 1 year, my future will be in grappling.

I go to sleep thinking about grappling in place of the kicking and punching I once constantly had in my head.
When I go to the ground I either want to hurt you or hold you. If there is a serious situation where the safety of others are concerened I will put them on the ground droping 400lbs from four feet generally not good for them. As for holding them I give them the fewest degrees of freedom and let gravity where them out.